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[[File:fabius_bile_854.jpg|link=Warhammer 40000 (Tabletop Game)40,000|frame|The doctor will see you now.]]
{{quote| [[Darkest Hour|Have we exhausted all possible ways to divine the future]]? [[Failure Is the Only Option|How many scribes must toil to scratch their visions onto ancient parchments so that we might catch a glimpse of hope]]? [[Despair Event Horizon|Or are we to suffer only the pangs of despair as yet more horror is let loose on our dreams]]? [[Go Mad Fromfrom the Revelation|Or does the seeking itself give birth to more insanity than man can cope]]?}}
{{quote| [[Freak-Out|The Dark Future Beckons]]!}}
{{quote|[[Driven to Madness|Fear the Unknown]]!|''Warhammer 40,000''}}
As the origin of the term [[Grimdark]], it's no surprise that ''[[Warhammer 40000 (Tabletop Game)|Warhammer 4000040,000]]'' is a setting positively ''drowning'' in [[Nightmare Fuel]]. [[Nightmare Fetishist|And we wouldn't have it any other way]].
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* '''Nurgle''' loves his followers, he really does. And he'd probably be jolly good grampy to you, if you'd just join up. It just so happens he shares his love by [[Body Horror|infecting you with so much disease]] you end up a bloated rotting zombie-like thing which is in so much pain that it can't feel ''any other pain''. But Papa Nurgle loves you, so it's ''all fine''.
** ''And they love it''. Other servants of Chaos are intensely suffering or blindingly insane or "merely" a mindless spawn, but Nurgle followers genuinely enjoy being followed by clouds of plague flies and having their organs dragging on the ground, and nothing would please them more than giving you a biiiiig hug so you can enjoy it too. Come to Papa Nurgle~
*** It reminds me of [[Nineteen Eighty-Four]], where all citizens get to be brainwashed by the oppressive Party and end up ''worshipping the very organization that has made their lives miserable''. Sure, the specifics of the methods to that result may be different, but still, Nurgle [[Mind Rape|tampers with your mind]] and transforms you into a mindless zombie drone worshipping ''diseases''.
** And yes, it ''still'' gets worse. [[The Virus|Nurgle's Rot]], perhaps the most gruesome of the nightmarish Chaos powers, infects almost all of his followers and can be transferred with a single touch, inflicting the poor victim with a concoction perfected by Nurgle himself to cause the most agony while still keeping them from death, many pledging themselves to Nurgle just to end their suffering. It also [[Brainwashed|contaminates the soul]] [[Viral Transformation|as well as the body]], each person killed by the Rot [[You Will Be Assimilated|creating another Plaguebearer]] in Nurgle's "garden", the more they resist death merely resulting in a more powerful Plaguebearer. Oh, and said garden may include one very special favored guest, who Nurgle force-feeds all his creations to just to see how powerful and harmful they are...
** Plague Marines. Dark, bubbling, deep, filthy, scary...
{{quote| ''We... *gasp*... are'' '''''Death'''''... ''*rasp* and'' '''''Decay'''''... ''*wet gagging*''...}}
** Who is the above special guest? The only being able to cure Nurgle's creations, Isha, the goddess of life. [[Abhorrent Admirer|Who Nurgle is trying to convince to marry itself.]] And she's ''still'' better off than with her previous "suitor", see below.
*** But since she can cure any of Nurgle's creations, that means she cannot die, so the experiments will ''never'' stop.
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* '''Khorne'''. He'll give you [[One-Man Army|martial might beyond compare]], [[Determinator|a will to dominate that knows no bounds]]... which translates into [[The Berserker|frothing berserker strength]]. All he asks for is blood. Lots of blood. [[Friend or Foe|Your enemies', your friends']], ''yours'' - he isn't picky. Khorne cares not from whom the blood flows, only that it does.
** His Greater Daemons, Bloodthirsters, are the most feared beings in an entire galaxy of [[Earthshattering Kaboom|planet-crushing]], [[Horror Hunger|soul-eating]], [[The Juggernaut|unstoppable monstrosities]]; even the Grey Knights are wary to speak the names of the most powerful ones. Invigorated by the might of Khorne himself their [[Super Strength|martial prowess]] exceeds all but the Primarchs, each one [[Person of Mass Destruction|more than capable of crushing armies]] [[Physical God|and rendering planets barren]], more often than not leading their own army of ravenous daemons that share its desire for blood and carnage.
*** Ever heard of [[Doomy Dooms of Doom|Doombreed]]? A Daemon Prince from the Dark Age of Technology, recruited by Khorne in his younger days. [[Fridge Logic]] assumes him to be any one of a number of [[Real Life]] warlords with [[Complete Monster]] status, so Doombreed is actually either [[Adolf Hitler]], [[Pol Pot]], [[Useful Notes/North Korea|Kim Jong-Il]] or [[Genghis Khan]]. (Almost definitely Genghis Khan, considering the fact that he's the only true warrior out of these men.)
*** Alternately, he could [[World War Three|have yet to be born.]] [[Fridge Horror|Which is probably worse...]]
== '''Tzeentch''' ==
* '''Tzeentch''', god of [[The Chessmaster|chessmasters]], [[Manipulative Bastard|manipulative bastards]], and the [[Xanatos Roulette]]. He'll grant you [[Black Magic|sorcerous]] [[Psychic Powers|powers]] beyond your wildest dreams, [[Dreaming of Things to Come|visions of the future]], and [[Magnificent Bastard|the ability to craft schemes of dizzying complexity]]. Unfortunately, he's called the Changer of Ways for a reason, so you might [[Lovecraftian Superpower|get a mutation. Or two. Or twenty.]] Since Tzeentch is above all else a god of [[The Corruption|Chaos]], despite his patronage [[Didn't See That Coming|your schemes may fall apart]], especially if your mutations go so out of control you regress into a mewling, mindless Chaos Spawn. But don't worry. [[Gambit Pileup|That was part of his plan all along]].
** The Thousand Sons Legion learned this [[Unwitting Pawn|the hard way]]. Soon after being banished to the [[Negative Space Wedgie|Eye of Terror]], all of them began accumulating so many mutations that some weren't so much "unrecognisable" as "oh god oh god what the hell is that". Their most powerful [[Evil Sorceror|sorceror]] Ahriman cast a massive spell in an effort to prevent certain destruction, and he succeeded in halting the mutations... by converting most of the Legion to dust and sealing them inside their armour forever, transforming them into [[Mecha -Mooks|mindless automata]]. However the spell also turned the [[Black Magic|sorcery]] of the minority with even a little psychic power [[Up to Eleven]], so it's all good.
*** The best part is that the Thousand Sons primarch turned to Chaos (and Tzeentch) to save his legion from extermination. At the end he learns that Ahriman's fiasco was all part of Tzeentch's plan.
*** Every time the Thousand Sons commit some sort of atrocity, remember this: Primarch Magnus the Red tried to ''warn'' the Emperor of Horus' treachery via sorcery, which the Emperor didn't like so much, and thought that his favorite Primarch betraying him was preposterous. Instead, he believed ''Magnus'' was trying to betray him and sent Leman Russ to "arrest" him and bring him to Terra. Sure, Horus convinced Russ to try and kill Magnus, but considering how the Space Wolves regard sorcery, this was about as good an idea as sending a lynch mob to arrest a black guy being accused of raping a white woman.
** Also think about the Tzeentchian Greater Daemons, the Lords of Change. They have the power to rip souls from the strongest of men with but a glance, tear tanks in half with their immense magical knowledge, and many mortals mistake them for being ''omniscient'' from all that they know about virtually anything. And worst of all is that they can see into the immediate future because Tzeentch sends it to them, so they're nearly impossible to kill. And if you ''do'' kill one? That's only because Tzeentch sent it ''false'' images of the future and ''let'' you kill it. Congratulations: you just furthered the plans of Tzeentch.
** Another Greater Daemon of Tzeentch is Fateweaver, once the most powerful of Tzeentch's Lords of Change...until Tzeentch hurled him into the Well of Eternity, where the events of all time both begin and end, in an effort to gain ''perfect'' knowledge of all things. This had ''killed'' every Lord of Change prior to Fateweaver, and reduced him to a hunched and weakened shadow of his former self. It even forced the growth of a second head, and both heads answer any question asked of Fateweaver. One will be the truth, the other an equally believable lie. Tzeentch has a few dozen Lords of Change on hand to record ''every word he says'' just to make sure they don't miss anything.
