Traveling At the Speed of Plot: Difference between revisions

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* The Disney animated version of ''[[Sleeping Beauty (Disney film)|Sleeping Beauty]]'' falls prey to this one. Prince Philip returns from the woods where he has met the girl of his dreams. When his father shows disinterest, Philip spurs his horse around and leaves at a gallop. Between that moment and his arrival at the cottage, the good fairies inform the girl that she is a princess and escort her back to the castle on foot, night falls, and the evil sorceress arrives at the cottage to set a trap for him.
** Notice also that Philip makes it back to the castle in less time than it takes Aurora to get back to the cottage from her errand, unless we are to assume these events are purposely presented out of order.
* ''[[Star Trek]]'':
* In ''[[Star Trek: First Contact|First Contact]]'' the Enterprise E travels from the Romulan Neutral Zone to Earth in the time a single star ship battle is going on, i.e, around 2–3 hours. Depending on what part of the Zone they were patrolling, this would require crossing a substantial portion of Federation space in a very short time.
** TheIn first''[[Star partTrek: ofFirst theContact|First battle (whenContact]]'' the Enterprise wasE attravels from the Romulan neutralNeutral zone)Zone wasto atEarth in the Typhontime sectora andsingle thestar Enterpriseship arrivedbattle inis timegoing toon, intercepti.e, around 2–3 hours. Depending on what part of the cubeZone asthey itwere reachedpatrolling, Earth.this Wewould don'trequire knowcrossing howa farsubstantial fromportion Earthof theFederation Typhonspace sectorin isa thoughvery short time.
*** The first part of the battle (when the Enterprise was at the Romulan neutral zone) was at the Typhon sector and the Enterprise arrived in time to intercept the cube as it reached Earth. We don't know how far from Earth the Typhon sector is though.
**** If the Typhon sector is where the Typhon Expanse is located, then it must be fairly distant, since that expanse was uncharted as of TNG: "Cause and Effect." According to the book ''Star Trek Star Charts'', the Typhon Expanse is a little bit ''beyond'' Romulan space relative to the Federation—so at the time the battle began, the ''Enterprise'' might actually have been ''closer'' to Earth than the Borg were. That must have been one very long running battle.
** In ''[[Star Trek: Nemesis|Nemesis]]'', Shinzon's ship is going to be able to travel from Romulus (presumably deep in the Beta Quadrant) in roughly two days—still an amount of time that is bizarrely short when compared to travel times mentioned in the TNG TV series—which means that either the Enterprise E travels at the speed of plot or the Romulan Empire is so large that traveling from its capital to its edge requires at least 40 more hours than getting from the Neutral Zone to Earth.
** Used in J.J. Abrams' ''[[Star Trek (film)|Star Trek]]'', when the U.S.S. Enterprise - which is over [[Bigger Is Better|three times bigger]] than the original - seemingly takes only 3 minutes to go from {{spoiler|Earth to Vulcan}}. However, the sequence actually takes significantly longer than it appears to, since Kirk wakes up from being knocked out by a sedative after mere moments of screen time, in which McCoy has had time to change his uniform. [[Word of God]] is that the editing deliberately glossed over the passage of time to create the illusion of a real-time immersive experience.
* ''[[Pirates of the Caribbean]]:[[The Curse of the Black Pearl]]'': The Black Pearl is the fastest ship in the Caribbean, and the ghost pirates are suffering from a horrible curse. So after they abduct Elizabeth Swan, mistaking her for the one they need to break the curse, they would presumably head straight back to Isla de Muerta to do just that. Meanwhile, Will Turner wakes up the next day and, after an unsuccessful conversation with Norrington, breaks Jack Sparrow out of prison. The two steal a ship and sail for Tortuga where they recruit a crew. Then they proceed to Isla de Muerta. Will and Jacks' path is much longer than the ghost pirates, yet they arrive before the ceremony to lift the curse begins. Perhaps the ghost pirates aren't in quite the hurry we would expect.
** Happens again after Jack and Elizabeth are marooned. With Will in custody, the pirates now have the real person they need. Yet Jack and Elizabeth spend the night on the island before being rescued by the Royal Navy. With Jack's navigation they reach Isla de Muerta, and again it's before the ceremony has started.