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* [[Angst? What Angst?]]:
** Despite being drugged by a cult and effectively raped by Maggotbone Sr. and the occasional night terrors she experiences, Callie's mom feels no ill will towards either party and is implied to have at least tried to pursue a relationship with Maggotbone before leaving to raise Callie (whom she adores) on her own.
** This was retconned in "Callie's Little Sister" - turns out she was dating [[Frank Sinatra]], and Mack (Callie's father) offered to impregnate her in exchange for her soul, and getting him out of his [[Arranged Marriage]] with Twayne's mother, Violet.
* [[Early Installment Weirdness]]: Twain's Alpha Male personality in the first few episodes is a harsh juxtaposition with his later, more effeminate personality that grows stronger each episode.
* [[Ensemble Darkhorse]]:
** Leonard, definitely.
** Doug. Started as just another person at Mark's workplace that [[Single Tear|cried]] [[Once an Episode|once an episode]]. Then became Mark's assistant and now has an expanded backstory as {{spoiler|a Bolivian assassin trying to start over.}}
* [[Evil Is Sexy]]:
** Callie Maggotbone. She'll definitely show you her softer side.
** Her sister Lilith counts as well, being arguably ''hotter'' than Callie. Or just the [[Red Eyes, Take Warning|flaming eyes]].
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** The [[Ho Yay]] between Randall and Mark is taken [[Up to Eleven]] in "Mummy Dearest", with their lease agreement becoming an analogy for marriage - to the point that Mark ''proposes'' at the end of the episode, and Randall hangs a pretty heavy [[Lampshade]] on it.
{{quote|'''Randall:''' Well, I kinda wanted to the guy in this scenario... but '''yes!'''}}
* [[Nightmare Fuel]]:
** Callie's giant demonic form. Not something you want to meet in a dark alley, or even a lit one.
** Callie's demon form must be pretty tame compared to others since we don't even get to ''see the face'' of Lilith's demonic form--who is also about 10 times the size of Callie's.
** Then there's the Larry King horde. BRR...
* [[Paranoia Fuel]]: Clark Dungaree is watching you. No matter where you are. And he's making a new hit show about it.
* [[Squick]]:
** In "Pilot", a taxi driver of seemingly Jamaican decent complains to Mark about how his sister [[HotImprobable Skitty-On-WailordSpecies ActionCompatibility|married a land whale]]. If we are to believe his sister is human, well... do with that what you will. Most of the series will probably embody this trope as well, as it comes from the same people who did Superjail.
** The less mention of Twayne in a man-thong, the better. And those barbell nipple-rings. Ugh.
** To some, that may be [[Fan Service]], he is fit at least
** Mark getting turned into a hot woman? Kinky. Having said hot woman's body go into a cursed rapid aging? Bad. Having to stop the curse by {{spoiler|having sex with a man? Back to kinky... maybe. But having to have sex with the geriatric-fetish coworker? SQUICK.}}
* [[Tear Jerker]]:
** Albert, the teenaged Manbird Mark raised, singing "Oh Danny Boy" to his dying father... who [[I Have No Son|rejects him]] immediately after.
** The example below, in [[The Woobie]].