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* ''Amelia Rules!'''s legendary "Sneeze Barf Incident." All you see is reaction-shot, and it's enough.
* In ''Avengers: The Children's Crusade Vol. 1'' Speed uses his powers to vibrate Billy and Teddy's molecules to phase them through a wall. On the other side Billy complains "I'm d-d-definitely going to be s-s-sick.". In the very next panel we see him turning towards the rest of his team and talking to them... with the tiniest bit of puke hanging off the corner of his mouth.
== Fan Works ==
* Obviously, this is a described trope in a printtext work -. ''[[Sleeping with the Girls]]'', Volume 2, Chapter 17:
{{quote|The next few minutes were not exactly the highlight of my life. And it's not something I'd really like to get into too much detail about, and I'm sure nobody really wants those kind of details anyway. But for the sake of accuracy, I did indeed spend this time worshiping the All-Powerful Porcelain Goddess.}}
== Film ==
* Mr. Green in ''[[Clue (film)|Clue]]'' (The Movie). Vomit Line: "And [[Foreign Queasine|monkey's brains]], while popular in Cantonese cuisine, are not often to be found in Washington, DC." "[[I Ate What?|Is that what we ate?]]"
* ''[[Animal House]]'' uses this to great comedic effect after several of the prominent Delta house members (Bluto, D-Day, etc.) have been informed that they've been expelled from Faber (something Dean Wormer has made the local draft boards well aware of.) Faced with this charming combination, Flounder starts having a panic attack that culminates in him throwing up <s>in front of</s> on Wormer. However, when Flounder starts to retch, we cut to the secretary at her desk, who glances up at that strange splashing noise. Vomit Line: "Out with it!" (Well, he did ask...)
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* Linguini in ''[[Ratatouille]]'' hurls out a window after he takes a sip of his own soup.
* [[Ironic Nickname|Razor]] in ''[[Flight of the Intruder (film)|Flight of the Intruder]]'' is considerate enough to ask before hurling in the back of a taxi: ''Hey, you got room in there for a six-pack and a pizza?''
== Fan Works ==
* Obviously, this is a described trope in a print work - ''[[Sleeping with the Girls]]'', Volume 2, Chapter 17:
{{quote|The next few minutes were not exactly the highlight of my life. And it's not something I'd really like to get into too much detail about, and I'm sure nobody really wants those kind of details anyway. But for the sake of accuracy, I did indeed spend this time worshiping the All-Powerful Porcelain Goddess.}}
== Live-Action TV ==