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{{quote|"I assure you, I am the [[Black Sheep]] of the family. And while that would normally make me a criminal or a lunatic, in my ''evil'' family it makes me noble and decent!"|'''General George S. Sternbeater''', ''[[Bleak Expectations]]''}}
|'''General George S. Sternbeater''', ''[[Bleak Expectations]]''}}
Everyone is familiar with the teenager "going through a phase" or being an [[Black Sheep|out-and-out rebel]]. Little can equal the shame to a family with a [[Legacy Character|legacy]] of heroism than the prodigal son (or daughter, to be perfectly fair) who turns to villainy. Except, there are just as many families with a legacy of ''evil'', so what exactly is a teen rebel supposed to do to rebel against people who are already rebelling?
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== Advertising ==
* There was a chocolate bar commercial in the 1990s with a father encouraging his adult son to pursue rock stardom, and sharing the chocolate bar allowed the son to confess his true feelings:
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'''DAD:''' ([[Puppy Dog Eyes]])
'''SON:''' I really want to wear a suit, Dad! }}
== Anime and Manga ==
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* {{spoiler|Itachi Uchiha}} from ''[[Naruto]]'' is the White Sheep of {{spoiler|the Uchiha Clan}}. At first he was the [[Black Sheep]], until it turned out that {{spoiler|the Uchiha Clan was evil}}.
== Comic Books ==
== Comics ==
* Raven Princess Ashleigh in ''[[Scion (comics)|Scion]]'' rebels against her rather evil family by joining an underground movement devoted to freeing the kingdom's genetically-engineered slaves.
== Film ==
== Films -- Live-Action ==
* Mortimer Brewster of ''[[Arsenic and Old Lace]]'' is considered something of a black sheep by his aunts because he's a [[Deadpan Snarker]] and irreligious, but the aunts are (good-hearted) murderers and everyone else in the family is crazy and/or evil.
* Michael Corleone of ''[[The Godfather]]'' was raised to be the white sheep; he was supposed to begin the family's shift into respectability. Vito expresses regret shortly before his death that he ended up being the one to succeed his father, since he'd wanted him to be "Senator Corleone" or "Governor Corleone," and Michael reassures him that [[Wrong Genre Savvy|"we'll get there."]]
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** Debatable while not as evil as his father he's not good either in the first movie while Dr, Evil wines and dines Austin and Vanessa Scott suggest they just kill them now.
{{quote|"What you're feeding them why don't you just kill them I got a gun in my room. Bam I'll blow their brains out"}}
* In ''[[Star Wars]]'' mythos, most Wookies ''despise'' humans, as the Empire has made them a [[Slave Race]] due to their great strength and skill with technology. Chewbacca is an exception, owing Han Solo a life-debt after Han rescued him from death at the hands of a cruel slave overseer. Years of friendship between the two have made Chewie more accepting of humans.
== Literature ==
* Gabriel Syme in [[G. K. Chesterton]]'s ''[[The Man Who Was Thursday]]'' comes from a family that rebels against everything. By the time he grows up, the only thing left to rebel against is anarchy, so he joins the police.
* The younger Magpyres of ''[[Discworld/Carpe Jugulum|Carpe Jugulum]]'' are quite evil, but they rebel by discarding all of the traditional vampire traits. They dress dowdily and pick the most mundane human names possible, as a pretty clear inversion of rebellious goth teenagers.
* IIRC,{{verify}} he's referred to as a "gray sheep", but there's a blackly comic British mystery novel ''Death by Sheer Torture'' where the policeman hero is the estranged son/black sheep of a [[Big Screwed-Up Family]] made up of various cranks, nazi-sympathizers and psychos (and based on the Mitfords), and he has to come back to investigate a murder within the family.
* Sirius Black in the ''[[Harry Potter]]'' novels acts like your typical "bad boy rebel" and is the [[Black Sheep]] of his family, but since said family are almost exclusively dark wizards, he's one of these. Ditto his favorite cousin, Andromeda Black, who marries a Muggle-born. {{spoiler|And his younger brother Regulus, who, after discovering what the dark side really looks like, betrays Voldemort by stealing the Slytherin Locket, the Horcrux hidden in the cave, sacrificing his life in the process.}}
** And to drive the point home, both Sirius and Andromeda have been disowned by the family, their names burnt off the family tree tapestry.
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* Similar to the ''Godfather'' example above, Richie Burke of the [[Sunny Randall]] series was deliberately kept away from the less legal parts of his family business, which contains several high ranking members of [[The Irish Mob]].
* In Captain Vorpatril's Alliance both Tej and Amiri are downplayed examples of this. They are scions of a Jackson's Whole Mafia clan. They are still loyal to their families and willing to help when called on in such emergencies as a Mob War. But they want to get away from the normal scheming and criminality, Ameri by becoming a doctor, and Tej by ignoring her families plans for her until Lord Ivan Vorpatril(or Ivan Xav as she calls him)marries her and sets her up as a Barrayaran lady.
**Prince Xav Vorbarra was a [[Famed in Story|war hero]] of the Cetagandan invasion for [[Arms Dealer|providing weapons]] for [[La Résistance]]. He is a more complicated sort as rather than being exactly evil the Vor of his time had their own [[Mother Russia Makes You Strong|grim virtues]] that allowed them to provide leadership in perilous times. However he is more ''civilized'' from being married to a Betan and intervenes to tone down the cruelties of war. No Barrayaran seems to regard him as a wuss though. In any event he is always loyal to Barrayar rather than defecting. He is just more mellow than other Barrayarans.
