What an Idiot!/Anime and Manga: Difference between revisions

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*** Sugar realizes the general idea behind the suspicious berry, [[Right for the Wrong Reasons|but assumes it was some deadly poison]] and Usopp intended to kill her.<br /> '''You’d Expect:''' She’d just throw it away and use her power on him too. After all, someone like her can never have too many [[Slave Mooks]].<br /> '''Instead:''' Developing a bout of [[Bond Villain Stupidity]], Sugar decides to force-feed it to him, hoping he dies in agony. Fortunately, Usopp can’t tolerate such a hot spice either, and does a [[Wild Take]] to [[Crowning Moment of Funny|end all Wild Takes,]] scaring Sugar half to death, causing her to faint from fright, and having [[Achievements in Ignorance|the result the Straw Hats had originally intended.]]
** In the Egghead Arc, York (the "satellite" of Dr. Vegapunk who embodies his [[Greed]]) turns traitor against the others; after CP0 invades the island, she activates the Frontier Dome (placing the whole island on lockdown) to prevent escape, and then contacts the Five Elders, promising she will constuct a second [[Doomsday Device|Mother Flame]] in exchange for being made a World Noble and sparing the laboratory. Unfortunately for York (a [[Brilliant But Lazy]] type who lacks any real fighting skills), she is quickly overwhelmed and taken hostage by the Straw Hats. <br />'''You'd Expect:''' York is no fool, and the smart thing to do here would be to remain a quiet, cooperative prisoner and wait for rescue, especially since most of the heroes and the three surviving satellites are only ''reluctantly'' letting her live right now. This makes even more sense in hindsight, as later in the arc, Jaygarcia Saturn ''personally'' leads the armada to Egghead, and the Straw Hats are in for the fight of their lives. In fact, with the lockdown in place, they'd be doomed, but... <br />'''Instead:''' After [[Dirty Coward| shamelessly begging the Elders to rescue her]] before the Straw Hats cut off the transmission, she switches to true corny villain fashion, taking this time to gloat, giving the heroes the old [[You Have No Chance to Survive]] as long as the Frontier Dome was active, having admitted to encrypting its access with a passcode beforehand.<br />'''One Small Problem:''' Not only does she make this rant in front of the true Vegapunk, the surviving - and loyal - satellites Edison and Atlas are present. Vegapunk would be a sorry excuse for a supra-genius if an android he himself built could lock him out of a computer he himself designed. Long story short, she can't, he and the others manage to crack the code, causing Saturn to lose at least one edge he has.
*** Of course, Vegapunk himself does deserve some of the blame in how he designed the satellites in the first place, a clear case of this otherwise brilliant scientist grabbing the [[Idiot Ball]].<br />'''Here’s How It Works:''' Vegapunk designed the satellites to each embody one side of his personality in a way to maintain [[Balance Between Good and Evil]], so that any extreme action taken by any of them could be scrutinized by an opposite counterpart. Thus, Shaka (Good) balances/is balanced by Lilith (Evil), Edison (Thinking) balances/is balanced by Atlas (Violence), and Pythagoras (Wisdom) balances/is balanced by York (Greed). In fact, one could say that Shaka has a clear advantage over Lilith, York, ''or'' Atlas, as Pythagoras and Edison would likely side with her over any extremist plan proposed by one of the "darker" satellites. However, Vegapunk also made it so none of his other selves (or himself) had any authority over another - period.<br />'''There’s Just One Problem:''' The loophole York exploited rests in another of Vegapunk’s creations (meaning all of them, York included, knows how they work), the Seraphim. The Seraphim are programmed in a way that they can only follow the orders of one person at a time, until such time as that person changes the orders, relinquishes that order, or they receive an order from someone with higher authority. The tiers are, from highest to lowest, the Celestial Dragons, Vegapunk and his satellites, then Sentomaru (Vegapunk's bodyguard), and finally, anyone who is given a Command Token, which for the purposes of this Arc is CP0. The emphasis on this rule is ''higher''; an order cannot be overrided by someone of ''equal'' authority to the one who gave the order. York was thus able to assume command of the Seraphim on her own, and the other satellites had no means of stopping them. A much safer programming would have been to give them a “majority rules directive” of sorts, so that several members of one tier who agreed with each other could override the orders of one member, a situation that would have halted York’s plan very quickly.<br />'''To Make Things Worse:''' Now that Saturn is in command of the Seraphim, the Celestial Dragons could easily have the same problem should Saturn decide to turn against them (very likely his goal, given what is now known about him), as they are also (by their own designation) of equal authority. Although whether this would be “worse” for the good guys or the bad guys right now is debatable.
* In ''[[D.Gray-man]]'', [[Creepy Twins]] Jasdero and Devit (Jasdevi) have the power to materialize anything they both think of. During the Ark arc, they wind up fighting Allen, Krory, Lavi, {{spoiler|a [[Brought Down to Normal]]}} Lenalee, and one normal person from the Black Order. The Exorcists are trying to get past them through a locked door leading further into the Ark. They screw around with the Exorcists, throwing fire and ice at them, materializing fake copies of the key to make it harder to find the real one, and making masks over their faces that make Jasdevi invisible. This could be justified as sadistic fun, up until the point where {{spoiler|[[Photographic Memory|Lavi]] picks out the real key}}.<br />'''You'd Expect:''' That they'd use their powers to do something like fill the whole room with concrete or, if they thought the [[badass]]es could break through that, gas that was poisonous to anyone who wasn't a Noah. {{spoiler|Well, that probably wouldn't work on Allen, but they had no way of knowing that.}} At any rate, it wouldn't be hard for them to instantly end the fight.<br />'''Instead:''' They let most of the Exorcists go, except for Krory, who decides to pull a [[You Shall Not Pass]]. In their fight with him, they do a [[Fusion Dance]] into a [[Super Mode]] with [[Prehensile Hair]] and [[Super Strength]], and it's mostly a martial arts battle. It's not until they've been at it for a while that it occurs to Jasdevi to create something heavy to squish their opponent, and it takes even longer for them to think of {{spoiler|slamming him in an iron maiden}}. Thus, despite their incredible power, which should by rights lead to a [[One-Hit Kill]], the twins don't win.
** Also, during the Rewinding Town arc, Road commands an Akuma to self-destruct in front of Allen, and explains that if an Akuma is killed by anything other by Innocence, its soul will be destroyed.<br />'''You'd Expect:''' Allen to use his [[Arm Cannon]] to shoot and purify the Akuma from where he's standing.<br />'''Instead:''' He leaps at it, almost gets caught in the explosion, and has to be saved by Lenalee. No wonder she slaps him.