What Measure Is a Non-Human?/Western Animation: Difference between revisions

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'''Spongebob:''' Of course! Scallops love worms! [picks up the worms]
'''Worm:''' Huh, wait! We will bury yooooou! [drops it in the scallop’s mouth and it eats it] }}
* ''[[She-Ra: Princess of Power]]'' was inconsistent on how sapient Hordak's [[Mecha Mook]]s were. In some episodes, they showed intelligence and emotion, while in others they had no lines, and the heroes would blow them to scrap without a second thought. Hordak, however, being the [[Bad boss]] he was, would junk them whether they showed emotion or not, and they often showed ''fear'' when he was angry at them.
* The original ''[[Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 1987]]'' animated series gave the Turtles a chance to actually use their weapons as forces of deadliness by turning Shredder's foot soldiers into robots.
** Possibly the most [[Moral Dissonance|WTF]] example of this is the episode "Donatello's Duplicate", where Donatello creates a clone of himself specifically to have it do his chores for him, and treats the duplicate as his slave. When the clone turns against him and becomes evil, it gets wiped out of existence. And it's apparently perfectly okay by all the others. You know, the ''good'' guys.