Unfortunate Implications/Film: Difference between revisions

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** Not to mention the real, "[[Hollywood Homely|ugly]]" appearance of some of the girls Hal falls for under hypnosis; apparently, those actresses were cast expressly because they ''don't look attractive''.
*** Remember, kids, [[Beauty Is Bad|pretty people are nasty, conniving bitches deep down]]. The uglier a person is, the nicer they will be!
* [[Bruce Willis (Creator)]]' ''[[The Kid]]'' has its fair share: if you've managed to alienate the only woman whose ever meant anything to you through your insensitivity and all-round [[Jerkass|jerkassness]], then all you need to do is turn up in a Porsche with a sheepish smile and a puppy, and you get instant forgiveness! And possibly sex!
* In the ''[[Babysitters Club]]'' movie, the one black girl is given no subplot or depth to her personality unlike all the other girls, most of whom are white. (In the books, this isn't true - Jessi is a very talented ballerina.)
* Aside from the more obvious controversy regarding ''[[Tropic Thunder]]'' (see the page image if you've been living in a cave), there was also a lesser one centered around the "Simple Jack" subplot. Said plot involved [[Ben Stiller]]'s character playing an extremely mentally retarded character in one of his past films, which ended up being a complete flop. The intent was to mock the use of [[Inspirationally Disadvantaged]] characters as [[Oscar Bait]] by presenting one who was not at all inspirational, and more clearly impaired.