UHF (film): Difference between revisions

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* [[Science Marches On]]: An interesting tidbit in the very beginning at Big Edna's. You can see a sign in the background saying that they cook all of their meat "medium with a pink center unless otherwise specified". This was in 1989 and ''not a joke'', as it was before the 1993 [[wikipedia:Jack in the Box#E. coli disaster|Jack-in-the-Box E coli disaster]] in which four children died and hundreds of others became sick in the Seattle area as well as California, Idaho and Nevada, after eating undercooked and contaminated meat from Jack in the Box. These days '''all''' meat is cooked well done unless specified, and menus have warnings against eating undercooked meats.
** Though to be fair, ''pink'' beef can still be hot enough to kill bacteria. It's ''red'' beef that's trouble.
** [[Technology Marches On]]: The UHF band in general. The launch of [[FOX]] TV as a fourth US commercial network in 1986 meant twelve VHF TV channels (which had been enough for three stations in each major market) were no longer adequate; meanwhile the TV sets have improved. Digital transition meant many longtime [[NBC]] and [[CBS]] affiliates who'd claimed low channels like "2" or "6" early as prime spots for their 1950s analogue signals found these frequencies too plagued with impulse noise to be useful digitally and begrudgingly moved up the dial, leaving low-VHF an over-the-air wasteland. In the HDTV era, UHF is getting crowded; the number of available vacant channels has dropped as governments realise they can sell this frequency spectrum to mobile telephone companies for billions of dollars.
* [[Screw Politeness, I'm a Senior!]]: R.J. Fletcher
* [[Severely Specialized Store]]: Spatula City.
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* [[Smug Snake]]: RJ Fletcher.
* [[Styrofoam Rocks]]: Parodied. In the opening sequence, a rock bounces right off George Newman's head mid-fantasy and does nothing to him.
* [[Technology Marches On]]: The UHF band in general. There's a long history which (at least in the US) goes back to [[The Fifties]] - although the history in other countries (like the UK) will differ:
** After years of experimentation, TV was publicly demonstrated by NBC (then WNBT channel 1, on the Empire State building) as a curiosity at the 1939 World's Fair in [[New York City]]. With no stations in most markets (and [[World War 2]] as a distraction which pushed TV tinkering aside in favour of radar tinkering) it languished until after the war. Channel 1 was lost to land-mobile radio in 1948 and a few channels above VHF 13 were lost to the military; with only twelve possible channels, the hundred or so original stations in 1948 were routinely interfering with each other. The Federal Communications Commission stopped issuing any new TV licences for three years while they decided how to fix the mess; ultimately they opened seventy new channels (UHF 14-83, 470-890MHz) in the then-unproven UHF spectrum. NBC launched "Operation Bridgeport" as a test station, rebroadcasting their NYC station's signal into a community in Connecticut. By 1954, a hundred underpowered UHF stations went on the air... and eighty of them went out of business within the first year. Apparently the feds didn't think to require set makers include UHF tuners until the 1964 model year, and the early tuners were of such poor quality that UHF TV licences in any given city were routinely spaced at least six channels apart. The end result was seventy channels of not much except static. With 12 channels, each major city could usually be given three (adequate for [[NBC]] and [[CBS]] as the two main networks of the era, although perennially third-ranked [[ABC]] often ended up on outlying stations in places like Muskogee, Oklahoma) and fourth-ranked [[DuMont]] was doomed (out of business by 1956).
** By the late 1960s, three stations was no longer enough, due to the need to accommodate educational television (NET and its eventual successor, [[PBS]]) and programming in other languages (such as Spanish). In the largest cities, there were more stations than viable mainstream networks, leaving more than a few struggling big-city "independents" to fill most of their schedules with live sports and old movies. The strongest stations, established early by the existing NBC and CBS network AM radio affiliates, tended to hold the prime spots at the lower end of the VHF dial. ABC often landed on high-VHF channels (to the point where the single-line '7' in a circle is a distinctive logo for many ABC owned-and-operated stations) while PBS, independents or niche broadcasters were relegated to the UHF wilderness. Home antenna installations with a huge, professionally-installed VHF antenna on the roof and a bent metal coathanger of a folded dipole dangling from the back of the set to get the lone educational UHF station were not uncommon in the early days; even if an antenna were designed for "82 channel" coverage the best that could be done was "up to 100 miles VHF, 60 miles UHF" as the longer-wavelength VHF signal was more capable of bending a bit to get around obstacles.