** And the Changeling, who has such absolute control over his ability to shapeshift that he's lost his original form. Only Tzeentch knows what it is, and he doesn't tell him to keep his control over him. That doesn't stop him from being an exquisite [[Magnificent Bastard]] in the name of Tzeentch. Once, a rogue Imperial governor summoned the Changeling and asked for an artifact to break the siege that the Dark Angels were laying upon him. The Changeling handed him a device, then vanished...and was replaced by a squad of Terminators. He'd handed the governor a teleport homer. Broke the siege, though not the way the governor wanted.
** And do you know what Tzeentch's ultimate plan is? ... {{spoiler|'''He doesn't have one!''' Tzeentch is the very embodiment of scheming and change and transformation; he doesn't ''need'' a goal to achieve. He exists, literally, just to meddle with things and see what happens; he can never lose because he's not trying to ''win''. No matter what the outcome is, so long as something keeps happening, Tzeentch is winning -- he's just got to set the wheels in motion so that the universe keeps changing.}}
*** {{spoiler|In a way, that's a bit (however tiny) of good news for everyone else, because if he did have some ultimate diabolical goal (such as enslaving the souls of ALL humanity at once), he could easily do so since he obviously has the power and especially foresight for it. Thank the Emperor that he's too "random" for that.}}
== '''Slaanesh''' ==
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** All of the Chaos Gods have Chaos Marines devoted specifically to them. Slaanesh's are the Noise Marines; [[Sense Freak|Sense Freaks]] so jaded and burnt out that they can't "feel" anything any more. So they take to the battlefield wielding [[Makes Me Wanna Shout|sonic weaponry]], because the resultant cacophony is the only thing that can provoke any reaction in them any more. These have absolutely horrific effects on anyone they hit with them -- imagine a sound so [[Brown Note|intense]] that your flesh literally ''melts off your body from the vibrations''. These even managed to be creepy when the official models for them sported [[Musical Assassin|weapons designed to resemble guitars and electric keyboards]].
** A Slaaneshi Lord.
{{quote| [http://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Quotes_Chaos#T ''Take care, lest your protests grow tiresome. I have asked for so little! Anyone would think that I have asked you to sacrifice yourselves and your sons! And yet, in Slaanesh's boundless and pleasing mercy, I have asked only for your daughters. Surely you would not deny me my small enjoyments?''] }}
== '''Malal''' ==
* Let's not forget the outcast chaos god, '''Malal''', God of Destruction. [[Beyond the Impossible|Yes, there's a Chaos God so bad that even the other Chaos Gods won't associate with him.]] Mentioned in early ''Warhammer'' fluff (including a series of comic books) and then stricken from the setting for copyright reasons, Malal favors single, powerful worshipers rather than armies, and has a special place in the Pantheon -- [[Pay Evil Unto Evil|he hunts down the other chaos forces.]] Yes, Malal is the chaos god of all destruction, including ''self destruction'' -- his modus operandi is to pick one particularly powerful chaos champion, [[Spanner in Thethe Works|insert him in the exact right spot to cause as much trouble as he can for the other four]], and then empower him with as much of his own energy as he can get away with -- something that he steals back, [[Cast Fromfrom Hit Points|with interest]], from the worshiper. The resulting carnage is one of the only things keeping the other four chaos gods at bay.
** Worse still, whereas the other chaos gods can be taken as corrupted versions of otherwise positive emotions -- Slaanesh, for example, could be considered a corrupt version of "Love," Tzeentch a corruption of "Hope" -- Malal is a corruption of '''Justice.''' It's specifically stated that anyone who hunts Chaos too effectively, anyone who lets the hunt consume them... has a chance of being approached by Malal. In other words, ''even if you win against Chaos, you still lose.''
** While Malal has been stricken from the fluff, the most recent Chaos army books have added The Sons of '''Mal'''ice<ref>Malal is an Eastern Indian word for Malice</ref>, a special Chaos Space Marine army with Malal's color scheme. The story behind the SOM is Nightmare Fuel-worthy in and of itself -- they were particularly loyal Space Marines from a somewhat feral world, except that they had a specific knack for [[Nothing Is Scarier|fighting in complete and utter silence]], and their home planet had a thing for [[Gorn|especially]] [[I'm a Humanitarian|gory]] victory celebrations. A particularly puritanical Inquisitor happened to watch one of these celebrations, and while completely ignoring the similar rituals of other, more established (and thus, protected against a single inquisitor going against them) chapters, had them personally declared traitors and their homeworld [[Depopulation Bomb|destroyed]] -- something that is heavily insinuated could happen to any other loyalist chapter who happens to get the wrong Inquisitor visiting them -- in fact, it's implied that the only thing that caused the Sons of Malice to fall was the fact that ''they didn't kill the Inquisitor fast enough.'' In other words, the Sons of Malice and the millions of people living on their homeworld were screwed over by the ''Warhammer 4000040,000'' version of an [[Obstructive Bureaucrat]].
**** Oh, it more violent than most cannibalistic chapter rituals. In the short story The Labyrinth from Heroes of the Space Marines, they are depicted eating slaves alive. The rest of The Labyrinth is quite scary, what with the [[Body Horror]] of the transformed marines and {{spoiler|it ends with the protagonist, having run the titular Space Hulk's gauntlet, being sacrificed with the ten other victors to summon Malice (renamed due to copyright) himself.}}
**** That was only AFTER they had turned to Chaos.
== '''Chaos Forces''' ==
* ANY named Chaos character (except [[General Failure|Abaddon]]) is going to be scary.
* I have a particular horror for '''[[Evilutionary Biologist|Fabius Bile]]''' (pictured top), but not for the normal reasons. It's not the fact that he's turned entire worlds into shambling horrors with his genetic experiments, or that he has a ''[[Badass Labcoat|lab coat made of human skin]]''... it's the fact that he spent thousands of years floating in the Warp, has pure Warp energy constantly pumped into him, and he still doesn't worship any of the Chaos Gods. In fact, he's stated that they have no more to [[Deal Withwith the Devil|offer him]]. People aren't supposed to make ''bargains'' with the [[Eldritch Abomination|Chaos Gods]]. ''That is not how it works.''
* Try '''Typhus''', the Herald of Nurgle and Host to the Destroyer Hive - Warp Flies that can enter your body through any orifice and feast on your innards, multiplying as they do so, until your body actually explodes from the pressure of all the plague-carrying insects inside you. These things swarm around him and obey his every whim. The Death Guard turned to Nurgle (they were already Chaos) when Typhus becalmed them in the Warp and unleashed the Destroyers after PARALYZING them all, letting them watch their comrades' fate and knowing they were next.
** Oh please, have you forgotten how he ''became'' host of the Destroyer Hive? As the Destroyer spread throughout the Death Guard fleet, bursting the guts of the hardy space marines, Typhus came uncertainly to his feet and spoke a single gurgling, phlegm-laced word: ''"More."'' With that word, the flies left their hosts broken and bloated, and entered Typhus’ body like a wave. He remained on his feet, but his body was a hive of pestilence ever after. Brrr...
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* '''[[Night Lords]]''' get their giggles from psychologically torturing entire planets. One piece of fiction has them crucifying and eviscerating loyal Assault Marines, then nailing the iron crosses to the front of their tanks. ''And the Assault Marines were still alive''.
*** In another piece of fiction the Night Lords invaded a hive city (a planet covered in mile high cities) and hacked into the telecommunications networks and broadcast the murder, death and torture ''as it happened.'' The Imperium reports after the attack stated that fully one-third of the population died from ''fear itself.'' Total. Nervous. Shutdown.
**** Summed up well by this image: [https://web.archive.org/web/20150328160441/http://1d4chan.org/wiki/File:Oh_shit_the_batmarines_by_sonicbrew-d2z88fe.jpg\]
** The Night Lords were nuts even before the Heresy. Failing to get enough recruits, the Primarch resorted to [[Psycho for Hire|using psychopathic criminals]]. True, he regrets it at the end and hated what the legion became, but one must remember: the Primarch himself was considered [[Ax Crazy|a homicidal psychopath]] before becoming Primarch, ''and he hated what the legion has become''. It's even suggested that he allowed himself to be killed by an Imperial assassin because he was so deeply and utterly horrified by what he himself had become. The entire legion basically runs on this trope.
