Walking Armory/Quotes

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"Let me fill you in on the weapons status. I am unarmed. But Butler here, my ... ah ... butler, has a Sig Sauer in his shoulder holster, two shrike throwing knives in his boots, a derringer two-shot up his sleeve, garrotte wire in his watch, and three stun grenades concealed in various pockets. Anything else, Butler?"
"The cosh, sir."
"Oh, yes. A good old ball-bearing cosh stuffed down his shirt."

Security Chief Chevre: Sergeant Schlock here seems to be little more than an ambulatory weapon depot.
Sergeant Schlock: (happily) Thank you.

Tandersil: Weapons are in the squad-pod, everybody else has picked, so you can have whatever you want.
Tandersil: Aww yeah… that one's nice. I like the way you…
Tandersil: Um, can you actually use more than
Tandersil: Now you're just showing off.
Landon: I've heard about this trick. We need to stay behind him.

Schlock Mercenary, September 24, 2016