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In the [[Darker and Edgier|grim darkness]] of [[Warhammer 4000040,000]], there is [[Forever War|only war]]...[[War Is Glorious|and awesome.]]
=== Works with their own pages: ===
* [[Blood Angels (Literature)/Awesome|Blood Angels]]
* [[Ciaphas Cain (Literature)/Awesome|Ciaphas Cain]]
* [[Dawn of War (Video Game)/Awesome|Dawn of War]]
* [[GauntsGaunt's Ghosts (Literature)/Awesome|Gaunts Ghosts]]
* [[Grey Knights (Literature)/Awesome|Grey Knights]]
* [[Horus Heresy/Awesome|Horus Heresy]]
* [[Night Lords/Awesome|Night Lords]]
* [[Soul Drinkers (Literature)/Awesome|Soul Drinkers]]
* [[Ultramarines (Literaturenovel)/Awesome|Ultramarines]]
* [[Word Bearers (Literature)/Awesome|Word Bearers]]
=== Works without pages: ===
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* Abnett does these a ''lot''. In ''Brothers of the Snake'', one of the wildest moments in what is, basically, a ''series'' of over the top moments is the defense of an unnamed town on a backwater world. Fifty Space Marines from the Iron Snakes chapter fight a massive horde of orks. There's so many that the Marines know they are going to die- but they do it anyway, because they should try. {{spoiler|What's really wild, and what makes this scene so touching, is that they pull it off- for, while all of them are hurt, some quite badly, and the equipment they brought is nothing but worn nubs and blunt spears, not one of them fell- and they killed every single ork. It's one hell of a moment.}}
** Slightly less inspirational, but one of the few times a Space Marine Dreadnought is actually a character, the second excursion to the planet where it all started. A large group of Dark Eldar attempt to hide from the Dreadnought, which can still see them with its sensors. The Dreadnought calls them out on it, then brings down a stone building on top of them. The dreadnought stomps up to one still-living Dark Eldar and demands to know where the Space Marine commander of the mission is. The Dark Eldar spits a curse; the Dreadnought responds "Wrong answer." and proceeds to riddle the entire rubble pile with bolter shells.
* In Graham McNeill's novel ''[[Iron Warriors (Literature)|Storm of Iron]]'', Castellan Vauban, the Imperial Guard commander duels Honsou, the de facto War Captain of an Iron Warriors Grand Company, shatters Honsou's sword, and then cuts his hand off. Considering the IGs are [[Badass Normal|Badass Normals]] at most, and Chaos Marines are [[Super Soldier|Super Soldiers]] with [[Cosmic Horror|Cosmic Horrors]] in their heads, this is incredibly bad.
** It's brought to a sudden halt when Honsou staggers, drawing Vauban into a hasty finishing blow, only to charge inside Vauban's swing and ram the shattered ruin of his sword straight ''through'' both Vauban's breastplate and his heart. Ouch.
*** An even better crowning moment goes to another guardsman, who manages to survive having the rest of the [[Red Shirt|Red Shirts]] in his guard outpost slaughtered, makes his way back to the base with a Chaos Marine pursuing him the whole way, gets into a missile silo with the instruction of an Adeptus Mechanicus Techpriest, and manages to take out the Marine chasing him, and ''launch an anti-ship missile into the heart of the Chaos army'' at the same time.
* Also in ''Storm of Iron'', Forrix gets one when he takes out the [[Humongous Mecha|Warhound Titan]] that he had been "hunting".
** Only to be utterly ''obliterated'' by the other Warhound. This was the most delicious moment of the book, considering Forrix was on the cusp of his most magnificent victory.
* On the subject of Honsou and company; his sieging of the Indomitable in "Iron Warrior" has to count for something. Not to mention the delicious irony in {{spoiler|who M'kar chooses as his host}}
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**** In ''Hereticus'', Eisenhorn is called by a close ally to a meeting. However, it's a trap and Eisenhorn is surrounded by a minor villainess and a gang of well armed mooks. Even he can't worm out of this one...except he's over 3 miles away, mentally controlling a psychic puppet bomb. After getting all the information he needs, he then wipes out the whole party.
** End of chapter 1 of Xenos:
{{quote| Come and let me show you how I killed Eyclone.}}
*** This is before he shoves the pistol (customized by Vibben, who just died) into Eyclone's mouth, shattering his teeth ,and then PUNCHING it into his skull, driving the finger guard into his mouth before blowing the back of his skull out.
*** Cherubael frying a Chaos Titan, doubles as CMOF as a mad priest with an imperial eagle plaque then makes him scream like a girl.
*** Cherubael's curbstomp of a fight against another Daemonhost at the end of Hereticus after being sorely restricted in power by Eisenhorn while his opponent is barely bound to his host and therefore able to throw everything at him, while Cherubael isn't even allowed to laugh.
{{quote| Cherubael:"You have no idea how strong I truly am, Eisenhorn."}}
* Regarding then beginning of Malleus:
{{quote| Betancore: {{spoiler|Never argue with a [[Big Damn Gunship|GunCutter]], asshole}}}}
* Dan Abnett again, in Ravenor's first key book, ''[[Ravenor]]''. After spending a good portion of the action stuck in his life-support hover chair incapacitated and subject to the abuse and threats of a psychotic lowlife who attempts to crack open his sealed environment with an axe, he reacts the instant he gets his psychic powers back. {{spoiler|Let's just say Mr. Axe-Happy becomes no more than a red smear on the nearby bulkhead...}}.
** Not to mention once Ravenor's [[Berserk Button]] gets pressed after {{spoiler|Mathuin dies}}.
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* By the Emperor, the CantiCol Lancers of Henry Zou's novel, Emperor's Mercy. The CantiCol Lancers charge a Chaos War Lord to protect the inquisitor that has been fighting with them knowing full well the consequences of such an action, and they do it anyways. Keep note that said War Lord was jumping off of tank hulls, smashing an FPV from his own weight, and threw a fucking Siegfried super heavy siege tank into the air.