*** Actually, he let himself be killed as vindication; he had [[Prophetic Dreams]] ever since he was a child, one of them being the exact circumstances of his death. He allowed the assassin into his chambers, watched her walk up, and flat out told her in only slightly more grandiose speech that "everything I have ever done is proven to be in the right by your presence here." This includes betrayal of the Imperium, and the [[Earthshattering Kaboom|destruction of his own homeworld]]. And he's RIGHT. ''Yikes.''
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** Or at least, they would be the apex if they weren't led by [[General Failure|Abaddon]].
*** Actually, Abaddon, the main flaw in their plans to take over the universe? '''[[Dangerously Genre Savvy|He's learning.]]''' And that's what's scariest of all.
*** Abaddon is also a good candidate for [[Fridge Horror]] style HONF. Chaos is ''not'' forgiving of failure, with typical punishments ranging [[You Have Failed Me...|getting killed by your superiors]] (and even if you live or evade this, your "allies" and "loyal troops" will start seeking to kill you and take your place) to your patron god [[Baleful Polymorph|warping you]] into the [[Body Horror|screaming, mewling, heaving mass of unsane flesh and bone]] known as a [[And I Must Scream|Chaos Spawn]]. Abaddon, despite his many failures, doesn't have any such problems facing him, and thinking about just why this is, when he's under the gaze of ''all four Chaos Gods at once'', is certain to raise "[[Oh Crap]]" possibilities. For example, perhaps all of his "Black Crusades" so far haven't actually been anything more then probes at the Imperium's capabilities. In other words, even the latest Black Crusade, which took billions of people (including Space Marines) to stop and which was only narrowly prevented from overrunning Cadia and storming towards Terra? Nothing more then a test run...
*** Someone at GW must be reading this page, because in 5th edition, the last 3 sentences of the preceding post are all but canon.
* '''Alpha Legion''' are about the only ones with [[Necessarily Evil|a sympathetic motive]] that they may or may not have lost over the past ten millennia (currently their modus operandi tends to be about enforcing a particularly brutal brand of [[Lawful Evil]]). However, nobody really knows their motives, their leadership, or really anything about them at all. Their Primarch, Alpharius, was the youngest and last discovered, [[The Unfavourite|more or less ignored by the others]] (except Horus) and as it turns out, may have a twin brother, [[Theme Naming|Omegon]]. Alpharius may be dead; nobody's sure, because it wouldn't slow them down. The Alpha Legion's mascot is the Hydra, and their motto is "Cut off one head, two more replace it."
** The really scary thing is that it's very strongly hinted that the Core of the Alpha Legion at least, is well and truly loyal to the Emperor despite their Daemon usage, chaos cultist cannon fodder, fondness of spikes, and the occasional warband that has lost sight of their goal and truly has fallen (Like Lord Bale's or Fieravious Carron's). Everything they do, they do for the Emperor.
** As it turns out, their motive itself reveals some added horror--it was revealed to Alpharius that if Horus were successful, humanity would be wiped out within two generations, but Chaos would ultimately be broken. If the Emperor won, however, he would be trapped within his own body on a golden throne, and humanity would stagnate and decay over the course of the next 10-20 millennia, enabling Chaos to overrun the entire universe. [[Doomed Byby Canon|Welp.]]
* You know what's really freaky? So many named characters of the Chaos Space Marines were around during the Horus Heresy. Which means the Emperor built his Empire with these psychopaths, many of whom willingly sold themselves to Chaos. [[Good Is Dumb|The Emperor, humanity's greatest hope and salvation, was an incredibly]] [[Horrible Judge of Character]].
** They could have started as mostly reasonable. Fighting without much hope for anything beyond survival while knowing they are in a dead end for centuries and then millennia could not improve their sanity. And that's not starting on Warp.
* And on a final Chaos note, '''Obliterators'''. Basically, think of a Chaos Space Marine combined with a Dreadnought. These guys are Chaos Marines infected with a virus from the Warp (so essentially a virus that haunts the nightmares of other viruses) so that it morphs their bodies, melding them with their armour, turning them into piles of flesh and metal, and allowing them to absorb artillery weapons into their bodies and spontaneously spawn ammunition for any weapon. Couple that with the fact that they're all gibbering lunatics from being in the Warp for so long...
** They were originally Traitor Legion's Techmarines (so, some bionics already), but years in the warp and "blessings" by the dark gods caused the Obliterator virus to appear. Someone actually wrote an account of a Techmarine slowly turning into the monstrosity that is an Obliterator - in very slow and agonising detail. For example - Techmarines have various plugs and sockets in their flesh (mainly hands and head - that they feel all the time) so they can 'communicate' with machines - well, the virus caused the weapons to spawn from these. Very small holes, the size of a coin - having HUGE anti-tank missile launchers, or heavy machine guns, several times the size of the plugs, being pushed out. Veeery slowly....
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* '''[[Horde of Alien Locusts|Tyranids]]'''. Like Giger's [[Alien|Aliens]], but [[Up to Eleven|smarter and meaner]]. They come in an ever-growing range of sizes and shapes, from human-sized monsters to living [[Humongous Mecha]], all [[Bio Augmentation|deliberately evolved]] towards a single purpose. They have [[Breath Weapon|biological ranged weapons that spray acid and venom]] or [[Bee-Bee Gun|fire swarms of flesh-eating maggots]] [[Does This Remind You of Anything?|via muscle spasms]]. When they attack your world, they [[Alien Among Us|send vanguard organisms to corrupt your genes]], resulting in a cult of [[Half-Human Hybrid|hybrids]] that psychically summons the hive fleet. Note that these vanguard organisms themselves are terrifying creatures that exceed the human potential of speed, dexterity, strength, <s>constitution, intelligence, wisdom, charisma, AC, hit points, base attack bonus,</s> resilience, and sheer terror so many times over that these are often enough to cause widespread genocide in and of themselves. Once the hive fleet arrives, they seed your atmosphere with spores that drive plant life into a growing frenzy, [[Zerg Rush|then they rain down swarm... after swarm... after swarm of chittering monsters]]. These range from [[We Have Reserves|uncountable numbers]] of lowly Gaunts, who are cannon fodder which is more than capable of disemboweling you, to Carnifexes, which [[Giant Mook|rival a tank in firepower and toughness]], to the lumbering Bio-Titans, which make [[Godzilla]] look like a pet iguana - a nice iguana, at that. The [[Hive Mind]] of the species disrupts space travel and psychic communication, so there's no way to call for help and no way for it to arrive, and no way for the tasty little bioforms to escape. Once they've overrun whatever pathetic resistance you attempt, they send down speciality creatures to eat ''[[Extreme Omnivore|everything]]'' on your planet - plants, animals, even their own troops. The fleet sends down feeder tendrils to slurp up this digested bio-fuel and siphon the very water and atmosphere off of your world, leaving it a [[Apocalypse How|lifeless rock]]. After consuming ''everything'', [[Adaptive Ability|they instinctively scan the DNA of the creatures they've devoured for useful evolutions they use to upgrade the swarms]], before moving on to the next world. Oh, and they outnumber the stars.
* There are two throwaway pieces of background in the current Tyranid Codex (i.e. rulebook) that are of particularly epic Nightmare Fuel:
** No.1: During the first ever human encounter with the Tyranid race, they hit a mining world. It basically turns into ''[[The Descent (Filmfilm)|The Descent]]'' [[In Space|IN SPACE]] with vast hordes of terrifying alien monstrosities. ''Alien 3'' done right.
** No.2: A little later in the timeline, a ship full of refugees from a world under attack from the Tyranids turns up at its destination, drifting lifelessly in space and not responding to any attempts to communicate. When the Imperium investigates, they find that every. Single. Person. On the ship has been brutally slaughtered. But there is no sign whatsoever of the thing that did this.
* ''"Warn them, warn them! The Tyranids are coming! THE TYRANIDS ARE COMING!''"
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*** The fluff about Deathleaper is even worse. The first recorded occurrence of the creature was on a heavily fortified Imperial shrine world that the Hive Mind decided was too strong to take in a head-on attack. It installed Deathleaper there and told it to find the leader of the planet and assassinate him. After stalking for a while, Deathleaper found the governor of the planet and attempted to kill him, but was repulsed by his bodyguards. So it began a campaign of psychological terror - every day it would infiltrate the governor's palace, butcher its way to the governor but then leave him unharmed. The governor had to deal with the loss of his advisers, scientists, commanders, friends, bodyguards and family, until it got to the point where Deathleaper entered the room the governor was residing in, killed everyone inside except for his target, and left him snivelling on the ground, coated in the viscera of his friends and allies. He took his own life minutes after this attack, leaving the defences of the planet thrown into disarray. The Hive Fleet consumed the world within the end of the week. Be glad the psychological warfare rule he has only deducts d3 LD from an enemy character...
