We Will Use Manual Labor in the Future: Difference between revisions

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== Film ==
* ''[[Star Wars]]'': Wookiees and Mon Calamari are enslaved by the Empire, but given the Empire's formidable military-industrial infrastructure, the omnipresence of droids, and the latter species' unusual physiology, alien slavery in the Empire makes little practical sense. (Droid slavery, on the other hand...) It seems slavery in the Star Wars verse is largely a policy intended to [[For the Evulz|humiliate and degrade acceptable targets]], when it isn't a cover for genocide (any [[Putting on the Reich|parallels with Nazi Germany]] are probably intentional). Organic slaves are also seen a status symbol, but that's more for, er, ''[[Go-Go Enslavement|''personal]]'' [[Go-Go Enslavement|needs]]. In particular, the, er, export of female Twi'leks from Ryloth is one of their most important industries. The resulting decline in the planetary population is the entire point; the Twi'leks essentially sold themselves into slavery to get *off* Ryloth. Evolution does not proceed to a perfect adaptation, only a reproductively sufficient one. The Twi'leks found the sufficiency of their adaptation extremely marginal.
** Wookiees and Mon Calamari are described as being favoured for slave labour due to their strength, dexterity, creativity, and intuitive understanding of mechanics and electronics, making them ideal for engineering work. In addition, the prequels reveal that the Wookiees helped Yoda escape Kashyyyk; Palpatine might have decided to enslave them as punishment. It is also implied that the main customers of the slave trade are from worlds which ''don't'' have access to advanced technologies (Ryloth is said to have 19th century technology and little inhabitable land).
** It's not just the prequel era. Czerka wasn't a subsidiary of the Sith, but they sure were cozy during the [[Knights of the Old Republic|Jedi Civil War]]. Wookiee labor was used in places where it would be too expensive to use and keep repairing droids, and was a revenue stream for Czerka while they found out what else the planet could get used for.
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* ''[[Transformers: Dark of the Moon]]'' {{spoiler|has this as the overall villains plot, capture the entire human race to use them to rebuild Cybertron.}}
* Lampshaded and justified in ''Daleks' Invasion Earth 2150'', in which the Daleks use human miners because the magnetic forces in the mine's shaft would hinder their own functions or those of their machinery.
== Literature ==