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*** Using {{spoiler|[[Mighty Morphin Power Rangers|The Dragon Dagger]]}}! And a silly accent!
** Nothing about {{spoiler|them being attacked by Domo}}? You should be ashamed.
** JO's price for doing the episode is that Nash has to be on hand with a bottle of Febreeze "in case the fanboys try to touch me".
* "All Creatures Great And Dumb"
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== Doctor Who Reviews ==
* [[Doctor Who/Recap/S21 E1/E01 Warriors of the Deep|Warriors of the Deep]]:
** The comment regarding the [[Special Effects Failure|Myrka]].
{{quote|"Ohhh no. No, nonononono." [Cut to Peter Davison's WTF expression] "There. Right there. ''That's'' the moment where [[Peter Davison]] said '[[Screw This, I'm Outta Here|Fuck it, I quit]]'.".}}
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{{quote|'''Brendan:''' "Why?"
'''Nash!Peter:''' "Because half the audience is in a ''coma!''" }}
* [[Doctor Who/Recap/S12 E1/E01 Robot|Robot]]:
** The [[Book Ends]] of the review, with Nash talking to pictures of [[Tom Baker]] about the review.
** His [[Squee]] when the Fourth Doctor says his [[Catch Phrase]] for the first time.
** A massive [[Take That]] to the Tenth Doctor's regeneration and [[Russell T. Davies]].
* [[Doctor Who/Recap/S23 E3/E03 Terror of the Vervoids|Terror of the Vervoids]]:
** "But this week the Doctor faces what could be his most ''dangerous foe yet''! (a picture of {{spoiler|a head of lettuce}} fades in as a dramatic noise plays) ...you have no idea how much much I wish I was kidding."
{{quote|'''Nash:''' "Several times, the original Doctor Who had season long arcs, many of which are considered classics by fans and one which is... not. Guess which one we'll be looking at this week. Here's a hint." ''*[[Face Palm]]*''}}
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'''Minion:''' "It's been broken into."
'''Nash:''' "It's the DEA, man! They're raidin' our stash!" }}
* [[Doctor Who/NS/Recap/NS/S3 E4/E04 Daleks in Manhattan|Daleks In Manhattan]] and [[Doctor Who/NS/Recap/NS/S3 E5/E05 Evolution of the Daleks|Evolution of the Daleks]]:
** Any of his Dalek impersonations.
{{quote|'''Dalek:''' IN-IT-IATE IN-TELL-LIGENCE-SCAN!
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** Nash to the people who will complain about his choices:
{{quote|"For those of you who are bound to lob profanity at my choices I would like to remind you that I am rubber and you are glue, everything you say bounces of of me and sticks to you, I would also like to add times infinity and nanny nanny boo boo."}}
** Describing the Time Lord at the beginning of [[Doctor Who/Recap/S12 E4/E04 Genesis of the Daleks|Genesis of the Daleks]] as "the fuckwit in the poncho".
* [[Doctor Who/Recap/S19 E7/E07 Time-Flight|Time-Flight]]:
** His channeling of [[The Tonight Show|Carnac the Magnificent]].
{{quote|"The disappearance of Amelia Earhart, how [[Southland Tales]] was green-lit, and {{spoiler|why The Master was in disguise}} this episode". *opens envelope to reveal "Shit that has never been explained"*}}
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** "Oh, you see? When you shout at people, it makes the editor angry!"
** Nash's head explodes after watching a scene in which a tonne of exposition is delivered late. Twice.
* [[Doctor Who/Recap/S25 E2/E02 The Happiness Patrol|The Happiness Patrol]]:
** It begins with him showing examples of social commentary in ''[[Doctor Who]]''. When he gets to the modern era a clip is shown of Jack kissing Nine, and he stops what he's saying to shout "HOLY FANFICTION FUEL BATMAN!"
** "This is Ace, she likes hitting things, hitting things, hitting things, hitting things, and blowing shit up. I like her."
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** "It is official: The Doctor is the whitest man in time and space."
** "Happiness will prevail", "My gigantic ass it will!"
* [[Doctor Who/Recap/S17 E5/E05 The Horns of Nimon|The Horns of Nimon]]:
{{quote|'''Nash:''' The Doctor just...[[It Makes Sense in Context|slapped her on the ass?]] What? That's like Santa Claus copping a feel on your sister right in front of you!<br />
'''[[Haruhi-chan|Mikuru]]:''' ''[[Memetic Mutation|*cries*]]'' }}
** The "Doctor Slap-O-Meter", which registers any time the Doctor does something so [[Too Dumb to Live|insanely stupid]] or [[Jerkass|dickish]] that you want to hit him. It reaches ''11'' by the time the review is over.
