Unintentionally Unsympathetic: Difference between revisions

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== Advertising ==
* One series of Hoover ads portray their new vacuum as a reward for neat freaks. Except the neat freaks depicted seem to have mild OCD or Molysmophobia.<ref>The abnormal fear of infection or contamination</ref>. An Australian run of hand sanitizer ads makes the same mistake, marketing the Dettol hand sanitizer to the 'signing a credit card slip with your elbows' market.
** Ditto for that newfangled no-touch soap dispenser. Right, so's you don't contaminate your hands with any icky germs just before you, y'know, ''wash them''. Anyone that unreasonably terrified of germs doesn't need to be catered to with a no-touch soap pump; they need professional therapy to help overcome an apparently Howard Hughes-level case of germophobia.
== Anime and Manga ==
* Famously, ''[[Neon Genesis Evangelion]]'' has Shinji Ikari. As ''Evangelion'' is a [[Deconstruction]] of all things [[Super Robot]], Shinji is insecure, weak-willed, shy, and unstable, as opposed to the stereotypical [[Hot-Blooded]] pilot. While plenty of fans see Shinji as [[The Woobie]], [[Americans Hate Tingle|just as many]] find him annoying and [[Wangst|Wangsty]]y and wish that he'd suck it up and start being a badass warrior. Of course, these audience members are either [[Misaimed Fandom|missing the point]] or taking umbrage with how Shinji forces them to acknowledge [[This Loser Is You|their own lameness]].
** Asuka Langley Soryu is also in the same position but for a different reason. She is a [[Jerkass Woobie]] and if some fans feel sorry for her, others fans think she is an annoying and arrogant bitch.
* [[Values Dissonance|To a non-Japanese audience]], Momotaro from the [[Wartime Cartoon|World War II propaganda film]] ''Momotaro's Divine Sea Warriors'' comes off as a [[Complete Monster]] rallying [[Beware the Nice Ones|adorable]] [[Killer Rabbit|animals]] together to go to war and brutally kill British soldiers.
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* Bella from ''[[Twilight (novel)|Twilight]]'', whose helplessness, constant whining, frequent disdain for other people, and lack of any real problems cause many to regard her as an [[Anti-Sue]]. Ditto for her love, Edward, who is so smug and perfect that it's hard to care about any emotional issues.
** The Cullens in general could count. They are held up as the epitome of generosity and goodness. Even so, they generally are cold and anti-social to anyone who isn't another vampire or Bella, they are hostile towards the werewolves even though some (for example, Alice) never even met the werewolves before, and they are perfectly fine with letting vampires that ''do'' drink human blood hang around the area. Apparently their desire to protect humans only counts as long as they themselves are killing, and so long as the human isn't Bella. Also, every one of them except for Carlisle has killed at least once in their past, and recollections of said murders are generally treated as embarrassing incidents that are swept aside.
* Pedro from ''[[Like Water for Chocolate]]''. He [[Settle for Sibling|only marries Rosaura de la Garza to be close to her sister Josefita aka Tita]] (who's stuck as [[The Dutiful Son|The Dutiful Daughter]]), heavily neglects Rosaura which furthers her increasing [[Jerkass|Jerkassery]]ery and ultimately destroys [[The Glorious War of Sisterly Rivalry|her and Tita's already shaky relationship]], causes poor Tita quite the misery as well (and [[What the Hell, Hero?|she doesn't forget to call him out on it]]), and years later {{spoiler|bullies and pressures Tita when [[Nice Guy]] Dr. Brown shows interest in her}}. (Not to mention, [[Parental Neglect|he barely seems to acknowledge]] ''his and Rosaura's children'' unless it's needed for the plot.) So, Pedro is supposed to be Tita's One True Love and the right guy for her... '''''why'''''?
* Janie from ''[[Their Eyes Were Watching God]]'' . Her first husband spends the first few months of their marriage waiting on her hand and foot, but when he eventually starts expecting her to pull her weight around the farm she [[Screw This, I'm Outta Here|runs off with the first young hottie she sees]]. She even tells her grandmother that Husband #1 is completely incapable of ever being loved by ''anyone''...because he's ugly. Her issues with Husband #2 are more legit, but even then it's hard to sympathize--unlikesympathize—unlike Husband #1, he doesn't want her to do any work much, but she just complains more about being bored and how the little work she has watching the store is too much math for her poor little head. Then she tells him off ''on his deathbed'' and at one point blames all her problems on her dead grandma, who told her not to run off with Husband #2 in the first place. Jeez!