* The Imperium has currently encountered three major Tyranid Hive Fleets: Behemoth, which had over a thousand hive ships and countless other smaller ships and Emperor knows how many ground organisms, which killed the entire Ultramarines first company and almost devoured Ultramar; Kraken, which was much, much bigger than Behemoth (Behemoth was only ''30-40%'' the size of Kraken), was the first to develop genestealers (the aforementioned hybrids), and nearly destroyed the Iyanden Craftworld and the planet Ichar IV with tendrils that were themselves as big as the whole of Hive Fleet Behemoth, if not bigger; and Leviathan, which is all-surpassingly gigantic (from a picture in the 5th edition codex, its main mass of tendrils is ''a third as wide as the milky way galaxy itself'' - that's ''50,000 light years of hive ships''), which has only been slowed by initiating [[Earthshattering Kaboom|Exterminatus]] on any planet they infect. All of them have only been [[Pyrrhic Victory|repelled with massive losses]] and none of them have been defeated, each producing numerous splinter fleets; though the main body of Kraken and Behemoth have been destroyed, there seems to be no end to the number of tendrils constantly coming upwards at the Galaxy from Leviathan.
** Do you want to know what's truly horrifying about all of this? {{spoiler|Kraken, Behemoth, and ''Leviathan'' were just ''scouting divisions'' designed for reconnaissance, not actual invasion. The ''actual'' invasion fleet, based on the little evidence we are given, is anywhere between ''50 to 500 times larger than Leviathan''}}.
** A nitpick, if I may: Genestealers were first encountered well before Behemoth's incursion; they were previously believed to be a predator native to the moons of Ymgarl. This was literally an [[Oh Crap]] moment for the Imperium; Genestealers were employed by Behemoth as shock troops, and confirmed by Imperial techno-magi to be Tyranid creatures. So what, exactly, are they doing all over the galaxy, and why do they seem to have been here for a really long time?...
** More specific details: the Ultramarines First Company was composed entirely of ''veteran Terminators.'' They had a well-fortified position, and enough ammunition and supplies for months of continuous siege, yet they ''still almost ran out of ammo.'' They killed ''millions,'' enough that the ground wasn't visible under all the corpses. And one of the early worlds that was overrun had all of its anti-air guns found bone-dry of ammunition. The Tyranids simply had more bodies than the defenders had bullets.
* And then there's the fact that it's heavily hinted that this is at least the Tyranid's ''second'' go through this galaxy, i.e. they passed through our galaxy millions or billions of years ago and wiped out everything (bar the occasional Ymargl Genestealer) so throughly that ''there were no records of them whatsoever''.
* The Hive Tyrants themselves can be upgraded to have a rule that's literally Nightmare Fuel personified: Indescribable Terror. Aside from a few Fearless individuals, this would make even Space Marines crap their pants in horror and refuse to attack.
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* One must wonder if some of the new [[Game Breaker|game-breakingly powerful]] specialised Tyranid breeds are. Subject One - the Doom of Malan'tai. In its fluff, it destroyed an entire craftworld by literally eating the souls of the dead from the Infinity Circuit. Now just stop and freeze frame a second. There's no sign of the creature, but who's to say it hasn't found a way off? Who's to say all the souls it's eaten didn't give it protection from the vaccum of space? Who's to say that [[Paranoia Fuel|a bad codex writer didn't just put the God Emperor in the form of a Tyranid? Who knows how many souls it's eaten since, and how much power it now has?]]
** To be fair, Malan'tai is/was an exceedingly minor Craftworld -- possibly created only for the purpose of the new Tyranid Codex had just finished a bloody and protracted campaign (alongside Idharae, another Craftworld that was seemingly only created to be destroyed by the Invaders chapter of Space Marine) against the Tyranids.
* The Venomthrope is covered in tentacles and sprays venom, spore clouds, and all sorts of assorted toxic monstrosities at its enemies. Trygons and Mawlocks are huge snake-like monsters that can burst up from any point of the ground whenever they please. These are just some of the lovely things you can find in the 5th edition codex...
* The battle of Sondheim V. A peaceful Agri-world in the Imperium of Man that has been up to that point far removed from any conflict for thousands of years suddenly sees the skies turn into a multihued mess as the Daemon prince M'kar the Reborn decides to turn it into his private playhouse and Daemons start running loose everywhere. But soon after this a tendril of Hive Fleet Leviathan descends upon the planet and the sky starts glowing in other weird colors as endless numbers of Mycenic spores rain down upon the planet. Gaunts, Genestealers, and Warriors start fighting Bloodletters, Horrors, Daemonettes and Plaguebearers, utterly undeterred by their Daemonic nature. Gargoyles and Furies gnash and tear at one another in the skies while Carnifexes, Tyrannofexes, Hive Tyrants, and all sorts of bio-titans fight Greater Daemons in the streets. Nurglings and Rippers devour one another while Zoanthropes fight psychically with Lords of Change. Now this may sound awesome, but imagine if you were just a normal Imperial Citizen cowering under his bed while watching two of the greatest horrors in the Galaxy have a go at each other. The entire Sky Sentinels chapter is sent to reclaim the planet, but the whole thing is so terrifying that they just decide to Exterminatus the place and blow up the hive fleet tendril.
* The Shadow in the Warp. The mass of Tyranids in the hive fleet is so incredibly huge, the subconscious buzz of all their minds adds up to ''[[Beyond the Impossible|drown out the Warp.]]'' This renders all FTL travel and communications impossible, and presumably also makes Daemons shit themselves.
* And now for [[Fridge Horror]]. The Tyranids are so psychically powerful and so ''interchangeable'' that they function, basically, as a single absolutely ''enormous'' organism. It's like a termite colony fifty billion light years wide. For the Tyranids, going into the Milky Way and fighting off the most [[Badass]], [[Super Soldier|overpowered]], terrifying, [[Physical God|divine]], [[Wall of Weapons|well-armed]], [[Patriotic Fervor|devoted]] warriors in the galaxy is probably just like getting a mild case of food poisoning from a tasty leg of chicken.
** And, [[It Got Worse|as if it wasn't bad enough]] that there's a swarm of interstellar locusts the size of the galaxy descending on us, an increasing number of hints and inferences point to the fact that there's something ''drawing'' the Tyranids in: the Astronomicon. You know, the giant beacon of psychic light, powered by the Emperor's immeasurable energies (and the souls of thousands of psykers a month) that is the only thing that lets mankind travel the Warp with any sense of direction at all? To the Tyranids, that thing's one great big neon "FREE BUFFET" sign.
* Then, there's the fact that Imperial tacticians are utterly confused about how in the blazes massive Tyranid forces are popping up all over the galaxy, often too closely together in time to account for what FTL speed they have. Then someone had the mother of all [[Oh Crap]] moments: they'd been plotting everything out on, essentially, a 2D map of the galaxy, assuming they were coming in from the edge. The Tyranid fleet was ''coming up from beneath.'' [[Jaws (Filmfilm)|Dunnnn dun...]]
* Another less powerful but still nasty fleet was Hive Fleet Naga, whose accomplishments include the devouring of four outer colonies and the Throneworld of the Ulumeathic League, the wiping out of the Ybaric Cluster, and the destruction of two Eldar Maiden Worlds and seven Exodite Worlds, including by crippling the world spirits of several Exodite worlds by the devouring of a single Exodite world. Also, they created the Doom of Malan'tai, which was mentioned above.
* And there are the hints. Just hints, nothing concrete. There are hints, now and then, of something very, very unpleasant. The Tyranids aren't really ''invading'', these hints say. '''''They're fleeing.'''''
Line 139 ⟶ 137:
*** Actually, it's explicitly stated that, while the exarchs are regarded with a great deal of respect for their combat prowess, they are also regarded with a great deal of pity. This is precisely because of how limited their obsession with war has made the remainder of their lives.
* The Eldar A. [[Dreaming of Things to Come|can see into the future]] and B. [[Fantastic Racism|place no value on the lives of other species]]. This means that if the only way to prevent the death of a single Eldar is to turn [[Apocalypse How|an entire world of humans into molten slag]], they won't even hesitate to do it.
* Also, think about Slaanesh's origin story very carefully: the Eldar actually [[Squick]]-ORGIED A GOD INTO EXISTENCE. I'd say that's fairly frightening itself... though [[Fetish Fuel|perhaps a bit kinky]], too...
** I'd say that's pretty [[Badass]] of them.
*** [[Fridge Horror|Read again: The only thing that could create a chaos god of fun, love, pleasure, hedonism etc. was an empire of sadomaso hedonists!]]
Line 150 ⟶ 148:
** Actually, the fluff in the rulebook and codex states that both humans and Eldar find the other attractive and they both keep sex slaves of the other.
** Earlier fluff has the Eldar as gaunt, ugly and wierd looking, usually - the later and more recent stuff paints them as almost akin to Tolkien Elves.
** Looks like a case of [[Depending Onon the AuthorWriter]].
* And while we're on the note of the Eldar, the '''Harlequins''' are the folks that even the Dark Eldar don't mess with. They're [[Monster Clown|circus performers in colourful armour]] who put on amazing, psychically-enhanced theatre of the legends and history of the Eldar race, and in battle they have weapons that are [[No Kill Like Overkill|brutal even by the setting's standards]], such as a razor wire that liquifies your insides (called the "Harlequin's Kiss). The weird thing is that as guardians of the Black Library and foes of Chaos, they're relatively ''good guys'' [[Black and Grey Morality|by Warhammer standards]].
** Don't forget their rictus masks and holosuits, which are grotesque, constantly shimmering and in motion, garish and baroque to many extremes. Death Jesters are another example, and in addition to wielding heavy weapons they can load their aptly-named [[Names to Run Away From Really Fast|Shrieker Cannons]] with viral shuriken ammo that causes enemies to [[Gorn|explode into many pieces]], showering their allies with gore. Oh, and [[Badass|Solitaires]] as well.
* Even killing an Eldar will not remove it from this plane--as long as its spirit stone remains intact, it can be "repurposed" to further the Eldar's ends--the spirit stone is implanted into wraithbone, whether in a wraithguard or wraithlord (the Eldar's answer to a Dreadnought) or in the core of their craftworld. A wraithguard/lord's soul experiences life as a dream.
** The end game of this is to gather enough souls to incarnate Ynnead, the Eldar God of the Dead and the Eldar's last, best hope to free them from Slaanesh. The only problem with this is that "enough" in this case means every single Eldar soul.
== '''Dark Eldar''' ==
* Relevant quote from ''Bleeding Chalice'', on human slaves to the '''Dark Eldar''' (the aforementioned creepier cousins of the Eldar):
{{quote| '''Nisryus''': ''That's not a human soul... it's xenos. Someone... someone [[Mind Rape|tore out their souls]] and [[Demonic Possession|put something else in there]].''}}
* First of all, you know what we said about the Eldar being sorry about creating Slaanesh and learning their lesson? Well the Dark Eldar are the ones who '''didn't.'''
* On the subject of Dark Eldar: the Talos. A robotic mecha shaped like a scorpion that works by seizing victims on the battlefield, stuffing them inside itself, and torturing them to death, powered and motivated by their dying agonies.
* More Dark Eldar stuff include poisons designed to kill you from pure pain, weapons that shoot the ghosts of insane tortured slaves at you, guns designed to cripple not kill (cripple from pain as opposed to any actual physical damage, although that happens too) with shrapnel splinters, so they can take you alive, Eldar who delightfully dedicate their lives to torture and creating freakshow Dark Eldar 'grotesques' who are driven beyond even these torturer's ability to cause pain, just so they can be unleashed on enemies and worse.
** Be fair, the poisons which approach being able to kill from the pain alone [httphttps://wwwweb.archive.org/web/20131129060601/http://barrierreefaustralia.com/the-great-barrier-reef/stonefish.htm already] [[wikipedia:Irukandji syndrome|exist]]. Welcome to <s>[[Land Down Under|Australia]]</s> [[Death World|Australia]].
* Worst of them are the [[Deadly Doctor|Haemunculi]]: Think [[Those Wacky Nazis|Josef]] [[Mad Scientist|Mengele]] [[Complete Monster|and]] [[Torture Technician|co.]] - AS [[The Fair Folk|DARK ELVES]] [[Space Elves|IN SPACE!]] They go into battle with ultrahorrible poisons (often disablingly painful but nonlethal) to get experimental material. [[Body Horror|And however they rearrange your anatomy]] ( [[Fate Worse Than Death|in at least one case including]] [[Squick|YOUR ORGANS HANGING SEPERATLY AND ONLY CONNECTED BY VEINS AND NERVES]]), [[And I Must Scream|you can't even pass out]].
* The Dark Eldar only care to obtain spoils of war, i.e. slaves, experimental subjects, etc. From their perspective, "DEATH IS A GIFT"!
* Well, the Dark Eldar do have at least one [[Subverted Trope|Pet The Dog]] moment, as shown in this comm recording of them offering amnesty to the residents of Section 9 which they put under siege. [[Too Dumb to Live|Maybe they aren't as evil as others let on]]:
{{quote| "[[Blatant Lies|I am truly disappointed]] that the cruel fate has placed us in this position, such that I really have no choice other than to unleash my warriors against your population centers. If only you would lay aside these foolish hopes of protecting your resources and return to your homes and families, [[Blatant Lies|much bloodshed and woe could be avoided]]. Yet... there is still time, [[Blatant Lies|any who leave now will be spared and I give you my word that they will be granted free passage through the wastes.]] This offer of amnesty will stand for two of your hours before the terror begins anew. I can only hope that you consider your position carefully. [[Schmuck Bait|Send forth a representative to discuss further terms if you wish, or several if you cannot trust one of your number to speak for the rest.]] I feel sure that all can be... accommodated."}}
* Anything out of the new Dark Eldar Book is filled with this, from abilities gained from pain to having biological wings stuck on you and your bones hollowed out. However special mention goes to the Wracks and Grotesques, who are malformed, grotesque beasts made to be the servants and bodyguard of the haemonculus. The worst part? Wracks are made into these ''willingly''.
* And the reason they do all this? remember what we said about them being just like the Eldar that manifested Slaanesh? They only escaped the fates of the other Eldar because they were off partying in their own little pleasure-verses. Slaanesh very much wants to finish devouring their souls, and they can still feel his pull on them. Their only recourse is to replenish themselves with regular doses of the suffering of others, and hurl the souls of their victims to Slaanesh in their place.
* The new fluff states that they get an intense high off causing pain to other sentients. Given that they already have next to no self-control when it comes to their own pleasures and vices, but they actively go out and hurt as many people as possible. Given that they have the ability to resurrect themselves with their technology, battles that humans consider as life or death are just another form of orgy for the Dark Eldar.
* They also have a nifty device called the Crucible of Malediction, which contains the soul of a psyker who had been tortured to death. Upon activation, the soul's dying screams of agony cause such a massive shitstorm in the Warp that it instantly jams all psychic activity.
== '''Necrons''' ==
Line 184 ⟶ 182:
* To reinforce this: '''[[Ciaphas Cain|CIAPHAS CAIN, HERO OF THE IMPERIUM!!]]''' has shot powerful Daemons in the face, engaged [[Axe Crazy|World Eaters Space Marines]] in duels, and hurled himself boldly towards swarms of Tyranid horrors. (Granted, [[Dirty Coward|he would rather have run away]].) He's merely ''scared'' of these. When it comes to Necrons, he is '''flat fucking terrified'''.
* From ''Xenology.''
{{quote| ''Unknown artificial artefact. Unlabelled. Structure is analogous to human hand. Compositional tests confirm metal alloy exterior comprises unknown alloys f... "[[Madness Mantra|The metal lives. The metal lives. The metal lives. THE METAL LIVES. THE METAL LIVES.]] '''[[Madness Mantra|THE METAL LIVES THE METAL LIVES THE METAL LIVES]].'''"''}}
* ''"Then I beheld the master of this domain and I knew in that moment that I was doomed. Not to die, you understand, but to truly appreciate the insignificance of my being. The Machine God, you see? It's everywhere, it feeds on us. I saw my companions from Cthelmax fed to the machines, their bodies and souls reduced to their component atoms to feed the insatiable hunger of the Machine God (...) It feeds, young Adept! It feeds! If it has turned its attention our way once more then we are naught but food for the gods! Food for the gods!"'' [[Go Mad Fromfrom the Revelation|- Adept Corteswain]]
* Scariest of all, the Orks - the most violent, belligerent, and brutal species in the galaxy - and the Eldar - possessing psychic might enough to hit the Necrons were it hurts - were both specifically designed to destroy the Necrons. '''''They failed.'''''