** A random Guardsman from the same book gets his own moment as well. During the final battle to stop the forces of Chaos from reaching the Old Kings, he smashes in the faceplate of an Ironclad with the butt of his lasgun, turns and stabs another one in the face with his bayonet, gets shot multiple times, and still manages to ''strangle a third one to death'' before succumbing to his wounds.
* While both the ''Fire Warrior'' game and novel are accused of ridiculous amounts of [[Beginner's Luck]] (and rightly so), one genuine moment shines through: Through effectively the second half of the novel, La'Kais has had an unexploded bolter shell (that is to say, a Rocket-propelled grenade) lodged in his helmet after a shootout with a Space Marine. At the end of the incident, Kais is faced with the task of stopping a Daemon Prince alone, with his only edge the chance to weaken his powers by destroying four altars in the chamber. One altar is left. Kais has no weapons, no ammunition, and he just lost an arm. With his remaining arm, he rips off his helmet and throws it. It skids to a stop at the foot of the final altar, where the energy and heat radiating from it cooks that bolter shell off.
** The [[Beginner's Luck]] is what makes the game so awesome!
* Titanicus. Three words- "Legio will walk."
** "You are not ''Kharnus Kollidus''. You were once something else, something majestic, something transcendent. I pity you. Tell me, before I kill you, what was your name, long ago?" It takes stones to call out a ten-thousand-year-old Reaver-class Titan on ''using the wrong name''.
*** Albeit he is in a Warlord Titan.
*** Though in fairness, he had just blown through two ''more'' Reavers before attacking that one, and wound up finishing the fight basically unharmed... with three smoking ruins in front of him.
**** Lau, the Master of Legio Invictia's Skitarii. A gene-bulked cybernetic warrior who dresses like a tribal, hacks enemies apart with his Power Axe, fries them with a plasma pistol grafted to his arm, and ''rips out their throats with his surgically modified hydraulic jaws.'' And he goes into battle hopped up on Combat Drugs, yet has the mind of a master tactician.
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** Mortarion, for the time before he got found by the Emperor. We're talking about somebody who didn't stop helping people, despite being feared by them and eventually managed to single-handedly drive off invaders from said people armed only with a scythe.
** Vulkan squaring off against an attacking force of technologically adept super-sadists with nothing but a ''pair of hammers''. ''And winning''.
** Leman Russ is a genetically engineered super Space Viking. This alone makes him pretty awesome, even before mentioning he was [[Raised Byby Wolves]] - Horse-sized wolves with mean streaks a mile wide. The crowning moment, however, would be meeting the Emperor. Russ mocks this stranger, and then invites him to join in the feasting and competition. Russ defeats him in eating and drinking competitions. Let me say that again. Russ beats The Emperor - essentially a meaner version of Jesus - in a drinking competition. The Emperor is pretty pissed off by this point, so he punches Russ while wearing a [[Power Fist]] - an anti-tank weapon. After a second, Russ gets up, laughs, and hugs his papa.
*** He also claimed to have a mild headache after the fight, but caused by the amount of booze he drunk ''not'' the punch.
*** Leman Russ' first act when he emerged from his incubator pod after getting teleported out of the Emperor's laboratory was to climb out of a volcano. Let me repeat that: ''the first thing Leman Russ did '''as a newborn child''' was to '''CLIMB. OUT. OF. A. VOLCANO.''' '' [[Badass]] personified.
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** The 13th Company of the Space Wolves have spent ''ten thousand years'' in the middle of a [[Negative Space Wedgie]]. ''Uncorrupted''.
** [[State Sec|Inquisition]] may be ruthless, but these guys are ''not'' fools. In fact, much of the appeal Inquisition has to the players and fans is that [[I Did What I Had to Do|they are doing what they have to do]], and, however GW designers like to slap ''even more'' GRIMDARK onto the setting, there simply wasn't the way they've could do this without shooting themselves in the foot. It's either they let Inquisition be the smart guys and let the Space Wolves be, or they make them live to their reputation and ''both'' cripple one of the most popular chapters, and turn Inquisition from the [[Anti-Hero|AntiHeroes]] to the outright villains. The choice is easy.
* In additional to garden variety badassary, each ancient Space Marine Chapter has their own legendary warriors who are each worth an army (or twelve). Ultramarine Chief Librarian Tigurius can mindscrew the Tyranid hordes. Dante of the Blood Angels is prophesied to defend the Emperor at the Time of Ending and can kill daemons in a single blow. Bjorn the Fell-Handed has saved his entire chapter on countless occasions and was killing sorcerers even before he became a Dreadnought. One gets the sense that if/when the Imperium goes under, they're certainly capable of [[Taking You Withwith Me|dragging their destroyers down with them]].
* The [[Badass Army|Imperial Guard]] is composed of just regular guys with bad guns (and, admittedly, awesome tanks). They routinely get involved in battles with eight foot tall fungus monsters, undead robots led by the god of death, satanists wearing a solid ton of armor, ravening swarmbeasts who exist solely to eat flesh, and space elves capable of ripping them apart with mind-bullets channeled from hell itself. And they don't always lose.
** As a subset of this, a Commissar's job is to be even scarier than all the nasty beasties listed above. They are very good at their jobs.
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* The entire Astral Knights chapter. A Necron machine world (imagine the [[Star Wars|Death Star]] with hieroglyphs and flashy green [[Tron Lines]]) was ripping a new one to a huge human coalition. The Imperials couldn't pierce its shields, all the attempts of teleporting troops on the world failed... So what did the Astral Knights do? They pushed their main battlebarge at its full speed, ''[[Ramming Always Works|rammed the machine world's shields so hard they shatter them for a brief moment]]'', and began to destroy as many reactors and shield generators on the surface as possible before [[Heroic Sacrifice|being wiped out by the vastly more numerous Necrons]]. The only Astral Knights who survived were those who were engaged in other battles hundreds of light years away, but those who fought and died made enough damage to the battleship to finally make it drop its shields and offering an easy victory to the Imperium.
