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* [[Animals Hate Him]]: As noted by Duane about himself. Possibly because he's dead.
* [[Anthropomorphic Food]]: If the Khert is broken, strange things happen. Like your cup of coffee freezing and suddenly wanting to be your friend.
* [[Artificial Limbs]]: Lost an arm? No problem. There's a whole range of simulacrums. Including cigar-lighting and [[A Date Withwith Rosie Palms|self-lubricating]].
* [[Art Shift]]:
** [http://www.casualvillain.com/Unsounded/comic/ch02/ch02_32.html Oh God, Duane], put your hood back up.
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* [[Gentle Giant]]: Uaid, the giant hollowed-out Ogre of the Quigleys.
* [[Ghost Shipping]]: Fans are quick to point out the potential of a [[Boy Meets Ghoul|romantic relationship]] between Sette and Duane, or at least a [[Parental Substitute|father]]/[[Bratty Teenage Daughter|daughter]] one.
* [[Guilt Byby Coincidence]]
* [[Horror Hunger]]: {{spoiler|Duane and his metaphorical snake. Luckily he has it (mostly) under control.}}
* [[Horse of a Different Color]]: Giant dogs are put to work as draft animals in Kasslyne, as well as transport.
* [[Infant Immortality]]: Brutally averted with {{spoiler|Cara}}.
* [[It Is Pronounced "Tro -PAY"]]: The correct Aldish pronunciation of Duane's name is ''doo-AHN'' (rhyming with ''you-GONE''), but Sette makes a point of saying ''DWAYNE'' (rhyming with "rain"), mostly just to get his goat.
* [[Jerkass Woobie]]: [http://www.casualvillain.com/Unsounded/comic/ch05/ch05_54.html Ephsephin], as of late. After getting thrashed by Duane and Sette multiple times... and then Captain Toma... you can't help but feel bad for him. Especially since he's made it clear that he's more or less a [[Punch Clock Villain]] that's [[Just Following Orders]].
{{quote| '''Ephsephin:''' I hate today.}}
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* [[Language of Magic]]: Old Tainish, which is what wrights speak their incantations in. It's said that it was the language the gods used to shape the world, so by speaking it yourself, you can tap into that same power. Naturally, though, you have to be careful and ''very'' specific with your language, otherwise the spell may just blow up your organs.
* [[Literary Agent Hypothesis]]: Letters written by a researcher who's found Duane's journal are inserted here and there, implying that the comic is (possibly) pieced together from his and other accounts.
* [[Lizard Folk]]: Called "two-toes" here, named after the fact that they have, well, [[Exactly What It Says Onon the Tin|two toes]]. They're pretty small compared to humans though. They used to be subterranean, so they have poor sight and hearing but excellent senses of smell, making them useful as trackers.
* [[Magic Is Mental]]
* [[Magic Knight]]: Duane is not only an exceptionally skilled wright but skilled with a [[Simple Staff]] as well. According to [http://www.formspring.me/DuaneAndSette his Formspring account,] when he was a military commander, he trained all the wrights under his command in weapon skills as well in order to [[Defied Trope|defy]] [[Squishy Wizard]].
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* [[Talking Is a Free Action]]: Averted [http://www.casualvillain.com/Unsounded/comic/ch05/ch05_12.html hilariously] by Duane and Ephsephin's second brawl when the former gives his eloquent [[Let's Get Dangerous]] speech. Cue facepalm from Sette.
* [[Troubled Backstory Flashback]]: Glimpses of Sette's life at home are occasionally shown in dark, damaged, and obscured panels, suggesting that her dear ol' Da [[Abusive Parents|is not a great guy]], contrary to [[Unreliable Narrator|what she claims him to be]].
* [[We Are Asas Mayflies]]:
** Inverted with the Plats. They're fairly supernatural, having an increased affinity towards [[The Force|the khert]] (or something), which gives them heightened magical abilities. However, this also causes them to age very rapidly, so they can only live up to about 30.
** Inverted in a different way with the Coppers, who are notoriously awful wrights, but very long-lived.
* [[When Trees Attack]]: The Mamalen Entak (Wandering Root) was the antagonist of the first chapter. Bittersweet portrayal.
* [[White-Haired Pretty Boy]]: Quigley, and Plats in general. Combine with [[We Are Asas Mayflies]] above.
* [[Wizard Duel]]: Duane and Quigley in chapter 5. {{spoiler|By the end, though, it turns into an all-out brawl as Quigley starts breaking rules with abandon, culminating in him calling a powerful summon beast.}}
* [[Would Hurt a Child]]: