Where on Earth Is Carmen Sandiego?/Funny

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  • "dur-dun-grrr, dur-dun-grrr, Meat Loaf ain't got nuthin on the Chief-loaf...."
  • One C Mo F happens in Follow My Footprints, despite being a bit of a Mood Whiplash given the plot of the episode: Moe Skeeter and Lars Vegas trying to figure out how to steal Leonardo da Vinci's The Last Supper.

Moe Skeeter: Uh, Lars, the painting's on the wall.
Lars Vegas: Right, so what do you need? Bolt cutters? Screwdrivers?
Moe Skeeter: No, it's on the wall.
Lars Vegas: Of course it's on the wall! This is a museum!
Moe Skeeter: No, it's a fresco!
Lars Vegas: *grabs Moe* It's a museum!

Moe Skeeter: No! The painting's a fresco!

Lars Vegas: Noo! The painting's a da Vinci, you witless insect! So how are we gonna take it?

Moe Skeeter: We're not! It's a fresco! And that means it's painted on the wall!

  • Lars takes out a flashlight to examine The Last Supper*

Moe Skeeter: I told you it was on the wall.