* Even the pathetic Gretchins get a [[Crowning Moment of Awesome]], despite being [[The Chew Toy|the punching bag of everyone in the galaxy as well as actual players of the game]]. Specifically, it goes to the Grot orderlies of [[Mad Doctor|Mad Dok Grotsnik]], who brought the dok back to life after he was killed by Ork nobs for [[Explosive Leash|planting bombs in their heads]] without their consent. Sure, Grotsnik [[Came Back Wrong|was completely whacked out of skull balls to the wall bat shit insane afterwards]], but think about it: Gretchins are more cunning than the average Ork, but only because they have to be to avoid dying. Like Orks, they're not actually intelligent. No Ork or orkroid species, save for actual doks, are competent enough to revive someone. How did they do it? By doing something no Ork would do: ''they learned from Grotsnik how to heal instead of how to kill''. That's pretty damn impressive. It was followed by Grotsnik's [[Crowning Moment of Awesome]], when he [[Your Head Asplode|detonated the bombs inside the heads of the nobs]] who had done him wrong, while [[Crazy Awesome|cackling, dancing and jumping around, and howling at the sky]].
* Rynn's Might: A [[Awesome Personnel Carrier|Land Raider]] of the Crimson Fists that, deprived of its crew, fought an Ork warband single-handedly to the end, on behalf of its machine spirits. After running out of ammo and gun barrels, it still tried running the orks over. And once disabled, it opened its hatches, the Warboss blindly stepped in, [https://web.archive.org/web/20130709232411/http://tsoalr.com/?p=358 and...]
* Slaanesh defeating Khaine, ''the Eldar God of War and Murder who defeated the Nightbringer'', and getting into a fight with Khorne, during which Khaine was accidentally ''[[Literally Shattered Lives|shattered into a million pieces]]''.
* Battle of Hades Hive. In which Commisar Sebastian Yarrick stalled the entire Ork WAAAGH! long enough to turn the tide of the war, utilising a severely outnumbered force. During said battle he lost his arm, but stayed concious long enough to kill the offending Ork Warboss, cut off ''his'' bionic arm, hold it up as a trophy, urged on his troops, and finished off that attack wave. Not until the skirmish was over did he pass out. Then Yarrick replaced his arm with that of the Warboss. Yeah, CMOA for the Old Man of Armageddon.
** And Yarrick has ''only gotten harder'' since then. He is probably the only human that can inspire honest-to-Emperor ''fear'' in Orks, Ghazghull (the single most powerful and admired Ork in the entire galaxy) considers Yarrick to be a [[Worthy Opponent]], and he is still personally killing Orks [[Badass Grandpa|despite being several centuries old]]. When he heard his enemies thought he could kill with a glance, he replaced his eye with a bionic one that could fire a laser ''specifically so he could do just that''.
* Nork Deddog was an Ogryn bodyguard to Catachan Colonel Greiss. When Greiss was hurt in combat, Deddog walked over to a downed Chimera vehicle with medicine inside and grabbed it - not the medicine, the ''Chimera''. He then lugged it out of a ditch and twenty meters over to his colonel, showcasing both his badassery and his indomitable loyalty.
== Comics ==
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** How about the issue "Sink Da Grimlug" where they're sent to take out a massive enemy battleship, get shot down, take the ship out from the inside, and fly away on a stolen Bommer... Which they decide to use to bomb the base of a rival skwadron.
** Killboy wading into the ravenous Squig payload to open the bombing bay from the inside, because he's the only one with a cybork body. He survives the bombing, the landing, and the ensuing panic.
{{quote| Gimzod: Payload deployed, boss!<br />
Uzgob: What about Killboy?<br />
Gimzod: [[Ride The Bomb|Oh yeah, he's been deployed too.]] }}
** Killboy in general:
{{quote| Gimzod: "Killboy. [[Captain Crash|35 missions flown, 35 replacement fighta-bommerz an' 35 major bionik surgery proceedures.]] 67 konfirmed kills, includin' 43 actually belongin' to the enemy..."}}
* The Redeemer. A batshit crazy Priest from ''[[Necromunda]]''. Picture Batman with his head on fire, a chainsaw sword, snappy one liners and henchmen who sing a modified version of the Battle Hymn of the Republic in his honor as he kills the alien, mutant, the heretic. Yeah, it's good. "IF IT DOESN'T HURT! IT DOESN'T COUNT!"
== Behind The Scenes ==
* [[Deathwatch (Tabletop Gamegame)|Deathwatch]] is stated, by the developers, as encouraging these, with a link to the tropes page. That's somewhere.
== Tabletop Game Battle Reports ==
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* A half dozen years ago this troper was getting severely trounced in a battle between my Imperial Guard, and my friend's Space Marines. In the end, my opponent had at least half his force left, while I was left with a lone lieutenant. Said lieutenant very wisely, though not so heroically, decided to try and escape from the Space Marines. Over the next two turns all the firepower that the Space Marines had in range were hurled at the lone retreating guardsman. He was hit three times by krak (anti-tank) missiles, and by a single lascannon (even more anti-tank) shot, and still managed to escape the combat alive. [[Made of Iron]]?
* This Troper was playing a game of dawn of war: Winter assault He happened to be playing as his own faction of the Imperial Guard, and was fighting the orks. This game was on hard mode, and I used a defensive paramiter and artillery strikes to soften 'em up for my infantry. The end result: Imperial Guard casulaties one, And that was because my pysker exploded. The Orks on the other hand lost 400 units. Epic Fail.
* Some years ago, this troper was fighting his friend's Chaos Space Marines with a combined force of Imperial Guard and Space Marines, and was not doing so well. He had a Leman Russ with all its guns blown off facing a Bloodthirster Greater Daemon of Khorne. Thinking he had nothing to lose, he proceeded to Tank Shock said Greater Daemon of Khorne. My friend decided on Death or Glory, expecting his Daemon to make scrap metal of the Leman Russ...only to fail and have the Greater Daemon run down and ground under the tracks of the rampaging Leman Russ. That's right, the physical manifestation of bloody death...was run over.
* This troper's Chaos Space Marine army was facing an Eldar force lead by an avatar of Khaine. Somewhere near the end of the battle, the avatar was charged by my Daemon Prince from one side and a single Khorne berserker from the other, with the victory of the battle depending on the outcome. Choosing to focus on the Daemon prince, the avatar proceeded to rip him apart before he could do anything... only to lose its last two wounds to the berserker (I like to imagine him climbing on top of it and taking his chainaxe to its head with a cry of "SKULLS FOR THE SKULL THRONE!")
* [[User:Night|This Troper]] was present for perhaps the least lucky roll ever made made in a Battlefleet Gothic game, where he watched a lone Black Templars Battle Barge facing certain annihilation against three Scythe-class Harvest Ships that had just trashed the rest of the Space Marine Fleet. Unfortunately for them, a Scythe failed its inertialess drive roll while right next to the Battle Barge. Boarding action ensued, the Scythe lost and was captured for 500% of its points value, effectively ending the game. Necrons across the galaxy must have done a massive collective [[Face Palm]].
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* A friend of mine's Imperial Guard army went up against an equal strength Space Marine force, and took precisely two casulties.Both of them were caused by overheated plasma guns.
* Playing Blood Angels I was up against an Eldar Army containing 3 wraithlords. My death company, led by a chaplain covered roughly 20 inches of movement and charged into the closest one. Thanks to special rules they actually stood a chance of hurting the thing (wounding on a 6) and I had hopes that perhaps I might take it down by weight of numbers. The Chaplain was having none of that and killed the thing himself. Despite only hitting 3 times and wounding on a 6. The random number God was kind that night.
* Playing as the Tyranids, I watched a large group of guants get decimated down to one during the shooting phase. For lack of a better target, this lone guant was charged by six Khornate Berserkers. He ''killed them all''.
* Playing [[Battlefleet Gothic]], using Imperial Navy against Eldar. For those who don't play, the Eldar fleet(s) are sufficiently fast and agile to fly rings around virtually every other fleet in the game, and thanks to their holofields are pretty much invulnerable to lances and torpedoes. Knowing this, I parked a Gothic class cruiser (armed purely with lances and torpedoes) inside an asteroid field orbiting a planet. Eventually, my opponent forgot it was there (as it was the only ship on the table that didn't have to call attention to itself by moving), and decided to hide his battleship from my fleet behind the asteroid field. Perfect line up for me to accelerate my Gothic out to directly behind it and launch a volley of torpedoes right up his tailpipe. It didn't do much, but the fact that I managed to 'outmanoeuvre' an eldar ship? Pure win.
** Sounds more like a missed moment of awesome to me, why didn't you ram it?
*** Because I would have had to go on AAF to ram, and even with the free 45 degree turn from the gravity well, that still would have put my Gothic on a beautiful course that wouldn't intersect with his battleship (as the All Ahead Full special order prohibits any turns ''except'' those bestowed by gravity wells). As it was, I'd had to turn through greater than 60 degrees to line up my shot. If I'd had her facing just 20 degrees further to starboard I might've been able to pull it off, and you're right, that would have been far more awesome.
* In one game This Troper played, a lone terminator, having just lost his squad mates (and the rest of the army), marched through difficult terrain for three turns while enduring the full firepower of a 600 point Tau force. Hundreds of pulse rounds, multiple railgun rounds, everything just bounced off. On the fourth turn, this seemingly invincible marine charged out of cover to assault a squad of Fire Warriors. He only got into base contact with one. Who promptly cut him down effortlessly. To add to that, none of This Troper's Tau died or were wounded[[Bloodthirster|.]]
* Playing Emperor's Children against Necrons, fourth-edition. It was a tough fight. I was outgunned and out maneuvered, not to mention my opponent had a monolith in our 1000 point game. It was the end. After six turns of intense fighting and horrific casualties on both sides, the only model I had left on the board was a Rhino that had gotten it's gun blown off in a previous turn, versus swarms of Necrons, Immortals, and the damn monolith. There was only one thing I could do (literally, I didn't have any guns, or men), so my rhino drove towards a convenient squad of immortals at full speed, Tank Shock! The dice fell, and thanks only to the wailing of the Doom Sirens mounted to the hull of the transport I broke the Immortals. The hulking metal men turned and ran from the oncoming vehicle, the dice fell again, yes it was far enough, the squad reached the edge of the table, another morale check, another failure again only because of the Doom Sirens and the Immortals fled the battlefield. With mounting horror my opponent counted the models left on the board, and confirmed that with the loss of those Immortals he had only 23% of his force remaining. As he removed his remaining models from the board, phasing them out one at a time, I sat back in my chair, picturing this lone, empty, damaged rhino driving around the empty battlefield, the gunner having been free from his duties for a few turns already already has the holy Bong of Slaanesh loaded and as blue smoke billows out the hatches the driver activates the hydraulics on the tracks and connects an iPod to the Doom Sirens. They won the battle.
* This Troper, playing DOW, Had a single Kasrkin squad defending the cathedral on a game in Kasyr Lutien. Long story short, chaos attacks and murders the entire squad bar the sergeant. This LONE sergeant breaks morale, manages to escape through the chaos army, flee back to my base; and just as the chaos army follows him rallies, turns and starts firing just as the rest of the army rolls out across the bridge and gives him covering fire. CMOA?
