Usagi Yojimbo: Difference between revisions

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* [[Shout-Out]]: Many characters are [[Shout-Out|shout outs]] to [[Jidai Geki|Chanbara]] heroes—the Lone Goat and Kid is a nod to the [[Lone Wolf and Cub]], Zato-Ino the blind masseur pig is a thinly-veiled version of Zatoichi, Lord Mifune references the actor [[Toshiro Mifune]], and so on.
** Jei's name is a shout out to the ''Friday the 13th'' film series. ("Jei-san")
** In addition to a ton of ''[[Star Wars]]'' shout-outs in ''Space Usagi'', the Bugg Planet is a shout-out to ''[[Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind|Nausicaa]]''.
*** Not to mention that one swordfight of Usagi's is an almost exact adaptation of the first-bokken-then-swords duel from ''[[Seven Samurai]]''.
** In a one-shot story, Usagi is present at the hatching of a lizard which he names "[[Godzilla|Zilla]]". When said lizard uses a breath weapon, Usagi asks, "Are you a [[Incredibly Lame Pun|god, Zilla]]?"
* [[Short Cuts Make Long Delays]]: Gen is prone to offer this to Usagi when they're travellingtraveling together, and Usagi follows. They end up in a predicament. Every single time, Usagi yells at Gen during or afterwards: "You and your shortcuts!"
* [[Shown Their Work]]: Stan Sakai may research some aspect of ancient Japanese life, from pottery to seaweed farming orto geishasgeisha, and render it lovingly on the page or describe it in detail in the afterwords. In fact, Sakai's research and presentation of this stuff is so on the money that he won a Parent's Choice Award for the comic's educational value.
* [[Single-Stroke Battle]]
* [[Space Whale]]: [[In Space|Giant space]] turtles! (in ''Space Usagi'')
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* [[The Farmer and the Viper]]: Jei-san to a hapless fisherman. He even [[lampshade]]s it.
* [[The Resenter]]: Kenichi.
* [[The Unfavorite]] / [[Bastard Bastard]]: {{spoiler|Noriko. She's shunted to her aunt's after her mom dies because her uncle is actually her biological father (mom and aunt are sisters). Aunty doesn't like her very much and then bio-dad straight-up tells her he'll never accept her as his daughter, so she kills him and poisons her "step" father for being weak. She reveals all of this to her The Favorite cousin Tomoe while beating her to the ground (on top of having worked a day in Noriko's mine). For Noriko, it's a ''very satisfying'' beating.}}
* [[Trick Dialogue]]: In trying to get out of the rain, Usagi came across the swordswoman Inazuma telling her life's story to some of her friends. By the time she is finished, the rain has let up, so Inazuma bids them farewell and heads out. Usagi makes an aside about the story to one of the "friends"... only to discover that all four of them are dead—bounty hunters who had been trying unsuccessfully to kill Inazuma.
** Usagi goes to return a small trinket to a fellow member of Lord Mifune's army. {{spoiler|The trinket was a good-luck charm; Usagi tells the man he is sorry he was unable to return it previously, then leaves it on the top of the man's gravestone and walks away.}}