** To be fair, there were more C'tan back then...and fewer threats to the Necrons in terms of intelligent races.
Line 196 ⟶ 194:
== '''Orks''' ==
* Yes, ok, they're the comic relief faction. But Orks are ''brutal''. They love fighting, they only respect strength, and they don't like any other sentient species very much. What do you think this means for the civilians of the Imperium worlds they invade? What it means for the old and sick, the women and children? They are to be butchered without mercy, and the Orks love doing it. They'll get a quick death sure, but the Orks don't respond to reason or pleading. When civilians run from them, that's exactly what they want them to do as it adds to the sport. The recent video game ''[[Warhammer 4000040,000: Space Marine (Video Game)|Space Marine]]'' has audio logs telling of how Orks kill civilians with utmost glee and laughter. ''And this is the faction that is played for laughs.''
* The main reason Orks are funny is because we get to see their perspective, where their language is rendered as Cockney football jargon. In other works (like ''[[Ciaphas Cain]]''), we see what the Imperium sees: gigantic, monstrous creatures in horrid, rusted armor, wielding weapons that shouldn't even ''work'' but still do, coming down in hordes. There's no reasoning with them - they don't even understand what you're saying. Orks don't speak Gothic. You plead for mercy, and they respond with animalistic bellows and the swing of a giant, cruel axe...
* How about the fact that once they've invaded, you can't get rid of the Orks wthout exterminating all other life on the planet. Once you kill an Ork, it releases spores, which settle in the wilderness and, eventually, grow up into new Orks. You can beat back an Ork WAAAGH!, have the Imperial Guard and Space Marines move on to the next theater of war, and then, when you least expect it, a green tide of feral Orks come pouring out of the wilderness.
** Technically, it's possible - if you won and now have absolute air superiority. The spores aren't quite immortal, thus repeated scanning of the surface and burning any found orkoids (which is the easiest way to ensure lack of new viable spores) will eventually reduce the infestations to local and then finish them off. Of course, this requires to win against all the mobs first and then commit a lot of resources... and even then you can never be quite sure it's over.
== '''Imperial Inquisition''' ==
* The '''[[Church Militant|Inquisition]]''' is slightly miffed that it hasn't been included in the list of terrifying things. After all, they have the power to turn all the biomatter on your planet into flammable goop with a word (aka. Exterminatus), command assassins that include psychotic murder machines that explode on death or ones that fire bolts of pure ''anti-soul'', and countless other horrible ways to kill or torture anyone who catches their attention.
* Or the people who don't. Exterminatus has been ordered ''just to be sure'' on more than a few occasions, with any notable people taken off planet for Inquistorial interrogation.
** [[Dawn of War|And now we've seen Exterminatus rendered in a glorious cinematic.]] That day-long sustained bombardment by a ''battle fleet'' ending in a [[Earthshattering Kaboom|''continent-sized nuke?'']] That's one of the ''[[Beyond the Impossible|nicer]]'' ways for a planet to go.
* There is a particular form of Exterminatus which has generally fallen out of favor, since it seems to bolster the forces of Nurgle.
* Fortunately for every non-human in existence, the Inquisitors spend far too much of their time engaged in their own philosophical squabbles, demonstrating that near-infinite resources plus no supervision plus being actively encouraged to think of yourself as the divine will of the Emperor is perhaps not the best combination.
Line 210 ⟶ 209:
** The size is irrelevant. An excruciator has wires which dig into your skin and latch onto nerves, then, with some skill and fine callibration, it is possible to make the subject experience just about any degree of pain that is permissible by the way pain receptors work.Given that, this troper gets the feeling that the room-sized version is just the =I= equivalent of a VAX compared to a modern netbook.
* I think the Inquisition are one of the highest levels in Nightmare Fuel. A regular human will fight because he is told to. Humans don't think about what they are doing, they just do. This applies even to Planetary Governors, Space Marines, Starship Captains and so on. The Inquisition not only have to think for themselves, they have to understand what they are fighting, why it needs to be fought, and worst of all, to know and understand the consequences of the actions that must be taken to defeat them. Can you imagine having to learn and understand a Tyranid? Sure. It would be like understanding bugs on Earth. Imagine creating bug spray, including what it does to humans. Now, could you drop that bug spray over the entire Earth, and kill billions upon billions of people, even to save billions more? The Inquisition do. And they watch.
* And in the truest tradition of 40k, it ''still'' gets worse. The Inquisition labels some threats not "Extremis Diabolus" (Daemonic/Chaos), "Hereticus Abomini" (heretical), or "Xenos Horrificus" (alien), but "obscuras" instead.
* And in the truest tradition of 40k, it ''still'' gets worse. The Inquisition labels some threats not "Extremis Diabolus" (Daemonic/Chaos), "Hereticus Abomini" (heretical), or "Xenos Horrificus" (alien), but "obscuras" instead.* The first example that springs to mind are the halo devices -- small trinkets of unknown origin, the halo devices are indistinguishable from normal jewelry but somehow make you immortal. Wearing one will slowly start to de-age you until you're once again in the prime of your life. It then starts to sink into your flesh, and at this point you start having nightmares of eating human flesh. Your body slowly becomes stronger and tougher, healing from any wound. The third and final stage continues the process, except now you need to feed on other people to survive and your body starts to twist into something that could almost be called insectine... almost. Not that you'll mind, because by the third stage it just ''won't be you in there anymore''. You're also indestructible and a single atom of ash from your corpse can revive you if it touches blood and an electrical current. And the very worst part of it? These things aren't created by any of the major players in ''40k'' and [[Nothing Is Scarier|nobody knows what they're for or where they came from.]] This, in a setting where Lovecraftian horrors are a known, expected and planned-for occurrence.
*** It's kind of obvious from the way it works that most likely this was supposed to be an attempt at immortality via [[Brain Uploading]] - if so, sticking one into "blank" body of a clone still growing in the vat could bring back the original owner in the best possible shape, because there's no second individual to interfere with it. Assuming no one already have misused the device so that it now contains a broken mash-up. And that whatever creature it was didn't go utterly insane anyway, of course. But then, who would bother to try, and why? There's a possibility to reanimate someone who knows how to build them from scratch, and could help to create a "blank" version working correctly for the new intended users - but it's very, very improbable. Also, ''something'' did get them all once.
** Then there's "the Skin Taker of Fedrid" - that thing acting out ''[[Predator]]''. Maybe local fauna includes something smart, maybe a daemon, maybe some Dark Eldar doing it for giggles. There are plenty of the flayed corpses it leaves, but no one caught more than a glimpse of blurred something. Of those who lived to tell, at least. And then some of the more unhinged locals tried to emulate it.
* [[Complete Monster|Inquisitor Heldane's]] face is altered to look like some sort of mutant horse in order to inspire fear.
* It gets interesting when you consider some of the ''Inquisitor'' characters. One of them is slowly being driven mad by the Eldar spirit stone he's nailed to his helmet.
Line 236 ⟶ 238:
** Greater Knarlocs are the Kroot equivalent of a T-Rex. This thing eats infantry by the bucketload and can even destroy enemy tanks. Again, [http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20080303213907/warhammer40k/images/b/b8/Greater_Knarloc_Model.jpg pictures are worth more than words].
** It can be argued that in the crapsack universe that 40k-verse is, a species whose members are "only" flesh-eating mercenaries is practically friendly. Kroot don't even come across as that scary in the ''[[Ciaphas Cain]]'' novels. The Kroot translator has a bit of a sense of humour and respects the skills of Sorel the [[Cold Sniper]] even though Sorel killed one of the other Kroot. And in ''[[Dawn of War]]'', they seem to be a bit snarky, with lines like "Your flag is up. Now what?" They're not fluffy bunnies even by 40K standards, but they're not quite ''terrifying''.
*** They aren't even that evil for a normal setting; while they do have a rigid exterior, the above mentioned incidents of evolution gone wrong show that ''not'' eating people would do far worse to them. In fact you could practically see them in an episode of [[Star Trek: theThe Next Generation|TNG]] where they give the message to not judge a book by its cover.
