Tear Jerkers in Unbreakable include:

  • This movie is, for 90% of it, so heartbreakingly sad that Bruce Willis' final emergence as a superhero is a tear jerker on its own. But the unexpected tearjerker is when Willis mumbles to his son "I'm just an ordinary man," and the little boy achingly, despairingly, replies "Why do you keep saying that?" Has double impact if you're a father; little kids think of their parents as superheroes.
    • The morning after Bruce Willis kills the serial killer and saves (what's left of) the family, when he surreptitiously, and silently, shows his son the newspaper article about the incident -- the look on the boy's face...
    • The fact that he was too late to save the wife/mother, and that this apparently makes him fully realize how much his own wife means to him.
    • The scene showing Elijah's incredibly tough childhood, and how his mother helps him cope with it. And the ending. "I'm not a mistake!" He may be a supervillain, but he at last knows that he has a purpose in the world.
      • There's a scene (I think it was cut, and is only on the dvd[please verify]), showing Elijah as a child, sneaking away from his mother in a theme park. He goes into one of those rides, where you sit in a rotating cup. The laughter of him is just heartwarming. Then his bones start breaking and it turns into screams...

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