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** By the way I did something quite similar with the Tau, even with two greater knarlocs and some Krootoxupgraded with Improved Metallurgy assaulting my forces, guess the Fanatism ability of my command squad helped a lot, in the end I eliminated them and their respective bases with the help of my [[Tank Goodness|Baneblade and 2 Leman Russ]], more long ours of pushing them, but the victory was particularly exilarating.
** The Space Marine stronghold mission in Dark Crusade is ''absurdly'' easy as the Imperial Guard. Once you grab the Space Marine orbital bombardment beacon, you can drop a blast capable of leveling a stronghold building anywhere on the map that you have line of sight. [[Dungeon Bypass|The Imperial Guard have an easily-acquired ability that gives them line-of-sight to anywhere]]. [[[[Instant Win Condition]] You win the moment the Space Marine stronghold is destroyed].
* This Troper has two CMOA, one with Battlefleet Gothic Necron, and the other with a 3rd edition Chaos Lord. With the Necron, I had a Scythe Cruiser that had been badly damaged while fighting both Eldar and Space Marines. It Braced for Impact as a massive wave of bombers attacked. 60 attacks hit, each requiring a 2+ save (because Necron ships are beardy). Two failed saves would have destroyed the Cruiser. Every save was made. With the Chaos Lord, back when the 'Nids got their 3rd edition codex, there was the "Hunt For Old One Eye" game, with six non-'Nid players (four Space Marine, one Eldar, and my Thousand Sons) vs. a huge swarm of 'Nids. After genestealers swarmed and annihilated the rest of my force, my Lord (in Terminator armor and twin Lightning Claws) singlehandedly killed 18 Hormogaunts, 5 Genestealers, and one Tyranid Warrior (wounding a second) before finally dying. The Red Terror (which can swallow models whole) turned and went after a tank that was immobilized with all its weapons blown off rather than risk being killed by this Lord.
** I have to ask, was there a photoreport of that on dakkadakka? I swear I read about that [[Chaos]] Lord carnage.
* This troper loves his Sisters of battle to death due to the incredibly high amount of Crowning moments of awesome they get.
** The first is 1 cannoness (A good leader for the sisters, but still very human and squishy) taking out an entire squad of nobs and thier warboss and [[Big Mek]]...In close combat.
** The second involves the same cannoness surviving 3 rounds of fire from a full squadron of leman russes in order for her to get into close combat and blow them up with meltabombs. She had to do this because she was the only thing left on my side of the board. She then proceeded to take out the two remaining squads of guardsman by never staying down (Yay bionics). She has been named and is the first target by most of the people I know due to her terminator-like qualities. Cannoness Iofiel, you are a living saint.
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** First: A Veteran guardsmen (Without a power weapon) killing a Terminator in Close combat. Second: Tech Priest Enginseer, one of the least combat capable units (WS 3) in the game, destroying a Venerable Dreadnought (WS 5) with one Servo Arm Attack, and finally: Pedro Kantor (on the enemy team) taking a Rending Sniper shot to the face and dying. Win.
* This Troper had a CMoA with an outdated Chaos Predator. Said Tank was from the 2nd edition, and was very dated in its appearance, so everyone laughed at it when I brought it to the field. During the battle, the entire army was wiped out to the last man by the opposing space marine force, and they suffered no serious casualties. However, Awesomeness ensued as the predator backed itself to a table side (thus making its rear armor impervious) and laid waste to the entire 1000 point army on its own, destroying a dreadnought and a whole Terminator squad through sheer firepower. The battle quickly turned and I won. From that day after, everyone learned to fear that predator, which has not been damage (in-game at least) at all, ever.
* This Troper has several CMoA to share.
** First, just last week, three Plague Marines were the only models left on my side, having survived three turns worth of close combat with a squad of bikers. Please note that I had achieved nine kill points at this stage, to my opponent's seven, but if I was tabled, he won anyway. Khosarro Khan himself charged in to break the stalemate, but despite having Furious Charge, he only killed two. The champion then proceeded to bitchslap Khan with his powerfist, bringing me up to ten killpoints with one model still standing as the game ended. I plan on converting that champion to celebrate his badassery, maybe renaming him Chuck Norris.
** Next is the case of Brother Sergeant Mentos, the Freshmaker. Once a lowly scout with a heavy bolter, this epitome of awesome stood before a Baneblade and a full platoon of Guardsmen and even after the rest of his squad died, he took the firepower of fifty flashlights and one of the scariest tanks in the game for two turns with nothing more than a camo cloak to protect him and just kept potting away with his bolter. He was the only model actually holding an objective when the game ended, scoring a win. He now uses the rules and model of Telion.
** Finally, a platoon of gaurd with no heavy weapons has made a habit of soloing Daemon Princes, once through attrition in combat, and later with one volley of fire from 14 lasguns using First Rank Fire, as the meltagun missed. I'll eventually add a stantard bearer to the platoon command squad bearing an honorific relating to being Daemon Slayers.
* This troper, to get used to the game, played a little trial game with a friend. At one point, said friend sent a big squad full of Nobs and the Warboss into melee combat (as orks) into a bunch of Terminators (me as spess mahreens). The Terminators ripped half of them to shreds, causing the Warboss and the Nobs to run in terror. Not the epic, the epic is that they ran past a near-dead half-slaughtered ork squad, said ork squad then succeeded in their morale roll and did not run. I just love the image of the biggest, baddest orks in the entire army running in fear, for these two shattered Orks to say "Fuck dem, we'z da orks". We both agreed that, after the battle the orks in that squad killed the Warboss and took his place for being a coward.
