Wakfu/Characters: Difference between revisions

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{{characters need descriptions}}
Beware of spoilers, '''''especially''''' those of the season 1 finale!
{{Unmarked Spoilers}}
== The Heroes ==
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* [[Two Girls to a Team]]
=== Yugo ===
The hero of the series. Yugo is an Eliatrope, from a people capable of creating portals they can use to transport themselves or other objects across short distances, and who seem to be intimately connected to the world's history. Adventurous and kind-hearted [[Chronic Hero Syndrome|almost to a fault]], Yugo's quest to find out what happened to his people starts off the plot.
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* [[Good Old Fisticuffs]]: Generally uses his portals to get close enough to do these.
* [[Goofy Print Underwear]]
* [[Growling Gut]]
* [[Hand Behind Head]]
* [[Happily Adopted]]
* [[The Hero]]
* [[I Am Who?]]: Finding out he is the last of the Eliatropes.
* [[Incorruptible Pure Pureness]]: Shadofang claims Yugo is so morally pure as to give him [[NoWon't SellWork On Me|immunity]] from her [[Mind Control Device|shadow-stealing]] powers.
* [[Inertia Is a Cruel Mistress]]
* [[Infant Immortality]]: {{spoiler|Horribly averted in the season 1 finale.}}
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=== Az ===
Yugo's pet Tofu and oftentimes comic relief. His feathers were enchanted by Grougaloragran to deliver some messages to Alibert and Yugo.
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=== Ruel Stroud ===
'''Ruel Stroud'''
An Enutrof and old friend of Yugo's adoptive father, Ruel was told to set off with Yugo and keep him safe. Like most Enutrofs, getting Ruel to do anything that's not in his own interest is an uphill battle, and his selfishness and greed often get him distracted. However, he's a seasoned fighter, and his knowledge of the world and its history is considerable.
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=== Sadlygrove Percidal ===
'''Sir Tristepin''' (Pinpin) / '''Sadlygrove Percidal''' (officially Dally, Grovy in the fansubs)
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* [[Good Old Fisticuffs]]: Likes to put aside Rubilax in favor of this for sparring or serious duels. Surprisingly, he's a fantastic hand-to-hand fighter, so it usually goes well for him.
* [[Green Around the Gills]]: Whenever he's aboard a boat.
* [[Growling Gut]]
* [[Hard Head]]
* {{spoiler|[[Heroic Sacrifice]]}}
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* [[Super-Powered Evil Side]]: When merged with Rubilax.
* [[Super Strength]]
* [[Took a Level Inin Badass]]: Season 1 episode 22. {{spoiler|Consistently in Season 2.}}
* [[Use Your Head]]
* [[Walking Shirtless Scene]]: As of season 1 episode 22.
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=== Evangelyne ===
'''Evangelyne''' (Eva)
Amalia's long-suffering Crâ bodyguard and best friend, Evangelyne initially follows Yugo out of concern for Amalia, but soon becomes attached to the others as well. By far the most level-headed of the group, Eva helps keep her somewhat flighty compatriots grounded, and her archery is a force to be reckoned with.
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=== Amalia Sheran Sharm ===
'''Amalia Sheran Sharm''' (Ami)
Amalia is the princess of the Sadidas, but [[Rebellious Princess|isn't terribly fond of her royal duties]] and would much rather go out adventuring, often dragging a bemused Evangelyne in tow. Tagging along with Yugo mostly on a whim, she sometimes comes off as sheltered and immature, but won't hesitate to take responsibility when necessary.
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=== Adamaï ===
One of the world's last surviving Dragons {{spoiler|and Yugo's brother}}, Adamaï formally joins the group halfway through the first season. As a Dragon, his powers are underdeveloped, but he's still a fairly skilled shapeshifter and manipulator of wakfu. Probably the most grounded member of the team besides Eva, and gets especially serious whenever the history of Dragons or Eliatropes is involved.
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=== Kamasu-Tar Junior ===
'''Kamasu-Tar Junior'''
A young dhreller who becomes Ruel's [[Familiar]] over the course of season 1. Despite the Enutrof's initial reluctance to adopt one again, after the loss of the first Kamasu-Tar, Ruel did eventually warm up to the tenacious little critter.
