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* ''[[Dragon Ball]]'' has one of these in the form of the "Grand Kai's planet", where the universe's mightiest heroes spend all eternity perfecting their fighting skills. The criteria seem to be based on valor rather than deeds - {{spoiler|Krillin and Yamcha wind up there after being mopped up by Majin Buu}}.
* This is the idealized vision of Japan of [[Social Darwinist|Shishio Makoto]], [[Big Bad]] of the [[Rurouni Kenshin]] universe: It is a country wherein ''"the flesh of the weak is food for the strong"'', and only warriors as great as he may ''survive,'' eventually creating a ''universally'' strong Japan that can hold its head up with pride in the international arena. A vision truly worthy of respect, nightmarish cruelty notwithstanding.
* In Shin [[Getter Robo]] Armageddon, {{spoiler|after cutting Jupiter in half, Ryoma, Hayato and Benkei are sucked into a giant space vagina where they will spend all eternity fighting alongside parallel reality versions of themselves against aliens who gain power by sucking up god's evolutionary divine energy.}} {{spoiler|In ''New Getter Robo'', that Ryoma seems to end up there, too}}. Fans oftentimes refer to this as "Getter Valhalla", some going so far as to posit that it was created by the actions of other versions of the same characters in the other various Getter Robo manga and [[OVA|OVAs]]s.
* The Eleventh Division in [[Bleach]] might be just this.
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* Quake III Arena's [[All There in the Manual|background story]] indicate player are fighting in Arena Eternal, a extradimensional structure created by an super advanced alien race called [[Sufficiently Advanced Alien|Vadrigar]]. They populated the Arena Eternal with the greatest warriors in all of time and space whom they kidnap at the split moment before they die a heroic death, for entertainment. It's basically a SF version of Valhalla.
* In [[Runescape]], the not-so-intelligent goblins think they will go to their ancestral homeland Yu'Biusk upon death in combat, where they will fight eachother for all eternity. In the end, it turns out that Bandos, god of war and the one who brought them to Gielinor, has lied to them. Yu'Biusk is nothing but a toxic wasteland, devestated by war since millenia.
* In ''[[The Elder Scrolls]]'', Sovngarde is the [[Warrior Heaven]] where all heroic [[Horny Vikings|Nords]] ascend to upon death, and it fits the bill. The main hall is a magnificent palace where the glorious dead drink golden mead, feast on massive boars, and battle for sport. Unfortunately {{spoiler|when you go there in [[Skyrim]], Alduin, the dragon god of the end times, has come to feed on the souls of newly dead warriors for sustenance, effectively turning Sovngarde into a Warrior Hell.}}
** Well, only the outskirts. The Valhalla-counterpart, the aptly named Hall of Valor is freed from Alduin's depredations, due to [[War God|Sh]][[Top God|or's]] power protecting it. Those within the Hall continue their day mostly normally, but lament that they cannot go and out and kick Alduin's ass themselves, having to wait for the Dragonborn to do it.
* In the first [[Valkyrie Profile]], the player assumes the role of the Valkyrie Lenneth, sent to Midgard (the mortal realm, i.e. Earth) to recruit Einjerhar for the coming Ragnarok. How the story progresses (and what ending you get) hinges on your ability to recruit, train, and send the very best.