* Your Milage May Vary A LOT on this one, but this troper had one just this morning that proved quite funny as well. A warboss from the orks slew a squad of 5 death company (along with the captain who had joined them), but was reduced to two wounds. In the space marine turn, he survived a shot from a lascannon and charged into a combat with a sergeant and five other marines (who were already fighting about 7 orks. The sergeant was armed with just a bolter, if you were wondering)..only to die with two attacks from the sergeant and a extra one from a fellow battle-brother. On the battle field, he had charged the sergeant, so I imagined the sergeant uppercutting the warboss without turning to see him. The remaining four marines slew two other orks, at the cost of one brother. The surviving orks tried to flee, but were caught in a sweeping advance that left the orks with nothing left on the table.
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*** This dude deserves a Star of Terra.
* A sort of meta one. During a game at my local GW I was watching, the two players, and Ork and Imperial Guard player, were asked to improv a [[Rousing Speech]] to their men as delivered by the Warboss/Colonel. The Ork player kept it short and sweet, along the lines of "Get 'em, ya gitz! WAAAAAGH!". The Imperial Guard player, on the other hand, thought for about a minute then came out with this:
{{quote| Colonel: If you go to the Emperor on this field of battle, then ensure that you take a score of the enemy with you! If you should fall now, then make them pay for every inch of ground they gain! If you must die, then die standing! For we are the Guard AND THEY SHALL NOT PASS!}}
** May I ask if the colonel was nicknamed Gandalf?
* A fairly awesome one came back when I was testing a space wolves army with some friends (basically, I used a space wolf army I had planned to take to a local tournament. They got swapped out for Orks later). We were playing a three way battle. I was using the space wolves (as I've just said), my best friend was using space marines and another friend was using Dark Eldar. During the last turn of the battle, it was my best friends turn and he was last (I was in joint first). Determined to regain the lead (he was in last by one kill point), he had a dreadnought shoot at my wolf lord in a blood claw unit, causing no damage, then charged the space wolves. I failed my counter attack roll and my wolf lord tried to destroy the dreadnought with melta bombs, but failed. The dreadnought attacked the unit, directing one attack at my wolf lord, which was saved thanks to his storm shield, but took down all but one blood claw (who was armed with a power fist and plasma pistol). Said blood claw then proceeded to attack the dreadnought. To my amazement, he wrecked the dreadnought. I could mentally imagine the wolf lord throwing the melta bomb over the dreadnought's armour in an attempt to destroy it, the dreadnought swinging it's power fist round in a circle, killing the blood claws and sending the wolf lord sprawling on the ground, when the final blood claw leapt onto the arm of the dreadnought, pulled himself onto the roof of the dreadnought and punching straight through the roof, taking the old space marine hero's head off, before leaping clean of the sarcophicous as it collapsed onto the floor before short circuiting and exploding. Since then, said battle brother earnt the nickname "Brother Badass" and has performed just as well when he gets a chance (which is fairly rare, since I managed to misplace the space wolves codex).
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* This troper has a poor memory, and so does not remember much of this one battle he had long ago. What I do remember, however, is that I was allied to the Imperial Guard, and there were some Grey Knight Terminators working for the opposing side. The Terminators were rampaging through the army, destroying everything from commanders to tanks - when the 4 men left of one Guard Squad shot at them. The 3 normal squaddies all missed, presumably due to their fear, but the Sergeant calmly lowered his laspistol and shot one of the Grey Knights directly in the back of the neck, punching right through what must have been a weak point in his armour and instantly killing him. One of the most durable models in the entire game... killed by the ''pistol variant'' of a ''flashlight''.
* Playing as Tyranids, my enemy had cannily set up Space Marine devestator squads in two corners of the table (that's four in total). So as my army advanced, he got high powered pot shots at my snapse creatures and mowed down the hordes with his heavy bolters. Well, I say mowed. This lasted until my second turn, at which point I brought in twenty genestealers on each side of the board, and massacred all the heavy weapons my enemy owned in a single turn. Just to put this in context, the remainder of the army was infantry designed for mid range combat and a single tank. Which was now faced with two flanks of slavering monstrosities about to begin chewing their arms off, as well as a much larger force running straight at them from the front, with no hope of thinning down their ranks before they got here. At this point, my opponent decided to have a little fun and proposed duel between our HQ choices, a space marine Captain and my Hive Tyrant. So these two charged their armies into an epic close combat battle spanning over a third of the board. Amazingly, the Hive Tyrant and the Captain were the last things left fighting by the end. The entire space marine force was wiped out, and now surrounded by enemies, the Captain fought on. The best part? The Captain won.
* This tropers brother once took out half an army using his only surviving model, a Chaos lord with a jetpack and melta bombs. It should be noted that this wasn't a small 500 point skirmish but 3'000 point battle, where the opponent accidentally went over the cap because he miscalculated his points. It was a campaign game too, so it should be noted that Lord Maximillian Schwarzschild had an incredibly unsuccessful military career both before and after that battle. (Though he did become the planetary governor of an Imperial world. Which has to be worth something for a chaos lord.)
* I was once playing a tau vs ork game against my friend. My broadside battlesuit got assaulted by a squad of burna-boys, all of whom had power weapons. My broadside killed all of them. In close combat. My fire warrior commander also got a CMOA in a different battle, where he killed a Necron Lord. Again, in close combat. After the necron lord killed off the rest of his squad.
* In this tropers store there is a well documented phenomenon known as Kharn syndrome. In Apocalypse games Kharn The Betrayer will lose his first two wounds two lasguns, He will proceed to take a level in badass (Very hard i will admit) and walk through titan levelling firepower and proceed to cut entire armies in half, Example: Upon losing his first two wounds (and the rest of his unit) to boltguns (on the fist turn) he shouted "i'm coming for you!!" and procceded to shrug of 3 linebreaker hits and 4 lascannon hits (Impressive seeing as he only gets a 5+ save from these and failing one would kill him) and finishes the game alive with a higher kill count than any other model on the board.