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=== Cléophée ===
Evangelyne's rebellious younger sister, who defected from the Crâ ranks and took up wrestling. She joins the team after Eva is sent to find her. Contrary to other Crâs seen on the show, she prefers hand-to-hand combat, though she also uses a crossbow. Described as a troublemaker by both Eva and Amalia.
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== Allies &and Friendly Enemies ==
== Grougaloragran ==
=== Grougaloragran ===
Another of the world's last surviving Dragons, Grougaloragran arranged an adoptive home for baby Yugo. He's probably one of the most powerful individuals on the planet, which unfortunately gets the attention of Nox.
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* [[Badass Beard]]
* [[Badass Grandpa]]
* {{spoiler|[[Back Fromfrom the Dead]]}}
* [[Barehanded Blade Block]]
* [[Breath Weapon]]
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=== Alibert ===
Yugo's adoptive father. An Enutrof and old adventuring companion of Ruel, although less greedy than his friend. Formerly a [[Bounty Hunter]], but he found out he was too soft-hearted for the job when he refused to send a man to jail for stealing an apple -- which made Grougaloran choose him for taking care of baby Yugo. So he settled in Emelka, founding an inn and becoming mayor of the town.
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=== Rubilax ===
Sadlygrove's Shushu ward, Rubilax is the Shushu of Carnage, trapped inside a sword. When he actually contributes to a conversation, it's usually to tempt Sadlygrove into unleashing him so he can run amok; when sealed, he's just [[Jerkass|sort of a jerk.]]
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=== Kriss Krass ===
'''Kriss Krass'''
A Sacrier Gobbowl champion and the main antagonist during the "Gobbowl Hell" arc. Kriss Krass isn't necessarily a bad guy, but he's a hopeless show-off, doing whatever he can to drag out a match and wring the last drops of admiration from his audience.
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=== Armand Sheran Sharm ===
'''Armand Sheran Sharm'''
The prince of the Sadidas, Amalia's brother, and [[Jerkass|a royal ass]]. Suffers from a terrible case of halitosis.
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=== Goultard ===
Sadlygrove's Iop master, and [[Badass]] extraordinaire.
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=== Remington Smisse ===
'''Remington Smisse''' (Remi)
A Roublard fixated on collecting Shushus, Remington is the second season's first primary antagonist, along with his brother, Grany. Remington is a charmer and a vicious fighter besides, but his recklessness, total lack of interest in anything but theft or Grany's safety, and [[Chronic Backstabbing Disorder|constant double-crosses]] make him as dangerous an ally as an enemy.
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=== Grany Smisse ===
'''Grany Smisse'''
Remington's younger brother. Formerly [[The Big Guy]] of the duo, he's now stuck in a bow-meow body. However, he's still not totally harmless, and just as ruthless as Remington.
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=== The Justice Knight ===
'''The Justice Knight'''
[[Department of Redundancy Department|He is a KNIGHT of JUSTICE.]] Clad in blinding golden armor and hammier than a pig farm, he and his father were in charge of keeping Anathar sealed.
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* [[Detect Evil]]: His Justice Train has a Shushu-locating device.
* [[Dual-Wielding]]: Two swords, he wields.
* [[EverybodyEveryone Calls Him "Barkeep"]]: Played with. His real name is unknown, but he calls himself the Justice Knight, even though he's actually a jailer.
* [[Expressive Mask]]
* [[Fake Ultimate Hero]]: Played with. He certainly likes to view himself as a hero, but he's courteous enough to give credit where it is due (i.e. complimenting Yugo's gang for helping out against Anathar).
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=== The Masked Gobbowler ===
'''The Masked Gobbowler''' {{spoiler|/ '''Maude'''}}
A champion gobbowler, the captain of the Brâkmarian team Brak'n'Black, whose name and face are kept hidden {{spoiler|for the simple reason that she's a woman, whom are not allowed to play Gobbowl in Brâkmar. Her real name is Maude, and she's an old acquaintance, trainer and love interest of Kriss Krass.}}
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=== Prince Adale ===
'''Prince Adale'''
The prissy, [[White-Haired Pretty Boy|effeminate]], [[Spot of Tea|tea-sipping]] prince of {{spoiler|the lost kingdom of New}} Sufokia. He shows up at the Crimson Claws Archipelago with an army of militarized submarines, aiming to subdue Phaeris the Powerful and strip the islands of the ore that fuels his machines. He and his forces inadvertently become key players in the series' final battle.
