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* The Dead Scar is incredibly disturbing, due to its location in the game. Especially to a low level blood elf, who might be unaware of Warcraft lore, traveling across a picturesque, calming landscape, only to suddenly see a hideous black slash of decay and death, populated by [[Body Horror|rotting cannibals]] and [[Was Once a Man|changed elves...]]
* The Dead Scar is incredibly disturbing, due to its location in the game. Especially to a low level blood elf, who might be unaware of Warcraft lore, traveling across a picturesque, calming landscape, only to suddenly see a hideous black slash of decay and death, populated by [[Body Horror|rotting cannibals]] and [[Was Once a Man|changed elves...]]
* The quest of Jitters in Duskwood. When you read his journal telling the story of what happened to Sven Yorgen's family. Turns out the Dark Riders came to their house to question them on the Scythe of Elune. They were actually looking for Jitters, since he was hiding out in their barn without their knowledge, but since the Riders didn't know this, assumed the people living there had it. The mother very calmly tries to negotiate the Riders away from her children so they'd kill her out in the woods and then hopefully just go do something else. They then use a mind-reading technique (which according to Jitters' account sounds to be ''very'' painful) and determine that Mrs. Yorgen was lying. The lead Rider then orders his men to slaughter the family. When the story gets to this part, Jitters simply says that if he were to describe exactly what happened, he would surely go completely insane. Sven himself, who was in Darkshire when this happened, comes back to find his family's mutilated corpses.
* The quest of Jitters in Duskwood. When you read his journal telling the story of what happened to Sven Yorgen's family. Turns out the Dark Riders came to their house to question them on the Scythe of Elune. They were actually looking for Jitters, since he was hiding out in their barn without their knowledge, but since the Riders didn't know this, assumed the people living there had it. The mother very calmly tries to negotiate the Riders away from her children so they'd kill her out in the woods and then hopefully just go do something else. They then use a mind-reading technique (which according to Jitters' account sounds to be ''very'' painful) and determine that Mrs. Yorgen was lying. The lead Rider then orders his men to slaughter the family. When the story gets to this part, Jitters simply says that if he were to describe exactly what happened, he would surely go completely insane. Sven himself, who was in Darkshire when this happened, comes back to find his family's mutilated corpses.
* Gnoll tents are made of human skin. There are ''faces'' on them.
* [http://us.media.blizzard.com/wow/media/screenshots/screenshot-of-the-day/cataclysm/cataclysm-ss1850-large.jpg And then this suddenly appeared.]
* [http://us.media.blizzard.com/wow/media/screenshots/screenshot-of-the-day/cataclysm/cataclysm-ss1850-large.jpg And then this suddenly appeared.]
* One of the new creatures in Mists of Pandaria are the Sha, creatures borne of negative emotions. The reasons Pandaren are usually calm and peaceful are to prevent the creation of them. They come back due to the erupting war of the Horde and the Alliance on Pandaria. They look... freaky, going by the concept art, they are [[Eldritch Abomination|bony creatures of inky black darkness]] with a [[Slasher Smile|wicked looking smile]] of sorts. If one looks closely in a stained glass window in Ulduar, there is a painting of what appears to be a Sha. One has to wonder what happened so long ago with the Pandaren to devote some part of themselves to preventing these creatures from reappearing. [[Fridge Horror|And what happened to have them be mentioned in Ulduar, if they've been around that long.]] Especially since Pandaria has been essentially cut off from ''everything'' for about 10,000 years.
* One of the new creatures in Mists of Pandaria are the Sha, creatures borne of negative emotions. The reasons Pandaren are usually calm and peaceful are to prevent the creation of them. They come back due to the erupting war of the Horde and the Alliance on Pandaria. They look... freaky, going by the concept art, they are [[Eldritch Abomination|bony creatures of inky black darkness]] with a [[Slasher Smile|wicked looking smile]] of sorts. If one looks closely in a stained glass window in Ulduar, there is a painting of what appears to be a Sha. One has to wonder what happened so long ago with the Pandaren to devote some part of themselves to preventing these creatures from reappearing. [[Fridge Horror|And what happened to have them be mentioned in Ulduar, if they've been around that long.]] Especially since Pandaria has been essentially cut off from ''everything'' for about 10,000 years.