** Perhaps more terrifying is in the novel ''Kill Team'' where some Kroot invite the [[Five-Man Band|titular squad]] to join them for a meal, which they are eager to do since they have only been eating meat-free Tau food for a few weeks. It is only when they start to dig in that they realize [[I Am a Humanitarian|from what animals]] that meat was taken. The shaper in charge then presents [[Brain Food|dessert]], and implies that if one of them does not partake, the Kroot will be most offended and may be motivated to add them to their meat locker... Of course, the shaper turns out to be well aware of the human prohibition on eating the (unprocessed) flesh of their own. The Kroot definitely do have a sense of humor, and it is sick sense of humor indeed.
** We would like to now remind you that the native fauna of Pech, the Kroot's homeworld, is pretty much all Kroot-based, because eventually, every species on that planet was eaten by the Kroot, and some of them got ''stuck'' in those forms and eventually took their place. That couldn't have been very nice, realizing that you and your clan are slowly regressing to a feral state, and unable to do anything about it.
*** It should also be mentioned about the time a Tyranid Splinter Fleet attacked Pech. The Kroot managed to fight them off and drove them into the jungles of their homeworld. Some time later, something in the jungles ''drove them '''out'''.''
* Though not as prominent as the Kroot, the '''Vespids''' are also pretty nasty. They're essentially giant flying bugs, but uglier and with more spikes. At close range, they attack by shredding their opponents into little pieces of flesh with claws that can cut through steel. Have fun imagining that.
** Again, though, the Vespid are, by the standards of the series, pretty nice guys overall. They eagerly joined the Tau upon learning that the Greater Good was quite similar to their own beliefs, and their allegiance to the Tau is one of mutual faith and understanding, not the mercenary-employer relationship of the Kroot.
Line 254 ⟶ 256:
*** Not to mention the fact that they have a tendency to go complete batshit nuts just before a battle, to the point that they consider haveing half their bodies blown off nothing more than a flesh wound. Oh, there's also the fact that if they don't have a Chaplain to rein them in they might just start drinking your blood from your still-beating heart.
**** Why do you think they're so noble? They try their hardest to be, to avoid [[Heroic BSOD|losing their minds]] and [[Genetic Memory|reliving the last memories]] [[Napoleon Delusion|of their Primarch before he died]]. They [[Friendly Neighbourhood Vampires|are powerful and loyal allies]] once on your side, but [[Our Vampires Are Different|heaven help you if they're not]]...
**** Whether or not they're on your side isn't quite the guarantee of safety you'd hope for. The Sisters of Battle once fought alongside the Flesh Tearers and local human militia against the orks. The Sisters and militia were surrounded, but the Flesh Tearers fought their way through the orks, annihilating them...and didn't stop. They slaughtered the militia in their frenzy, and the Sisters of Battle retreated rather than fight them.
** Oh, and remember that bit about the Tyranid Lictors further up the page? The bit about them eating your brain to take your memories? Yeah, the Marines do that too.
== '''Imperium and general background material''' ==
* The very ideology of the Imperium is scary:
{{quote| ''[[Nietzsche Wannabe|Every human life is a spark in the darkness. It flares for a moment, catches the eye, and is gone forever. A retinal after-image that fades and is obscured forever by newer, brighter lights.]]''}}
** Perhaps an example will better define how horrific the Imperium is at heart. The planet Veyna was colonised in 068.M41, and rather than setting it up as the standard "you do X for the Emperor" planet, the Adeptus Mechanicus spotted the lakes of liquid hydrogen on its poles and claimed all the land for a processing plant rather than continue creating their own. Instead of simply placing the inhabitants to live out their lives on a nearby planet, all but the most rebellious (who fought a guerrilla war to no great effect) were herded off to a forge-world and worked to death. No-one in the Imperium who knew considered this anything unusual or unethical in any way.
** On a similar note: ''[[Battlefleet Gothic]]'' features ships kilometers long, with torpedo bays. Torpedo bays with three hundred meter torpedoes designed to scream across space and cripple a kilometer-long spaceship. And the Imperium loads these things by hand - by chain and pulley. Not because they couldn't do it automatically, but because it is easier to enslave a thousand humans than it is to build loading rails. The Imperium's greatest resource is men: "Give me enough of them and I shall choke up the Eye of Terror."
Line 267 ⟶ 269:
* Now that you've read all this, imagine being an [[Redshirt Army|Imperial Guardsman]]. That is to say, a [[Badass Normal|normal person]] armed only with a laser rifle, a flak jacket which you will quickly discover to be almost useless, and training not much different from the modern military and tell me the entire ''Warhammer 40k'' universe isn't out to get you.
** It doesn't help that military propaganda says every guardsman is expendable...
** Now imagine being a member of the PDF, who are the people used to ''buy time'' for the Guard. The [[Redshirt Army]] ''for'' the [[Redshirt Army]]. Not only are you screwed, you don't even have enough training to reduce your degree of screwedness.
** Though, to be fair, some PDF, mainly from wealthy and/or important worlds (''especially'' Forge Worlds), can be as well or even better equipped and trained than the Imperial Guard. Still, though, most Forge Worlds have permanent, massive IG garrisons, not to mention the Adeptus Mechanicus' legions of cybernetically enhanced warriors (who are far ''more'' capable than the IG, or should be; they're not dealt with much in the fluff). Some worlds, though, have a massive industrial complexes which are extremely important, and with production schedules stretching ahead decades, but don't necessarily make the worlds they sit on Forge Worlds, nor important enough for a permanent IG presence. These are the worlds that tend to have excellent [[PD Fs]], simply because they can manufacture lots of top-tier (by human standards) equipment. Wealthy worlds, those with large noble populations or extremely lucrative trading or corporate worlds generally have enough money just to pay for very high quality [[PD Fs]].
** The amount of Nightmare Fuel varies depending on who you're fighting. You can pretty much expect Orks to just kill you. Tyranids will usually just eat you. Eldar generally just kill you if you're in their way (whether killed by their hand or by the hand of another faction they influenced to attack you). Tau might even take you prisoner ''without'' doing horrible things to you. Simply being shot/eviscerated/turned into a pile of shredded flesh isn't really so bad considering what would happen to you if some of your foes feel like taking prisoners, especially the Dark Eldar or followers of Slaanesh...
Line 276 ⟶ 278:
** The entry below, while doing a good job of describing the life of the average Imperial citizen, does not do the average [[City Planet|Hive World]] justice. They're lawless, corrupt, dirty places like the [http://weburbanist.com/2008/09/28/abandoned-buildings-places-towns-cities-asia/ Kowloon Walled City] [[Up to Eleven|taken up to roughly 21]], with no rules, no law to speak of, polluted to the gills and damn near uninhabitable once you get deep enough due to thousands of years of pollution, and you're constantly at risk of alien invasion, murder at the hand of a horrible gang, or the Imperium itself. Either you'll get caught in an Imperial culling where they kill citizens to keep the population at manageable levels <ref> [http://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Hive_World yes they actually do this].</ref> and die, or join the army or Space Marines (Their above mentioned [[Nightmare Fuel]] notwithstanding.) and then die. Why would the denizens of a dirty, polluted Hive World be chosen to join the Emperor's Finest and the [[Imperial Guard]], both of whom are expected in incredibly dangerous situations that would on average make us shit our pants? '''Because Hive Worlds are thought to be as dangerous as Feral Worlds'''. Yes, the average Imperial citizen lives in an environment considered as dangerous as a jungle in the stone age, except the inhabitants have guns and worse.
** And Forge Worlds, worlds dedicated to production of useful goods, are like Hive Worlds but worse because they have even more pollution, and they're run by the Adeptus Mechanicus. If you've gotten this far, you should know why that's a bad thing, but to elaborate they rival the Administratum for being callous bastards.
* Every single little detail about '''[[Psychic Powers|Psykers]]'''. Their abilites come from the Warp, so most of their time is spent dreaming about Daemon Worlds with black suns or boiling lakes of blood or clouds of disease and death, or being tempted by the servants of the Chaos Gods with visions of power and suffering and glory and death. The lucky ones are found by the Black Ships (roving fleets that visit a planet every century or so and collect all the psykers present) and killed [[Powered Byby a Forsaken Child|by being "fed" to the Emperor]] to maintain the Astronomicon (the psychic beacon that allows accurate Warp travel). The really lucky ones are [[Burn the Witch|killed in a pogrom]] after their fearful and superstitious fellow humans discover they're a psyker. The unlucky ones are "acquired" by various departments of the Imperium for a particular purpose, ranging from a human communication beacon (the process of creation resulting in, at best, empty eye sockets and often complete loss of sanity), to a Sanctioned or Battle psyker prone to having a daemon hijack their body and soul and even more prone to be executed at suspicion of possession, to the best being allowed the "honour" of training to become a Space Marine Librarian or even a Grey Knight, which involves the aforementioned horrific training of a Space Marine coupled with a healthy dose of [[Mind Rape]]. The ''really'' unlucky ones are not discovered at all, their constant visions driving them to madness and allowing the endless hordes of the Warp to use their skull as a portal and rip themselves into the material realm, quickly consuming the entire planet. If the Enslavers don't get there first. And then there's the Chaos versions...
