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* [[Cute Bruiser]]: Charity.
* [[Cycle of Hurting]]: Question Marks can give you the Plague, which can't be cured. You have to watch your life bar dwindle away until you die. Fortunately, it's highly contagious and you can pass it on to opponents by simply brushing up against them, but you still won't be cured. It is also possible to endlessly pass it on to each other every time they respawn, potentially turning the rest of the match into one big [[Cycle of Hurting]].
* [[Deadly Game]]: Of the [[Bloody Hilarious]] type.
* [[Defeat Means Playable]]: Defeating {{spoiler|Van in Gameshow Mode}} unlocks him for Battle Mode.
* [[Everything's Better with Chickens]]: The "Chicken" game type.