Warhammer 40,000/Tropes/I to P: Difference between revisions

→‎P: added trope
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(→‎P: added trope)
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* [[Lethal Joke Character]]: The Apocalypse expansion includes rules for a Warlord Titan, four times the size of the biggest model they actually sell with the point cost of an entire army and almost certainly meant as a joke. Then some people actually scratch-built them, and they are so unbalanced that an equivalent-cost force of super-heavy tanks and artillery can't even get through the shields before being wiped out.
** And if that's not enough, one of the datafax on the Games Workshop website is for the ''Emperor'' Titan, which is best modeled by someone [[Cosplay|dressing up as the Titan]] and climbing on the table. It's all fun and games until someone's whole army gets squished....
*** To demonstrate, [http://www.forgeworld.co.uk/Images/Product/AlternativeFW/xlarge/ImpReavAlt24.jpg here]{{Dead link}} is an official ''Reaver''-class Titan miniature on scale with other 40k models. [https://web.archive.org/web/20141018120502/http://www.puolenkuunpelit.com/tieto/galleria/GW/Butchery3/kuva5.jpg Here] is a custom-built ''Emperor''-class Titan in the same scale.
* [[The Library of Babel]]: The Black Library.
* [[Lighter and Softer]]: [http://1d4chan.org/wiki/BrightHammer40k BrightHammer 40k]. For starters, the Emperor is rocking a goatee, Slaanesh is all about love & kindness instead of sadism, and there is such a thing as peaceful diplomacy with Orks.
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* [[Phantasy Spelling]]: Chaos "daemons" might or might not be an example of this. The word technically means "minor deity", but since that's what a lot of daemons actually ''are''...
* [[Phantom Zone]]: The Warp.
* [[Phlebotinum Overload]]: Whenever the Warp gets involved, phlebotinum overload usually happens and with fatal consequences. Unless it goes badly, what happens doesn't bear thinking about.
* [[Physical God]]: The Emperor may have been one of these, and the Primarchs were basically demigods; also, the Avatars of Khaine and the C'tan. Daemon Princes can sometimes have pretty god-like powers, too.
* [[Pirate]]: '''IN SPACE!'''
* [[Pistol-Whipping]]: A game mechanic.
* [[Plague of Locusts]]: Figuratively. The Tyranids are often likened to a terrifying [[Horde of Alien Locusts|plague of alien locusts]]. They travel the galaxy in Hive Fleets that are so incomprehensibly massive, they are made of ''lightyears'' worth of ships at their biggest. They descend upon planets and devour everything they can with a crazed, hungry fervor - and by "everything", we ''mean'' everything. Their rampages end with the targeted planet being stripped of all life and left a barren rock. You can kill millions, if not ''billions'' of the damned things and still lose, because they always have millions and billions more to throw at you. Furthering the comparison to an apocalyptic swarm of insects is that there's no properly defined leader: all Tyranids are governed by a ravenous hive mind that is so overwhelmingly savage and powerful that it's ''impossible'' for the setting's Chaos Gods to control or corrupt.
* [[Planet Eater]]: The Tyranids are this, and intend to do it to every life-bearing planet in the galaxy.
* [[Planet of Hats]]: Applies to several races, to try and reduce their [[Separate but Identical]] nature.