== Live-Action TV ==
* At the end of season two of ''[[Robin Hood (TV series)|Robin Hood]]'', Guy of Gisborne stabbed Maid Marian to death, sending his [[Character Development]] and [[Story Arc|Redemption Arc]] back to square one. Season Three tried to turn him into a [[Heartbroken Badass]], ignoring the fact that for a significant portion of the fanbase, he had already crossed the [[Moral Event Horizon]] when he ''stabbed Maid Marian to death'' and thus forfeited any right to the goodwill of the audience. Even [[Richard Armitage|the actor]] hated him.
** On the same show, the death of Kate's brother did not carry the emotional weight it should have done thanks to Kate's refusal to utilize common sense in her repeated attempts to rescue him. The writers were going for "headstrong" and "impulsive" in their characterization of Kate -- unfortunatelyKate—unfortunately, all they really managed was "stupid." The ridiculous swinging between [[Wangst]] and trying to romance Robin didn't help her either.
*** And the cherry on top is the fact that Kate's brother was killed by Guy, resulting in a scene in which the audience has no reason to care about anyone involved.
*** And the cherry on top of that cherry is that depending on how you see it, ''Kate'' is at fault as well for the murder. he died because she got captured trying to get him out of the army and he died trying to save ''her''. Some fans wonder if he might have survived had she just left him in the army.
* Cirilo Rivera from ''[[Carrusel]]''. His [[All Love Is Unrequited|unrequited crush]] on [[Tsundere|Maria Joaquina]] sometimes bordered on obsession. He never stalked her -- lether—let alone hurt her -- [[Dogged Nice Guy|but he did not give up on her no matter how much she turned him down]]. And let's face it -- sheit—she was out of his league, which has NOTHING to do with their being of different races or even socioeconomic statuses; she, well, just didn't like him that way. But '''he would not stop''', and kept showering her with gifts and attentions that she ''clearly'' didn't want and either upset her or creeped her out. Viewers were supposed to take Cirilo's side... but Maria Joaquina ended up [[Unintentionally Sympathetic|being the one often favored by the audience instead]], since in practice, nobody blamed her for not loving a kid ''that'' clingy (and borderline creepy) back.
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* ''[[South Park]]'' parodies this numerous times. For instance, when Eric Cartman contracts HIV he constantly reminds people of it for sympathy, and any time something bad happens to Cartman, he attempts to milk sympathy and fails.
{{quote|'''Cartman''': I'm not just sure: I'm HIV positive.}}
* In ''[[X-Men: Evolution]]'', [[Base Breaker|Lance]]'s romantic subplot with Kitty starts with him saving her life -- fromlife—from an accident that ''he caused''. He had also previously attempted to attack Kitty, and due to the nature of his powers, he tends to cause a lot of collateral damage (sometimes near schools populated by children who [[Fridge Horror|are never confirmed to have gotten out alive]]). [[Your Mileage May Vary|To some people]], all this makes it kind of hard to believe that Kitty would want him for a boyfriend. This also puts him in the somewhat unusual situation of being a common victim of both [[Ron the Death Eater]] AND [[Draco in Leather Pants]].
** A weird inversion actually happens because of this. The time Avalanche ''did'' attempt a [[Heel Face Turn]], Scott doesn't buy it and proceeds to mistrust him. This is made out to be wrong of Scott, except, he '''is''' completely justified in mistrusting him: Lance was actually his biggest rival and ''had'' pulled crap on him and others before. While we (as the audience) knew that Lance ''was'' trying to [[Love Redeems|do good things for Kitty's sake]], Scott simply lacked such knowledge since Lance ''had'' given him reason to be antagonistic, and thus it's understandable to have him not trust Lance off the bat, and it would've been [[Out of Character]] otherwise.
* Brian from ''[[Family Guy]]''. The audience is obviously supposed to feel sorry for him since he's a [[Starving Artist]] [[Surrounded by Idiots|living in a world of idiots]], but he's so arrogant and [[Anvilicious|prone to dropping anvils]] that he just comes off as a [[Jerkass]].