* [[Doctor Who/Recap/S11 E2/E02 Invasion of the Dinosaurs|Invasion of the Dinosaurs]]:
** Playing "Yor's World" when the Pterodactyl appears.
** "And if you don't comply I'll switch to the laser gun sounds! Pew pew pew pew!"
** His seething rage over the premise of [[Terra Nova]], after he just got done explaining how the villain's plan will cause a time paradox.
* The Most What The Fuck Moments of Classic Series History with Nella:
** The running gag of "Jewelry Candy", and Nella's... disturbing analogies.
{{quote|"Five minutes ago, you thought candy jewels were real!" "Four minutes ago you were crying like a third grader. Your point?"}}
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'''Nella:''' '''''I'M FINE!''''' }}
** Their discussion of the 6th Doctor and his outfit.
** The jab at the Fox Network. "So Fox is the reason we had to wait another decade for more Doctor Who? Is there any show they won't strangle in the crib?" "Not unless your last name is [[Family Guy|McFarlane]], I guess..." "Touché."
** Their reaction to Kamelion.
{{quote|'''Nash''': [[Nightmare Fuel|You know, for kids!]]<br />
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** Nash's pure unadulterated [[Squee]] at the end:
{{quote|'''Nash''': ''The Doctor knows who I am!!'' [HUGE grin]}}
* [[Doctor Who/Recap/S19 E1/E01 Castrovalva|Castrovalva]]:
** Opening the video with lines to intentionally enrage various fandoms so he can get away with reviewing the episode. {{spoiler|It didn't work.}}
{{quote|"Anime is indecipherable garbage, [[Star Wars|Greedo shot first]], [[Star Trek|Jean-Luc Picard is the worst captain in the history of Starfleet]], and [[Jim Henson]] can go fuck himself.}}
** "So Santa was really The Master the entire time!... Christmas is ruined."
** "Are they with Occupy Wall Street? Hey Donny, [[Disproportionate Retribution|get the pepper spray!]]"
** His anger over Nyssa, A SCIENTIST, having to look up what Hydrogen is.
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** After saying that he likes the Fifth Doctor's outfit.
{{quote|'''Nash''': "Wait, did I say something nice? WHO'S BEEN FUCKING WITH MY SCRIPT?"}}
* [[Doctor Who/Recap/S21 E7/E07 The Twin Dilemma|The Twin Dilemma]]:
** After a massive hammy rant about how Nash's previous reviews "tossed his childhood memories into a meat grinder", Linkara's [[Comedic Sociopathy|sadistic glee]] when he finds out Nash is going to review.... '''that'''... is perfect.
{{quote|'''Linkara''': The Twin Dilemma? You're going to sit through ''that'' classic ball of misery? [Gigantic evil grin]
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** Describing the infamous strangling scene.
{{quote|'''Nash:''' But never mind [[Ms. Fanservice|the jubblies]]; the Doctor's set course...''[[Nightmare Fuel|for the nightmares of children.]]''}}
* [[Doctor Who/Recap/S22 E6/E06 Revelation of the Daleks|Revelation Of The Daleks]]:
** Nash's annoyance with the DJ.
{{quote|'''Davros:''' "Shut that fool up!"
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[Orcini shoots the Dalek, which ''[[Stuff Blowing Up|explodes in a MASSIVE fireball!]]'']<br />
'''Nash''': ''HOLY FUCKING SHIT!'' [[[Beat]]] I ''WANT'' one! }}
* [[Doctor Who/Recap/2007 CS Voyage of the Damned/Recap|Voyage of the Damned]]:
** The most perfect use of [[Mystery Science Theater 3000|the forklift song]] in history.
{{quote|'''Nash:''' Okay, in doing these reviews, there are ''rare'', beautiful moments; moments where the stars align, where 'Synchronicity' becomes more than the best ''Police'' song ever! Where from this madness springs something of such unspeakable, terrible beauty. My friends, ''prepare thyselves...''
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** When it's implied that the Doctor is on board the real Titanic {{spoiler|(it's revealed to be a spaceship a minute or so later)}}... and yet we see robots and aliens: "Uh... [[Through the Eyes of Madness|did the Doctor just go crazy]]?"
** In response to the audience's claims that the episode is just "Titanic [[Recycled in Space|in space]]", Nash shoots that down:
{{quote|"Ripping off '[[Titanic]]'? No, that's just silly! ...{{spoiler|[["Not Making This Up" Disclaimer|no, they're doing]] [[The Poseidon Adventure]]}}.}}
** After the Doctor mentions "he was there":
{{quote|'''Nash:''' Did they just retconned the Doctor into the Nativity?! [[[Beat]]] Suddenly, the fishes and loaves thing makes sense.}}