* [[User:Crest Of Fire|This troper]] was playing with Imperial Guard against ~1000pts of Tyranid hordeness. Including the Doom of Malan'Tai. Second turn, the Doom Deep-Striked into the middle of the IG army. Half of them ran away instantly, the other half were reduced to about two men remaining. Per ten-man squad. After a few turns of frantic flashlights attempting to blind Doom, the troper finally gave up and rammed it with a Bane Wolf. Knowing it could easily destroy the Bane Wolf, the Doom (Strength 10) opted for Death or Glory,... failed,... and was promptly [[Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?|squished by 35 tons of]] [[Tank Goodness]].
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* This Troper recently had an Apocalypse game of Orks vs Space Marines. Space Marines had a few Thunderfire Cannons (basically artillery guns) that are constantly screwing over the Boyz. Ghazghkull doesn't like this. He promptly starts dropping Roks on them from orbit. After a turn of asteroid bombardment.... the entire marine army has been destroyed by the excellent aim of the Orks in orbit.
* There have been a couple of excellent moments for this troper. In Warhammer 40k: my Grey Knigh Justicar (sergeant) beat a Bloodthirser on half wounds (War God) one on one. The opponent acutally accuesed me of usig weighed die on the second combat round. Also in 40k: my Brother-Captain getting surrouned by Khorne Beserkers, only to use Holocaust and wipe out half the squad. Then he died... In Warhammer: High Elf vs Skaven/Chaos. 1st turn skaven took aim at my swordmasters with the warp-lightning cannon, which proceeded to misfire and explode. This unit went on to destroy a Rat Ogre unit, a unit of Chosen, and finally helped my dragon princes an Tyrion attack the Chaos Cavalry with Archaon. This might not be supposed to go here, but I once had a hobbit archer, in warhammer LOTR, which killed a Warg Chieftan. In Combat. After the Chieftan had taken only one wound before killing about 20 hobbit Sherrifs and a hero. Owned with the pointy stick of death!
* This Troper once played an Imperial Guard vs Eldar game where most of his tanks and artillery support bit the dust due to trick maneuvering by his xenos opponent, only to have his infantry carry the day. To elaborate: the Eldar player still had a wraithlord, a unit of wraithguard, a fire prism, several walkers, and guardians(the basic infantry). This Troper had a basilisk and three units of conscripts left. Pwnage by the basilisk and puny conscripts ensue. The face on his opponent was amazing.
* This Troper played Khorne. Once, his entire battalion of Berserkers was wiped down to the champion due to Tau Fire, but the lone berserker managed to not only survive a full turn of Pulsar fire, but also charge the Tau fire warriors and systematically destroy the opposing 500 point army (the Berserker himself was only worth a meager 30 points or so). The Berserker was eventually fell by a Battlesuit gauntlet to the face, but not before taking down the rest of the army and badly damaging the battle suit (he only had one wound left). The Tau player was so traumatized that he renounced playing Tau and started playing Black Legion Chaos Marines, frequently using Berserkers.
* This troper played a game of Space Marines against Orks, in which there was a double [[Crowning Moment of Awesome]]. After decimating most of the Orks on the board, the last Ork standing proceeded to tear through entire platoons of Space Marines, singlehandedly taking out more than half my forces. In addition to this, due to a few bad rolls on my part, the Orc survived being hit by several rounds of sniper fire, three rockets, and a flamethrower. After he had decimated nearly my entire force, one single marine took the guy out. With a pistol. He wasn't even a special unit, he was a cannon fodder "[[Mook]]." [[Badass Normal]]" indeed.
* This troper will always enjoy the moment, in his first 1500pt game, in which his Falcon ([[Glass Cannon]], very fast, good firepower, sucks in the durability department) scooted along the sidelines and blasted the Scout squad holding the Marines' home objective so badly the rest broke and ran, netting him a 2 objectives to none victory.
* Apocalypse battle, 4,000pts Chaos and Eldar (hey, we were trying to use all of our miniatures!) against 4,000pts Space Marines and Imperial Guard. Chaos Terminator squad pops up in the middle of the field, charges the Space Marine Command Squad, proceeds to demolish them without taking any casualties. Striking Scorpions pop up behind the Land Raider, Exarch with Biting Blade rips it to shreds. Daemon Prince (which, by the way, is green stuff modeled and painted to be Monty Python's Killer Rabbit on a flying base) charges the Dreadnaught and rips ''it'' to shreds. Chosen squad unleashes a barrage of chaotic fury on a Scout squad and they break and run (the same scout squad that broke in the above example, as a matter of fact). Eldrad [[Mind Rape|Mind Wars]] the Imperial Guard general, who bricks his Morale test and dies, and then Eldrad uses his second Mind War on the Commissar, who also bricks his Morale test and dies. The Imperials conceded after another three turns of being pounded into scrap without inflicting significant damage.
* This Troper is still GM'ing a ''[[Warhammer 40 K,000]]'' game where so far:
** A Marine has killed five Imperial Guards with a teacup - then proceeded to finish his cuppa.
** A Marine squad has fought its way to the top of a mile-high tower, found nothing at the top, then had half its members take the quick way down by ''jumping out of the nearest window''
** First trooper to do the above bowls into the Chaos-decieved Guards at the bottom, killing ten by simply being a very fast metal object.
** Those who jumped taking shelter in an office and arming themselves with stationary. Then proceeding to attack Chaos Demons with a staple gun and flying CDs.