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* [[The Stoic]]: Faces down a charging dragon and {{spoiler|the entire population of the Shukrute}} with nothing more than mild annoyance.
* [[There Is No Kill Like Overkill]]: His strategy for anything hostile on Crimson Claws is to bombard it with [[Frickin' Laser Beams]] until it stops twitching.
* [[White-Haired Pretty Boy]]: He even wears eyeshadoweye-shadow!
=== Phaeris the Powerful ===
'''Phaeris the Powerful'''
The third Dragon to be properly introduced in the series, Phaeris makes his roost on the Crimson Claws Archipelago, and ferociously guards it against invaders. {{spoiler|He's stationed there to prevent Qilby from reuniting with his dragon sister, Shinonome, and was responsible, along with Yugo, for defeating and sealing Qilby many years ago.}}
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== The Villains ==
=== Nox ===
'''Nox''' {{spoiler|/ '''Noximilien Coxen'''}}
A [[Time Master|Xelor]] who serves as the first season's primary antagonist, Nox is both incredibly powerful and [[Ax Crazy|quite insane]]. He travels the world and drains wakfu from everything he finds, reducing whole regions to barren wastelands. The series begins with him encountering Grougaloragran, and his obsession with the Dragon and his enormous supply of wakfu eventually sets him in opposition to Yugo.
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=== Igôle ===
Nox's pet. Igôle's collar has been tinkered with by his master, making him incredibly fast.
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=== Rushu ===
The feared king of the Shushus, Rushu is a [[Card-Carrying Villain]] and proud of it. Though he's confined to the razed Shushu realm, he still delights in causing destruction wherever he can, and seeks to escape to Yugo's world so he and the other Shushus can start ruining things in earnest.
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=== Anathar ===
Rushu's right hand, Anathar resembles a giant humanoid jackal with the ability to [[Mega Manning|copy the powers of whoever strikes him]]. He's cruel even by Shushu standards, and anyone who knows of him dreads the possibility of him becoming unsealed. Confined to a cape.
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=== Shadofang ===
'''Ombrage''' / '''Shadofang'''
A major Shushu who's confined to a ring, Shadofang is an exemplary member of her kind -- ruthless, cruel, manipulative, and [[Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking|an insufferable gossip]]. Her primary ability is to steal the shadows of others, increasing her power and turning her victims into mindless ghouls under her command.
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=== Qilby ===
An elderly Eliatrope who emerges from the Eliacube when Yugo and Adamaï finally use it in the second season. Qilby tells the story of the Eliatropes and their ultimate fate, and his request to the group kicks off the bulk of the second season's plot. He's a kind, grandfatherly type who possesses considerable knowledge of wakfu, but seems troubled about something in his past. {{spoiler|He is, in fact, a unique Eliatrope capable of remembering all his past lives, which eventually turned him into a nihilistic lunatic who destroyed the Eliatrope homeworld because he was fed up with their idleness. Now proclaiming himself the "true ruler" of his people, he's been using the Zinit to travel from world to world, sucking each one dry of its Wakfu, and endlessly striking down Yugo and Adamaï whenever they try to stop him.}}
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== Wakfu: Les Gardiens / The Guardians ==
=== Barron ===
'''A description of the character goes here.'''
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by this character include:}}
* [[Bookworm]]: He owns the library of Emrub
* [[Brown Eyes]]
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* [[Red Eyes, Take Warning|Red Eye, Take Warning]]
* [[White-Haired Pretty Boy]]
=== Blinie ===
== Blinie ==
'''A description of the character goes here.'''
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by this character include:}}
* [[Animal Motifs]]: Penguin
* [[Triang Relations]]: Type 5: She has a crush on Cyd and Lëon secretly has a crush on her.
=== Boa ===
== Boa ==
'''A description of the character goes here.'''
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by this character include:}}
* [[Ambiguously Brown]]
* [[Badass Longcoat]]
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* [[Power Tattoo]]
* [[Walking Shirtless Scene]]: He states himself being quite proud about his muscles.
=== Cyd ===
== Cyd ==
'''A description of the character goes here.'''
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by this character include:}}
* [[Animal Motifs]]: Frog
* [[The Engineer]]
* [[Triang Relations]]: Type 5: Blinie has a crush on him but he has no real interest in her.
=== Eliane ===
== Eliane ==
'''A description of the character goes here.'''