** Over-the-air TV began to lose viewers to cable TV in the 1970s; the cable companies could install one antenna per station on the tallest point in the city, shift the received signals to other channels, boost them and distribute them. This moved signals which were UHF over the air to VHF on some arbitrary channel on the cable. The TV sets were also slowly improving; by the mid to late 1980s it was no longer necessary to use separate tuners for UHF and VHF, nor was it necessary to endlessly 'clunk' through seventy empty channels to find the few UHF stations available in glorious fuzzy analogue.
** The launch of [[FOX]] TV as a fourth US commercial network in 1986 was a tipping point; it ensured that twelve VHF TV channels (which had been enough for three stations in each major market) were no longer adequate. Fox was built on a core group of owned-and-operated stations which trace their ancestry to the failed [[DuMont]] network thirty years prior, but its parent News Corporation has deeper pockets and could buy better programming. Many former independents were quick to join the nascent fourth major commercial US network. By 1994, Fox was openly poaching affiliates from the established networks and outbidding CBS for NFL games. New World Communications switched a dozen of its stations from CBS to Fox, forcing CBS onto UHF in Atlanta, Austin and Cleveland. CBS ended up on a very poor UHF channel assignment in Milwaukee and ended up purchasing U-62 station WGPR Detroit (now WWJ-TV) outright for $24 million out of pure desperation. Yup, the same frequency way up the dial which "Weird Al" figured no sane broadcaster would want only five years earlier. Oh well.
** Satellite TV was also a major "equaliser" as UHF stations like Ted Turner's WTBS 17 Atlanta got picked up nationally. Canadian cable companies were prone to pulling stations from Shaw's CANCOM satellite feed and dumping "U-62 Détroit" into distant communities as far afield as Newfoundland. Eventually, in some cases the Détroit HDTV feeds started turning up on cable in Canadian border communities which already had perfectly viable in-region US stations which would have been more than adequate.
** The final straw that broke the "UHF as underpowered independent station" [[Dead Horse Trope]]? The digital transition after the turn of the millennium. The new system worked very well on UHF and very poorly on low-VHF due to a form of interference known as "impulse noise". The digital system contained a few extra bits in the signal as spares for "forward error correction" - if the interference is small-scale random white noise which only clobbers a random bit now and then, the new TV's could correct those errors and - to a point - display a perfect HDTV picture right up to the point where the video goes off a "digital cliff". When there are too many errors to correct, audio and video break up and freeze entirely - but until then, everything looks perfect. By contrast, the "impulse noise" dumped by motors and appliances on the formerly-valuable low-VHF channels came in bursts, periodically wiping out the entire channel for some brief fraction of a second. That's not so easy to fix these days. Because the DTV signal is digitally compressed, it takes a second or two for the receiver to find its place in the image and recover - and by then the next burst of impulse noise will have wiped everything out again. Stations which had used a UHF channel for their HDTV during the period (roughly 2003-2009, depending on market) when the old signal was running in parallel on VHF often simply left the digital TV on UHF when the transition was over. VHF 2-6, once some of the most valuable spectrum in broadcasting, was a [[Ghost Town]] and an empty wasteland. There were even a few suggestions that VHF 5 and 6 be dropped to provide space to extend the now-crowded FM radio band, although this was never implemented.
** In the meantime, mobile telephone companies have their own beady eyes on huge chunks of the now-valuable UHF spectrum, which is getting crowded. The number of available vacant channels has dropped; UHF 14-83 becomes UHF 14-69 becomes UHF 14-51 becomes UHF 14-36 with stations forced to move to lower channels as governments realise they can sell this frequency spectrum to mobile telephone companies for billions of dollars. In some cases, the government has even paid longtime broadcasters (including Boston [[PBS]] flagship WGBH) to move back to VHF channels which no one wants, so that precious UHF spectrum can be auctioned and sold.
* [[Temporary Substitute]]: Anthony Geary wasn't originally planned to play Philo; one of Al's favorite comics, [[Joel Hodgson]], was. But he couldn't accept the role. Before you go "aw, man!" keep in mind that Joel had turned it down due to being burned out in Los Angeles and returning to Minneapolis, where he ended up starting [[Mystery Science Theater 3000|his own little show]] on its own UHF station KTMA.
* [[They Just Didn't Care]]: Parodied with ''[[Gandhi]] II'', which deliberately misses the entire point of the original movie (and, for that matter, [[Critical Research Failure|Mahatma Gandhi's way of life]]).