** ...and then there are Pariahs. Think of every reason you have to not want to be a Psyker, then throw it in reverse, full tilt. You're effectively soulless, cast no light in the Warp and are damned to be an outcast from any and all societies you encounter. At best, you'll end up as an assassin for the Inquisition, or get scooped up by the Necrons to be turned into yet ''another'' form of soulless abomination, half flesh and half necrodermis.
*** Just to iterate a bit further, Pariahs radiate a sensation of wrongness to those around them and generally make people uncomfortable. This means that in the nightmare fuel [[Crapsack World]], you can't hold a job, or have a friend, or go to the Emperor's Church (this last one will probably result in the priests labeling you an abomination anyway) - you can't even resort to basic prostitution as only those too drugged out of their minds to notice or those who thrive on your lack of Warp-reflection will "get with you". And if you happen to cross a psyker's path by accident, that psyker WILL take notice of you since your lack of a warp-presence will physically hurt him. Imagine what will happen if you, an extremely rare phenomenon, were to cross the path of a psyker who has some friends very interested in "examining" rare phenomena. Not everyone is {{spoiler|Gregor Eisenhorn}}, y'know.
Line 284 ⟶ 286:
* An unconfirmed source from the [[Human Resources]] page claims that some parts of the Juvenat Process are derived from children. Yes, that means that the elite of the Imperium and even [[Ciaphas Cain]] (HERO OF THE IMPERIUM) bathe in children. Blood Countess, anyone?
* ''"Forget the power of technology, science and common humanity. Forget the promise of progress and understanding, for there is no peace amongst the stars, only an eternity of carnage and slaughter and the laughter of thirsting gods."''
* The concept of '''Servitors''' is pretty unpleasant. To elaborate, they are either [[Designer Babies|vat-grown]] [[Cloning Blues|clones]] or criminals/dissidents/failed teammates who are lobotomized so that they cannot act without bio-programs from the setting's tech-priests. They then have useful [[Artificial Limbs|cybernetics]] attached to their bodies, be they engineering tools, sensors, calculators, or heavy weapons. Since the Imperium has [[AIA.I. Is a Crapshoot|a ban on artificial intelligences]], some servitors are simply [[Wetware CPU|wired into vehicles or other machines to serve as semi-organic computers]]. The one saving grace is that there is little enough mind left that the Servitors [[What Measure Is a Non-Human?|are even sentient anymore]].
** Sometimes you actually feel that is not that they are adding mechanical parts to a human body, but that they are adding human body parts to a machine...
** You know where many combat servitors come from? From a system where there is an official sanitarium for Imperial Guardsmen suffering combat trauma. May or may not be a coincidence. Probably not.
Line 295 ⟶ 297:
*** There are "better" versions of the Cherubim called Nephilim, which ''are'' made from children. Particularly prized are latent [[Psychic Powers|psyker]] kids, even unborn ones, because another psyker can attune to them like a [[Familiar]]. Oh, and it has to be a child below the age of 6, or the bones are too heavy.
*** One Tech-priest in the ''Soul Drinkers'' series keeps a number of Cherubim around apparently just to [[Uncanny Valley|unnerve]] everyone he works with.
* The '''Tech-Priests''' who maintain them are pretty scary on their own - not only do they occasionally ''replace half their brain with a computer'' to [[Straw Vulcan|free themselves from emotions]], but they're one of the most powerful forces in the Imperium. This wouldn't be so bad until you consider how many of them are horrible, horrible people - Archmagos Khobotov from ''Soul Drinker'' basically thinks "The Soul Drinkers have an ancient right to the Soulspear, since it's their holiest relic. I don't. ''I'm going to take it anyway anyways''." They literally [[Machine Worship|do not care about anything other than the technology]] - [[The Unfettered|no honour, no justice, definitely not other people's lives]]. They will gladly put [[A Million Is a Statistic|an entire world's population at risk]] in order to have a chance to loot a Necron tomb, and tend to act ''offended'' when people wall off Necron tombs rather than letting themselves get annihilated by psychopathic robot skeletons. And they're so powerful ''no-one will ever be able to do anything about it''. Although nice or [[Ineffectual Sympathetic Villain|ineffectual and sympathetic]] versions (like Antigonus in ''[[Grey Knights (Literature)|Dark Adeptus]]'', Felicia in ''[[Ciaphas Cain|Death or Glory]]'' and Ernulph and Logash in ''[[Ciaphas Cain|Caves of Ice]]'') do exist - indeed, they probably don't include a higher percentage of bastards than the Administratum - but since their really nasty members are in a position to screw over ''trillions'' of people [[For Science!|in the name of the Omnissiah]]...
** It gets better. That [[Deus Est Machina|great machine spirit]] the Adeptus Mechanicus [[Cargo Cult|worship]]? Odds are its an [[Eldritch Abomination]] sleeping inside Mars, and when it wakes up it will literally ''eat the Sun.''
*** Riddle me this: which is worse? The above possibility, or the following? Some say that the Void Dragon is perfectly happy where it is, because it coexists with humanity-- ''by devouring the life-force of every techpriest in the universe through their implants'', bit by bit.
Line 303 ⟶ 305:
*** After all, the crew basically kills one another when driven insane by the ''visions'' that hell forces on them. In the Warp, sure, that can happen...or you can get killed by the ''actual, tangible demons.''
*** Maybe the ''Event Horizon'' only went into the shallows? Like the Tau do?
*** Actually, in [[Horus Heresy|Flight of the Eisenstein,]] which takes place during a time where the Imperium is encountering Chaos as a force for the first time, it is implied that when Nurgle reanimates and [[Body Horror|modifies]] the traitor Death Guard, it is one of the first times if not ''the first'' that particular [[Eldritch Abomination|entity]] has done so. It could be that the ''Event Horizon'' was the very first direct "physical" contact humanity had with the warp and Chaos. It could be that the normal "Gellar field fails, crew's souls eaten by daemons" applies or something of a [[First Contact|first contact]] between humans and daemons.
* ''Dark Heresy'' gives us this gem, text lifted verbatim: "The Stuff of Nightmares, such entities are completely immune to: poisons, diseases, the need to breathe, environmental hazards, Blood Loss, Stunning, and any critical effect that would not destroy them outright."
** There are some in-universe examples of this in the game itself--a top-level explosive damage critical hit to the head requires any target within two meters of the victim to make a will save or flee for one turn. Likewise, an impact-damage top-level critical to the leg causes agonizing screams to drown out conversation within a 2d10-meter radius.
* Imagine being a common, normal human in this. To paraphrase one of the comic books, "We used to pray that the Emperor would send his angels to save us. Now we pray he never does again."
** To expand on this, imagine being one of quadrillions of human beings alive in the Imperium. Imagine living in a hive planet, which is basically an entire planet hollowed out and turned into a single giant city, where countless other humans live, where all your food and water are probably exported from some agri planet. Imagine being at the mercy of an unthinkably massive government, one that views you, at best, as a resource to be used as they say fit (as a citizen of the Imperium, you have no rights, just responsibilities). On top of some incredibly shitty job (think 12 hours of factory work a day), imagine also having to worry about the incredible amounts of crime all around you. Imagine knowing that, at any moment, the authorities might take you in for any crime (guilty or innocent), and do whatever they please. Imagine being taught from birth that your entire existence is to be a servant to the Emperor, a lesson which everyone around you has learned very, very well. Imagine knowing that any amount of heresy, of any kind, you might display will land you, at best, a very quick death. Then, remember that doesn't account for all the xenos, heretics, and so on that exist all around, and that, with every coming day, the chance of being killed by some invading fleet, your own government, or something similar can only get stronger....Yeah, the Imperium sucks.
If any of these images prove to be too much for you, just take a deep breath, relax, watch [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cO3MttgvHUY these] [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LJMLfACod48 videos], and take comfort in the fact that [[Narm|narm]] can reduce the scariest of worlds into over-the-top hilarity.
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