** Turning demons into pretzels kills them. This has been proven.
** The squad sergeant single-handedly attacking a Eldar fire prism... and ''winning.''
** Most Epic Kill Ever. A Wraith Guard, attacking the squad, is attacked by a single marine who jumps up onto one of its black-hole cannon arms. Said trooper then proceeds to cut through the arm he is sitting on as well as most of the Wraith's torso. As both fall to the ground he leaps out of the way, the gun fires, creating a mini black hole that the disabled Wraith Guard then proceeds to fall in to. Such shit is impossible to make up.
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* One about modelling, from a fellow 40k player. Said player, who is the [[Butt Monkey]] of our group, was basing some Chaos Terminators with sand, when he decided to try a simple 'sealing' technique (50% PVA glue and water, dunk base into it, let it dry overnight) He did so, then after a few minutes, got bored. So he did the most logical thing you can do- put them in the freezer. However, this wasn't enough, since he left them in there for a few hours (we think he got distracted by something shiny) and he made another highly logical jump for how to thaw them... put them in the microwave.
** Unsuprisingly, the models melted. However, the icing on the cake is that the Termies themselves were fine, only their shins and feet had melted, which gave the effect that they were trying to walk through tar or lava, and looked damn awesome. It was a shining example of how fine a line there is between genius and madness.
* {{[[User|Be]] This troper's}} pride and joy have always been his vehicles and two of them qualified in an Apocalypse game.
** With nearly the first shot of the game, the Dreadnought [[Battlestar Galactica Reimagined(2004 TV series)|Solaria]] took careful aim with it's twin-linked lascannon at a Hellhammer super-heavy tank. The chances of knocking off one of the structure points were good - the first roll saw it hit. The second saw it punch through the armour. The third roll, a six, knocked off a structure point and let me roll again. The fourth roll, another six, knocked off a structure point and let me roll again. The fifth roll, a five, knocked off the final structure point and made the Hellhammer explode.
*** Maybe it was a bit gloaty, but the line was too good to pass up: "Diana Ross was right. You just experienced...[[Quip to Black|a chain reaction]]" Complete with the replacing of the glasses. I've rarely been more proud of myself.
** The second was less awesome, but despite being immobilised the Land Raider Crusader [[Battlestar Galactica (2004 TV series)|Kara]] still registered a full thirty-three kills before being wrecked; it didn't hurt that a squad of Daemons scattered far too close to the flamestorm cannons and nine died.
* A game of 3rd Edition [[Warhammer 4000040,000]] involved pitting his Eldar with a single unit Harlequin allies up against a Blood Angels force; with the Eldar woefully outgunned. The game ended in a narrow Eldar victory, thanks to the Harlequins, who destroyed a land raider and obliterated a unit of deep-striking assault terminators, before taking out half of a unit of assault marines, effectively tying up the other half for the last couple of turns. Far outperforming any other unit on the board At the same time, a unit of Warp Spiders managed to keep 2 Rhinos and a unit of SMurfs pinned down and ineffective for half the game, immobilizing one Rhino and stunning the other, until the Vypers could come in and clean up.
* This Troper once played a game of bloodbowl with an Ogre team against Norse. The Norse were about to score a touchdown and had the ball well defended. None of the Ogres could move close enough to tackle the Norse and the snotling were too weak to do anything worthwhile. So in a fit of desperation an ogre ran up to a snotling, picked him up and threw him at the enemies holding the ball, the snotling missed and flew into the crowd killing himself. This didn't phase the ogre team however and they proceeded to throw another snotling, this one hits a friendly ogre and kills him instantly. More snotlings are thrown and eventually the anyone around the general area of the ball was either dead, stunned or knocked out. The ogres managed to barely win that game and cause more damage to themselves than the Norse could ever dream of
** Some of these actions may have caused a turnover but not all rules were being used
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* This troper had once a game of Warhammer40000 in which his Looted Basilisk, firing blindly, deviated from the intended target of two [[Space Marine]] squads and landed square on a squad of Terminators ''halfway across the table'', obliterating four out of five members and causing the remaining one to flee in terror. To put it into perspective, the Terminators have the best armor save in the game of 2+ , meaning you have to roll a 1 on a six-sided die to fail. In another game a Grot Bomb (one-shot "guided" rocket) landed directly on top of a Space Marine Dreadnaught, blowing it up and proceeding to slice two nearby squads with shrapnel from the walker. None survived.
* During a search through /tg/ two threads appeared containing a GM asking for help from people about Dark Heresy. He stated that his entire party was about to rip itself to pieces over a matter because the group’s [[Badass Bookworm|Ad]][[Non Combat Guy|ept]] had just [[Dynamic Entry|leapt from a second story window]] and beaten a Dark Eldar to death with the splinter cannon the Eldar had been carrying. A player with an Arbite character regarded using a xenos weapon as a club to be heresy and had leveled his heavy bolter threatening to shoot the Adept… Only to have a third player with a Guardsman threaten to shoot him in turn if he pulled the trigger. The GM had come to /tg/ to ask for help if this was heresy or not. After others in /tg/ agreed that only an [[Up to Eleven|incredibly]] [[Knight|Templar puritain]] Inquisitor would agree to this, the GM decided that the Adept would most likely only have to perform penance at worst. One person asked him why he had posted two threads. His answer:
{{quote| “Yeah, it was seriously goddamn stupid for me to think I had somehow failed to post this but i'm being kept mobile by sugar and caffeine at the moment. I'm more focused on trying to finish this session than anything else”}}
** It gave a short glimpse into one [[Offscreen Moment of Awesome|epic session]] which had been going on for so long and had been so tiring that it was giving the GM a [[Heroic RROD]].
* The first time this troper played [[Tabletop Game]]/Deathwatch, his Devastator Marine wasn't rolling so hot, completely missing or just nicking the Tyranid hordes. Then came a turn where his exploding dice completely ripped apart the flying horde coming at them. The squad was so impressed that it translated in-game, where the Assault Marine and the Warrior he was fighting pause and look up to watch it rain gore and body parts.
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