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* Then there's [[Meaningful Name|War]] of the [[Horsemen of the Apocalypse]] fame in [[The Bible|biblical]] mythology, and in his many adaptions.
* Then there's [[Meaningful Name|War]] of the [[Horsemen of the Apocalypse]] fame in [[The Bible|biblical]] mythology, and in his many adaptions.
* Here's a ''list'' of war god/dessess for ya: http://ancienthistory.about.com/od/godsmyth/a/102110-War-Gods-And-Goddesses.htm.
* Here's a ''list'' of war god/dessess for ya: http://ancienthistory.about.com/od/godsmyth/a/102110-War-Gods-And-Goddesses.htm.
* In [[The Bible]] one of the titles of [[God]] is [[Four Star Badass|Lord of Hosts]].
* In [[The Bible]] one of the titles of [[God]] is [[Four-Star Badass|Lord of Hosts]].
** God is believed by some scholars to be a [[Composite Character]] of the [[Top God]] El of Canaanite religion, and the actual Semitic [[War God]] Yahweh. This may explain some of his more... Morally ambiguous acts.
** God is believed by some scholars to be a [[Composite Character]] of the [[Top God]] El of Canaanite religion, and the actual Semitic [[War God]] Yahweh. This may explain some of his more... Morally ambiguous acts.
** While he is decisively not a god, [[Archangel Michael]] is officially the [[The General|Archistrategos of the Heavenly Host]], patron saint of soldiers and all military people, and an all-round badass.
** While he is decisively not a god, [[Archangel Michael]] is officially the [[The General|Archistrategos of the Heavenly Host]], patron saint of soldiers and all military people, and an all-round badass.
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** Both settings have Khaine, the war god of the Elves and the Eldar.
** Both settings have Khaine, the war god of the Elves and the Eldar.
** To say nothing of Gork and Mork, Orcish/Orky gods of brutal cunning and cunning brutality (one hits you when you're not looking, the other hits you ''really hard'' when you are.. Arguing over which is which is yet another excuse to fight each other.
** To say nothing of Gork and Mork, Orcish/Orky gods of brutal cunning and cunning brutality (one hits you when you're not looking, the other hits you ''really hard'' when you are.. Arguing over which is which is yet another excuse to fight each other.
* ''[[Pathfinder]]'' has several deities associated with war. The first is Gorum, the actual god of war and battle. He's [[Chaotic Neutral]] and cares nothing for the causes that people fight for; as long as there is war, Gorum will be there to aid the good and the evil alike. He is chiefly concerned with the physical aspects of battle, and is worshipped by frontline soldiers in particular. Torag is the Dwarven god of [[The Strategist|strategy]]; where Gorum is the footsoldiers' god, Torag is the generals' god. [[Lawful Good|Iomedae]], [[Church Militant|militaristic]] [[Lady of War|goddess]] of [[The Paladin|honour and justice]] is often worshipped as the patron of just wars, though she herself would prefer to lose that title. [[The Brute|Moloch]], [[Demon Lords and Archdevils|archdevil]] of war, fires, and [[Lawful Evil|obedience]] is the [[Four Star Badass|general]] in charge of [[The Legions of Hell]], and is concerned with the regimented nature of the army itself, while [[Chaotic Evil|Demon Lord]] Nurgal governs senseless wars that should not have been fought in the first place. Finally, there is [[Fallen Angel|Szuriel]], [[Neutral Evil|archdaemon]], and [[Horsemen of the Apocalypse|Horseman of War]]. Essentially what happens when a divinity adopts the mentality of a [[Psycho for Hire]], Szuriel represents war's [[War Is Hell|most negative aspects]]--societal breakdown, [[Obligatory War Crime Scene|war crimes]], [[Rape, Pillage and Burn|rape and looting]], and [[Final Solution|genocide]]. Essentially the personification of [[War Is Hell]], her few followers are inevitably [[Sociopathic Soldier|Sociopathic Soldiers]], [[General Ripper|General Rippers]], or fellow [[Psycho for Hire|Psychos For Hire]].
* ''[[Pathfinder]]'' has several deities associated with war. The first is Gorum, the actual god of war and battle. He's [[Chaotic Neutral]] and cares nothing for the causes that people fight for; as long as there is war, Gorum will be there to aid the good and the evil alike. He is chiefly concerned with the physical aspects of battle, and is worshipped by frontline soldiers in particular. Torag is the Dwarven god of [[The Strategist|strategy]]; where Gorum is the footsoldiers' god, Torag is the generals' god. [[Lawful Good|Iomedae]], [[Church Militant|militaristic]] [[Lady of War|goddess]] of [[The Paladin|honour and justice]] is often worshipped as the patron of just wars, though she herself would prefer to lose that title. [[The Brute|Moloch]], [[Demon Lords and Archdevils|archdevil]] of war, fires, and [[Lawful Evil|obedience]] is the [[Four-Star Badass|general]] in charge of [[The Legions of Hell]], and is concerned with the regimented nature of the army itself, while [[Chaotic Evil|Demon Lord]] Nurgal governs senseless wars that should not have been fought in the first place. Finally, there is [[Fallen Angel|Szuriel]], [[Neutral Evil|archdaemon]], and [[Horsemen of the Apocalypse|Horseman of War]]. Essentially what happens when a divinity adopts the mentality of a [[Psycho for Hire]], Szuriel represents war's [[War Is Hell|most negative aspects]]--societal breakdown, [[Obligatory War Crime Scene|war crimes]], [[Rape, Pillage and Burn|rape and looting]], and [[Final Solution|genocide]]. Essentially the personification of [[War Is Hell]], her few followers are inevitably [[Sociopathic Soldier|Sociopathic Soldiers]], [[General Ripper|General Rippers]], or fellow [[Psycho for Hire|Psychos For Hire]].
* In the ''[[Mutant Chronicles (Tabletop Game)|Mutant Chronicles]]'' universe, Algeroth is the Dark Apostle of War and Technology.
* In the ''[[Mutant Chronicles (Tabletop Game)|Mutant Chronicles]]'' universe, Algeroth is the Dark Apostle of War and Technology.

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[[Category:Tropes of the Divine]]
[[Category:Tropes of the Divine]]
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[[Category:War God]]