• Crowning Moment of Funny: Jo and Bill are being chased by the Big Bad F5 Tornado. They run towards a farm and dodge fence pickets thrown by the tornado. A giant tractor flies at them and they duck under it. Then they run into a barn and realize that the owners stuffed it with scythes, pitchforks, and knives.

Jo Harding: Oh my God, who are these people?

    • "Where's my truck?"
    • And of course Melissa's reaction to the cows.
    • And after they run through a house, a teddy bear smacks against the windshield, complete with a comical squeaky noise.
  • Crowning Music of Awesome: The main licensed track for the film is Van Halen's "Humans Being", which is basically an excuse for epically long Eddie Van Halen guitar solos. Van Halen also composed the instrumental played in the credits, "Respect The Wind", which basically IS an epically long Eddie Van Halen guitar solo.
    • Harsher in Hindsight: Shame that very song was what eventually made Sammy Haggar quit the band after Eddie rewrote his lyrics for being "too corny".
  • Designated Hero: Bill. He gets engaged to a woman while he's still married, drags her along into a highly dangerous situation to find his current wife, assaults Jonas in front of news reporters, then dumps his fiancee and runs off with Jo.
    • Actually, Melissa terminates the relationship; Bill believes he's put his old crazy life of tornado chasing with Jo behind him, until it's all put back in front of him again.
  • Designated Villain: Jonas. All he wants is to fund his company.
  • Harsher in Hindsight - in May 2010, some of the shooting locations in Oklahoma got hit by tornadoes. [1]
  • Plot Hole: Jonas makes a sarcastic comment about Bill's job performance on a job Bill doesn't have yet.
  • Ron the Death Eater: Okay, we get it, Jonas isn't a very villainous villain. But when it's gotten to the point that you're trying to make it sound like the stormchasers broke into Aunt Meg's house and put a gun to her head to make her feed them, Jo's team has definitely been Death Eatered.
  • Snark Bait: Some critics (Roger Ebert among them) had a little too much fun riffing on the film's coinage of the term "suck zone".
  • Special Effect Failure: Most of the film's special effects were incredibly advanced and are still amazing to look at. However, the CGI cows just don't hold up these days, especially on the small screen.
    • The scene of the truck exploding was pretty lousy even for its time.
    • The sound the tornado makes is rather unrealistic as well, due to it being a very slowed-down camel grunt.
      • Survivors and witnesses of tornadoes have described a plethora of various sounds made by them: a gigantic overloaded washing machine, a thousand screaming pigs, hundred of lions roaring at once, the world's largest jet engine, etc. The sound effects team ended up using over four hundred different sounds for the six tornadoes, and all of them are used for the F5 tornado.
    • In the shot where they suddenly stop and make a detour while chasing a tornado, you can see Jonas' convoy pass them, then switch camera angles and you see Jonas' convoy pass them again, and another camera angle switch and see Jonas' convoy pass them yet again!
      • And in the cow scene, you can see traffic going the opposite way in the rear window of the Dodge Ram.
  • Visual Effects of Awesome - Despite what's listed in the Special Effects Failure trope, the film still features some impressive special effects.