Uninvited Guests/Funny: Difference between revisions

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(Import from TV Tropes TVT:Funny.UninvitedGuests 2012-07-01, editor history TVTH:Funny.UninvitedGuests, CC-BY-SA 3.0 Unported license)
m (Mass update links)
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"I'm completely fine, Toshiro. Why do you ask?" Unohana replied, smiling warmly again.<br />
"Because you wrapped the bandage around my arm so tightly that I can't feel my hand." }}
* Rangiku's "negotiations" to get Hitsugaya to share his house. It involves [[I Have Boobs - You Must Obey!|stripping]].
{{quote| "DAMMIT, STRIPPING IS NOT GOING TO CHANGE MY MIND!" Hitsugaya roared, blushing furiously and covering his eyes.<br />
"It won't?"<br />
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* Rangiku's attempt at bringing order. Doesn't go as planned.
* The suggestions of the brain trust. One of whom ''isn't even there''.
* [[In -Series Nickname|Maki-maki's]] assessment of the Eleventh Division, as well as the flashback that goes with it.
* The plan of Rangiku Matsumoto, Mistress of Treachery. It began, like all great plans do, with cheese...
* Turn left!
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* The check-up on Ikkaku and Yumichika, who {{spoiler|are really, really bored, and are playing darts because they figure it's a better idea than getting mixed up with Matsumoto's cult.}}
* Hitsugaya's Matsumoto-is-in-trouble sense is tingling! {{spoiler|Cue the [[Gilligan Cut]].}}
* Hitsugaya finally comes across Yachiru and decides {{spoiler|screw strategy, [[Why Don't You Just Shoot Him?|he's just going to kill her.]] Which rapidly snowballs out of hand.}}
* Hitsugaya gets put in time out for [[Breaking the Fourth Wall]] too many times in one chapter.
* Rukia arrives. She isn't happy.
{{quote| '''Hitsugaya''': Wasn't the sun out a second ago?}}
* Matsumoto's cult {{spoiler|decides to hold a revolution to replace Yamamoto with Ukitake, because everybody likes him better anyway. [[Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking|And afterwards, they're getting pizza!]]}}
== Chapter 14 ==
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== Chapter 18 ==
* Aizen [[Exactly As Planned|planned everything]] - or so he tried to tell Gin. Gin doesn't buy it.
* Ikkaku get Yumichika to go along with them - by threatening to [[What Do You Mean ItsIt's Not Heinous?|have Zaraki ''promote him''.]] And it ''works.''
* Aizen and the Arrancar make a...strategic error in restraining their captive
{{quote| "… did ANYONE remember to take his sword from him when we got the shackles on him?"<br />
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== Chapter 21 ==
* Mr. Whiskery's... '[[What Do You Mean ItsIt's Not Heinous?|evil plan]]'.
{{quote| '''Mr. Whiskery''': I sought to destroy your precious teeth, leaving you unable to chew! Then you would not be able to eat anything, and since the average Japanese diet includes a large percentage of seafood, ''all the fish you didn't get to eat would be MINE!'' I would be the best-fed talking hallucinatory cat in all the land!}}
* Followed by Hitsugaya's [[Use Your Head|new plan]].
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* How much everyone cares for Aizen's so-called plot.
* {{spoiler|Gin's re-defection back to Soul Society, the "fact" that Aizen made him do it, and everyone's reactions.}}
* [[Large Ham|Aizen's]] [[Nice Job Breaking It, Hero|plan to]] [[Lampshade Hanging|break the]] [[No Fourth Wall|fourth wall]], [[Dangerously Genre Savvy|hit the pieces]] [[Deconstruction|with a]] [[Warhammer 40 K|chainhammer]], [[Hostile Show Takeover|and dance on the]] [[Plot Armor|sawdust.]]
** And how everyone plays (or tries to play) this to their advantage.