What the Hell, Hero?/Web Comics: Difference between revisions

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* What's the best way to start [[Divide and Conquer]] strategy? [[The Crossoverlord]] says: Tell [[The Cape (trope)]] about [[The Smart Guy|The Smart Girl's]] [[Shoot the Dog]] moment and watch him giving her [[What the Hell, Hero?]] speech.
* ''[[Girl Genius]]'': [http://www.girlgeniusonline.com/comic.php?date=20050114 Third panel:] "Pretty cold, after the girl ''saved'' you." Of all the people to be called out by ... ''[[Psycho for Hire|Bangladesh Dupree?!]]''
** Fair's fair. Bang is a sadistic murderous psychopath, [[Even Evil Has Standards|not an ungrateful backstabber]]. In fact, being torn between loyalities to two people was the only thing that noticeably inconvenienced her (rather than merely irritated) so far.
* In ''[[General Protection Fault]]'', the cast is not very pleased with Fred's using his newfound control ability to possess Trent and force him to sexually harass Sharon, strip naked and run around calling himself Wiley Wombat, which caused him to get arrested.
** When Fooker returns, Dexter complains about him tampering with his memories to replace his feelings for Sharon (who had recently broken up with Dexter, and who was rekindling her relationship with Fooker) with Megan Morrone so that Dexter could not get together with her while Fooker was working with the UGA. Fooker admits the move was selfish, but notes that Sharon wouldn't necessarily have taken Dexter back if he hadn't done it, with which Dexter reluctantly agrees.
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* Ethan in ''[[Shortpacked]]'' is known for his constant arguing with annoying or ignorant fanboys both online and in the store. [http://shortpacked.com/comic/book-5/03-ethans-strawman/goaaaal/ Finally another guy, later know as That Guy, calls him out on it.] Robin immediately begins [[Yaoi Fangirl|to slash.]]
** It's even more notable in that Ethan's 'fanboy mode' is often a mouthpiece for the author's own opinions on whatever idiocy the fandom is up to that week. So he's actually calling ''himself'' out.
** [http://www.shortpacked.com/index.php?id=1325 Bruce Wayne] reveals himself as [[Batman]]'s sponsor. Wait, wait, wait...
* Edward the Bard from ''[[Captain SNES]]'' wrote a poem about it [http://www.captainsnes.com/2003/08/30/381-teflon-billy-would-be-proud/ here]. He was calling out King Cecil, but it was mainly the fault of Alex, who was the one playing the game.
* In [[Lucky Dawg]], when evil demigod Darreon taunts 4 Horsemen of Alliance with [[Sadistic Choice]] – either one of them will sacrifice himself or he will kill a little girl, Unique [[Moral Event Horizon|just kills girl himself]]. Darreon was pissed that instead of heroes, they send [[Nineties Anti-Hero|amoral, money-motivated scumbags]] to fight him {{spoiler|and he expressed it quite drastically}}.