Underworld (film): Difference between revisions

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* [[Ancient Conspiracy]]: Both the masquerade setting itself, and ''within'' the vampire clan under the noses of its members.
* [[Anticlimax]]: In the first movie, a Lycan starts to transform and it looks like it's going to have a knock-down drag-out fight with a vampire. Said vampire is quickly knocked down and torn to pieces.
** Also in the first movie, Raze and Viktor are about to get in a big fight. The strongest vampire and the strongest lycan, Except that when Raze jumps at Viktor, Viktor catches him in midair and breaks his neck.
** And in more traditional anticlimax fashion, the final fight. The entire movie is spent building up how absurdly, ridiculously powerful the blending of Vampire and Lycan would be. And he is, at first... until Victor suddenly starts [[Worf Effect|Worfing]] him so that [[Mary Sue|Selene]] can be the one to [[Boring Invincible Hero|effortlessly]] finish Victor off.
* [[Anti-Villain]]: By the end of the first movie, {{spoiler|Lucian}} is a villain only by virtue of being on the opposite side.
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* [[Black and Grey Morality]]:The whole vampire werewolf conflict, also ''Rise of The Lycans'' and ''Evolution'' are the only films with the protagonists can be argued to be the more heroic participants in the conflict, rather than the guys with the current viewpoint.
* [[Big Bad]]: Viktor in the first movie and ''Rise of the Lycans'', Marcus in ''Evolution'', Dr. Lane in ''Awakening''.
* [[Boom! Headshot!]]: When Selene is escaping in ''Awakening'' a guard shoots her in the head. [[NoWon't SellWork On Me|It just pisses her off]].
* [[Bottomless Magazines]]: Selene's automatic pistols must just be magical, roaring with one continuous noise as they spew bullets like water out of a hose. Her infamous [[Bullethole Door|Bullet Hole Trap Door]] is only one example.
* [[Bullethole Door]]: Selene makes one through the floor. With ''silver bullets'', no less. ''[[Myth BustersMythBusters]]'' attempted to reproduce this specific stunt, and couldn't do it, even with 10 times the ammo.
** The stunt itself was no picnic. Kate Beckinsale states in the commentary that the shrapnel from the broken floor tile was exploding into her face.
** Inverted with the bottom of a rapidly descending elevator in ''Awakening''. {{spoiler|The elevator lands on her, but the bullets made the floor weak enough (and she's ''tough enough'') that it doesn't particularly bother her.}}
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* [[Every Helicopter Is a Huey]]: Very nearly averted in ''Evolution'' - the helicopter shown in long-shots is a modified SA 360 Dauphin that just happens to [[The Coconut Effect|sound like]] a Huey. Unfortunately, sometime between the helicopter landing and [[The Squad]] piling out the back, it's turned into a Huey anyway. In an apparent compromise, the prop used after it inevitably crashes and turns into a [[Helicopter Blender]] looks like some unholy fusion between the two.
* [[Evil Brit]]: Seemingly played straight with Lucian in the first film. But then subverted when it turns out {{spoiler|he isn't the villain, or at all evil.}}
* [[Exposition of Immortality]]: ''Underworld'' mostly employs a combination of dialogue and flashbacks for this. Selene states that she's been a vampire for six hundred years and that Viktor was her maker. Flashbacks in the first and second films show the date for the Lycan-Vampire conflict, establishing Kraven as at least as old as Selene.
** The werewolf doctor in ''Underworld'' has a family tree showing the dates for the Corvinus family dating back to the 5th century AD with Marcus Corvinus.
** And then there's Alexander, who reveals himself to have been the father of the original Marcus Corvinus; still alive after approximately 1600 years.