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by this character include:}}
* [[Femme Fatalons]]
* [[Fiery Redhead]]
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* [[Purple Eyes]]
* [[Wild Child]]
=== Fraise ===
== Fraise ==
'''A description of the character goes here.'''
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by this character include:}}
* [[Girls Love Stuffed Animals]]
* [[You Gotta Have Blue Hair|You Gotta Have Green Hair]]
=== Kouett ===
== Kouett ==
'''A description of the character goes here.'''
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by this character include:}}
* [[Berserk Button]]: Do not hurt Lock.
* [[The Cavalry]]: Her aiding Lock and Boa against N.
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* [[Red Oni, Blue Oni]]: Lock and her
* [[Soul Power]]: Her skills of manipulating wakfu are unsurpassed.
=== Kyu ===
== Kyu ==
'''A description of the character goes here.'''
=== Lëon ===
== Lëon ==
'''A description of the character goes here.'''
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by this character include:}}
* [[Animal Motifs]]: Bear
* [[Gentle Giant]]
* [[Triang Relations]]: Type 5: He has a crush on Blinie but she has only eyes for Cyd.
=== Lock ===
== Lock ==
'''A description of the character goes here.'''
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by this character include:}}
* [[The Cavalry]]: He and Boa saving you from getting crushed by N and Lou.
* [[Dark-Skinned Blond]]
* [[Red Oni, Blue Oni]]: He and Kouett
* [[Spam Attack]]: He is the best brawler without using wakfu as part of his fighting style.
=== Lou ===
== Lou ==
'''A description of the character goes here.'''
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by this character include:}}
* [[Animal Motifs]]: Wolf
* [[Facial Markings]]
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* [[Wild Child]]
* [[You Gotta Have Blue Hair]]
=== Lune ===
== Lune ==
'''A description of the character goes here.'''
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by this character include:}}
* [[An Ice Person]]
* [[The Cavalry]]: She manages just in time to reflect N's attack and save everyones lives.
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* [[Prophet Eyes]]
* [[Woman in White]]
=== Samÿ ===
== Samÿ ==
'''A description of the character goes here.'''
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by this character include:}}
* [[Absent-Minded Professor]]
* [[Cloudcuckoolander]]
* [[Does Not Like Shoes]]
* [[Einstein Hair]]
=== Violette ===
== Violette ==
'''A description of the character goes here.'''
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by this character include:}}
* [[BFS]]: Her needle, as big as herself surely qualifies.
* [[Improbable Weapon User]]: Her preferred weapon is her sewing needle.
* [[Pink Haired Girl]]
=== Zora ===
== Zora ==
'''A description of the character goes here.'''
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by this character include:}}
* [[Animal Motifs]]: Tofu
* [[Detached Sleeves]]
* [[Friend to All Living Things]]: She and her Tofus.
* [[Purple Eyes]]
=== Gwido ===
== Gwido ==
'''A description of the character goes here.'''
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by this character include:}}
* [[Apocalyptic Log]]: His journal about creating and discovering the arcanes and runes.
* [[Artifact of Doom]]: The "Rune Aine" he created.
* [[The Faceless]]
=== <big>N</big> ===
== <big>N</big> ==
(full name: '''{{spoiler|N a ï l}}''')
'''A description of the character goes here.'''
<big>'''''N'''''</big> (full name: '''{{spoiler|N a ï l}}''')
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by this character include:}}
* [[Advancing Boss of Doom]]: Don't even think about fighting him.
* [[Alternate Self]]: N of Emrub, N of Sakaï and N the exiled.
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* [[Freak-Out]]
* [[Glowing Eyes of Doom]]
* [[Go Mad Fromfrom the Revelation]]: After returning from Sakaï, he wasn't very happy having found out about the world behind Emrub's mists...
* [[Grey and Gray Morality]]
* [[Guyliner]]
Line 1,199 ⟶ 1,130:
* [[Wound That Will Not Heal]]: After Lune stopped him and accidently stabbed his heart out, he is still alive with an ice rose in his heart.
* [[You Gotta Have Blue Hair]]
=== Baltazar ===
== Baltazar ==
'''A description of the character goes here.'''
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by this character include:}}
* [[Breath Weapon]]
* [[City in a Bottle]]: After the goddess and most of the eliatropes disappeared, he took the remaining ones to Emrub, where they should be safe and unaware of the world outside.
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* [[Voluntary Shapeshifting]]
[[Category:Characters (animation)]]