We Have Forgotten the Phlebotinum: Difference between revisions

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Not to be confused with [[Forgotten Phlebotinum]], where the characters seem to have forgotten that it even ''exists''. This trope is for times when the characters remember it, but simply don't have it handy.
== Anime and Manga ==
* A ''[[Fairy Tail]]'' omake has Lucy and Happy go try to exterminate poisonous rats in an old mansion. However, their only tool is a fly swatter, as Happy is in spaz mode and Lucy forgot the keys she needs to use her summoning magic.
== FanficFan Works ==
* At one occasion in ''[[Kyon: Big Damn Hero]]'', Kyon forgets his [[Badass Longcoat|coat]] and [[Morph Weapon|weapons]] after leaving for school in a hurry. It becomes critical when {{spoiler|the Combine attack the school}}, and causes Nonoko's temporary [[Magical Girl]] upgrade.