Warhammer 40,000/Tropes/A to H: Difference between revisions

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* [[Call a Rabbit a Smeerp]]: And occasionally [[Call a Smeerp a Rabbit]].
* [[Canis Latinicus]]: Conventional rendering of High Gothic; e.g., Adeptus Astartes, Adeptus Mechanicus. "Imperium," however, [[wikipedia:Imperium|is an actual Roman word]], according to [[That Other Wiki]].
* [[Cannibalism Superpower]]: Space Marines and Tyranid Lictors have the ability to absorb the memories of the dead by eating their flesh, particularly the brain.
** According to one version of their backstory, the Kroot started out as fairly ordinary birds, aside from their ability to absorb DNA and evolved into intelligent, humanoid lifeforms by scavenging dead Orks. Kroot are said in designers' notes to have gained Ork technology through their ability to absorb the DNA of prey, since Orks have it via [[Genetic Memory]]. Conversely, their steeds and hunting beasts supposedly came from the Kroot lines who ate too stupid things until they have stopped being sapient.
* [[Can't Argue with Elves]]: ...but you can shoot them in the face. Foul Xenos.
* [[Captain Ersatz]]: Soylent viridians are [[Soylent Green]], "Sly" Marbo is John [[Rambo]], the Black Templars possess [[Monty Python and the Holy Grail|a holy hand grenade of Antioch]], and the Necrons are effectively an entire army of [[Terminator]]s, among others.
* [[Car Fu]]: Tank Shock.
** The 5th Edition rules allow you to ram Tanks into other vehicles, which can potentially take out several enemies at once.
** Ork vehicles often have additional rules for ramming. And then there's ''Gorkamorka''.
* [[Card Games]]: There's been a few actual card games released based on the 40K universe. One could also easily count ''Second Edition'' and earlier editions of ''Epic'', which came packaged with a whole dead forest worth of cards, counters, templates and assorted other bits and pieces, sometimes including entire ''decks'' for mechanics like the Winds of the Warp or things like the Imperator and Mega-Gargant templates and counters which were entire mini-games in their own right.
* [[Cargo Cult]]: The Imperium of Man combines this with [[Ancient Astronauts]] in an interesting fashion, as the overwhelming majority of the technology they use predates the incident that put [[Messianic Archetype|the Emperor]] on life-support, and maintenance has become more of a religious ceremony than anything else.
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* [[Galactic Conqueror]]: Too many to count. Some evil, some ''really'' evil.
* [[Garrisonable Structures]]: Tabletop 40K was doing this long before [[Video Game]]s did. In the case of more "open" buildings such as ruins, typically the general [[Geo Effects|terrain]] and [[Take Cover|cover]] rules are used, but in the case of more "closed" (as in it is hard or impossible to place models inside of them) structures, more abstract rules exist for determining how many models can fit inside, where the fire points are and how many of them there are, where the entrances and exits are, etc.
* [[Gatling Good]]: Consider the Assault Cannon, a gatling gun which can cut through light vehicles. Next, consider the Punisher Gatling Cannon, a gatling gun the size of a main tank cannon that can slaughter entire squads of light infantry at a time. Then thethere are Avenger bolt cannon, clearly inspired by Avenger, since it's used on Avenger strike fighter ([[Expy|not-]]Warthog) and later also one Space Marine fighter<ref>in that datasheet it's also called mega bolter</ref>, and Vulcan Mega-Bolter, a ''twin'' gatling gun with similar statistics; it's the size of smaller tanks, on Stormlord<ref>superheavy vehicle on Baneblade chassis, but mega-bolter still needs a ''wholesuperstructure, tank'not turret, i.e. it's thata SPG, not even a tank</ref> canand mowsome down[[Humongous armiesMecha|Titans]]. Now look at the Hellstorm cannon, a gatling gun the size of a ''skyscraper''. And that's just in the Imperium. Yep, 40k ''likes'' this one.
* [[General Ripper]]: Imperial officers are generally this, or [[Colonel Badass]]. Sometimes both.
* [[Genetic Memory]]: Space Marines and Tyranid Lictors have the ability to absorb the memoriesEach of the dead by eating their flesh, particularly the brain. In addition, each Space Marine ChapterChapters is based on the genetic templates of one of the [[A God Am I|Primarchs]], and occasionally display traits and memories of that Primarch. Blood Angels, for example have a random chance of triggering the genetic memory of their Primarch's bloody death, which can drive them into an [[Unstoppable Rage]]. Ork Mekboyz and Painboyz have their (respectively) technological and medical talents genetically encoded, and Kroot are said in designers' notes to have gained Ork technology through their ability to absorb the DNA of prey.
** Ork Mekboyz and Painboyz have their (respectively) technological and medical talents genetically encoded, and Kroot are said in designers' notes to have gained Ork technology [[Cannibalism Superpower|through their ability to absorb the DNA of prey]].
** In fact, according to one version of their backstory, the Kroot started out as fairly ordinary birds, aside from their ability to absorb DNA and evolved into intelligent, humanoid lifeforms by scavenging dead Orks.
* [[Genius Bruiser]]: A wide variety, although who, why and to what extent vary wildly depending on the setting. Of particular note, perhaps, is [[The Emperor]] himself - who is/was clever enough to construct his own Webway Gate, design Space Marines, develop Force Weapons (at least, the current Imperial variety) and command the Great Crusade, and was badass enough to personally kick the crap out of pretty much anyone in the setting. His [[Praetorian Guard|Adeptus Custodes]] and Space Marines are a close second - in particular, the Tech Marines, and any Space Marine who survives long enough to gain some experience (notably, Dante of the Blood Angels, Logan Grimnar and Bjorn the Fell-Handed of the Space Wolves). Each faction has their own representatives, as well - Fabius Bile, various Mekboyz (though they have more of the bruiser than the genius about them, they are a damn sight smarter than the rest of da boyz), various Eldar...the list goes on.
** Much of Inquisition, given that investigation is a big part of the job.