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* [[Confiscated Phone]]: Roark confiscates a cell phone from a radio reporter when his own phone becomes unusable.
* [[Conflict Ball]]: A black guy and racist cop are fighting while the eruption and lava flow are going on.
* [[Convection, Schmonvection]]: Played anywhere from painfully straight to averted, as the plot demands.
** In some scenes lava represents no threat to anything it isn't directly touching. Even if you're directly above it and a few feet away, inside or on top of a metal vehicle that is actually melting in the heat.
** In another scene the main character has to get away from the heat emanating lava 10 meters below a manhole. Basically convection works by the [[Rule of Cool]].
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* [[Genre Blindness]]: The usual disaster movie ignorance is of course present but the fact no-one in LA has no clue what lava is verges on the ridiculous. Sure, the first time people actually see lava it's understandable they do a double-take. However it soon gets to the point where the film seems to be set in an alternate reality where the very ''existence'' of volcanoes is an obscure geological fact completely unfamiliar to the public.
{{quote| '''TV Anchorwoman:''' Well, we now have a ''name'' for this crisis. It is, according to the US Geological Survey, a "volcano"... }}
* [[Hey, It's That Guy!]]: The train conductor that gets saved by Stan is Ernie from George Lopez.
* [[Infant Immortality]]: All the small children survive. And so does a small Jack Russell named Bill. Just incase that wasn't enough to assure you no innocents were harmed there is even a brief news report on vets setting up an emergency pet shelter.
* [[Ignored Expert]]: Anne Heche's character.
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* [[Laser-Guided Karma]]: The guy mentioned above as a [[Jerkass]], who wanted his doctor wife to leave behind the injured and flee the city, owns a new office building. It gets knocked down to channel the lava.
* [[No Endor Holocaust]]: {{spoiler|The bodycount at the end of this disaster is a paltry 100. With a few thousand injured. Considering the destruction on screen not just from the lava itself but numerous secondry fires. Not to mention the accompaning the offscreen implication of mass panic and looting, this result is nothing short of divine intervention.}}
* [[Red Shirt Reporter]]: At one point, a reporter is standing only barely on the right side of the concrete barriers holding the lava back! [[Convection, Schmonvection]] indeed...
* [[Too Dumb to Live]]: Kelly. She claims to not need a babysitter but she freezes up constantly, forcing people to drop what they're doing (which once includes trying to save someone else's life) to bail her ass out. The worse instance being {{spoiler|losing a kid she was put in charge of and when she finds him on an exploding street...decides to stay there and wait to be saved.}}
* [[You Fail Geology Forever]]