== Live-Action TV ==
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* Mary Shannon on ''[[In Plain Sight]]'' is a US Marshal despite having a {{spoiler|bigamist}} father with a serious gambling problem who has been a fugitive for decades, a lifelong alcoholic mother (now recovering) and a sister who {{spoiler|trafficked drugs for her boyfriend, in Mary's house}}. Slightly subverted in that Mary is hardly a saint herself.
* Michael and his son George Michael are the sanest, nicest, and most ethical members of the Bluth family on ''[[Arrested Development (TV series)|Arrested Development]]''. Michael kind of plays with this idea as the family itself considers him a White Sheep (that's why helping it regain its wealth and prestige is his job), and he can be pretty snarky and dickish to his family members. His name was deliberately given as an allusion to Michael Corleone, who was similarly designated his family's White Sheep. Both families have a lecherous and impulsive brother (Sonny/GOB) and one who is nice but dim (Fredo/Buster).
* In a strange way, Spike from ''[[Buffy the Vampire Slayer]]'' can be seen in this light. He goes from being a [[Badass]], feared vampire who has killed two Slayers in the past to a lovestruck, 'neutered' vamp due to his being [[Restraining Bolt|chipped]] and [[Dating Catwoman|falling in love with the third Slayer he went after, Buffy]]. His love for Buffy leads him to actively seek out the return of his [[Our Souls Are Different|soul]] for a chance at redemption ([[Alternate Character Interpretation|possibly]]). Despite the nature of vampires being [[Exclusively Evil]], Spike chooses to fight for good, act heroicly, recover his soul, and attempts to [[Heroic Sacrifice|sacrifice]] [[Redemption Equals Death|himself]] on two occasions (he only dies once, and he [[Back Fromfrom the Dead|doesn't stay dead]]).
** The argument could be made that [[Angel]] also counts; but, he was cursed with his soul, rather than seeking it out himself, and when he doesn't have that, he's Angelus, one of the most vicious and sadistic vampires ever to live, who isn't likely to act against his nature any time soon. Angel, when he has a soul, does fight off the vampire's base instincts for evil, but it's usually clear that the human soul is the part that's ultimately in control at these times.
* The old eighties police drama ''Hunter'' was based on a lead character (something of a take-off of Dirty Harry) who was himself the son of a notable mobster. At one point Hunter muses that at works he's the cop who is a mobster's son, at family gatherings he's the mobster's son who became a cop, he doesn't entirely fit in either world.
* The Doctor of ''[[Doctor Who]]''. He stole a TARDIS and took his grand-daughter with them to escape the stuffy, boring old Time Lords and go and explore the universe. While later he would also go and use his powers and technology for good, directly against his species laws of non-interference, it took a while; his first appearence had him rather bored by humans and perfectly willing to kidnap or kill them, if push came to shove.
** By the end of the Tenth Doctor's tenure, it is clear that he (along with two other nameless timelords) was ''definitely'' the white sheep of a truly terrible race.
** This is noted in a [[Chameleon Circuit]] song; ''"I was a teenage rebel, and that stayed the same!"
** You could also argue {{spoiler|the TARDIS. She wasn't going to sit around and be phased out of use, oh no! So she stole a Time Lord and went out to see the universe, making sure to drop the Doctor off in placedplaces that he could be of help.}}
* ''[[Heroes (TV series)|Heroes]]'': Peter Petrelli]]. The Petrelli family are ruthlessly corrupt and ambitious with grand schemes. Peter is the sweet [[Genre Blind]] nurse who would rather help people out instead. He's also the family [[Black Sheep]] for the exact reason when the Petrelli family's plans are for good as Peter's [[Contractual Genre Blindness]] will eventually bungle things up.
* ''[[The Dukes of Hazzard]]'' has [[Big Bad|Boss Hogg]]'s [[Evil Twin|good twin]] brother [[Meaningful Name|Abraham Lincoln Hogg]], whose name is just one of the things that make him an opposite of ''Jefferson Davis'' "Boss" Hogg, whose family has other villains. Abe's debut episode was named "Baa, Baa, White Sheep".
== Newspaper Comics ==
* One ''[[Far Side]]'' comic featured the sons of Barnum & Bailey, rebelling against their parents by running away to join corporate America.
* ''[[The Addams Family]]'': One of Charles Addams' cartoons had Morticia Addams showing a guest the family portraits; among the horrible, deformed people portrayed was one of a respectable-looking man, whom Morticia explained as "(This one) Daddy always called the lost sheep."
== Tabletop Games ==
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** [[H.P. Lovecraft|I see what they did there.]]
== Theatre ==
== Theater ==
* In the ''[[Addams Family Musical]]'', Wednesday finds herself losing some of her goth impulses after falling in love with a normal boy (much to her family’s dismay).
{{quote|'''Wednesday:''' I’m being pulled in a new direction/But I think I like it./I think I like it./I'm being pulled in a new direction./Through my painful pursuit/Somehow birdies took root./All the things I detested impossibly cute.}}
* In ''[[Electra]]'', Chrysothemis sometimes approaches being the [[Only Sane Man]] in her [[Self-Made Orphan|murdering]] [[Incest Subtext|incestuous]] family.
== [[Video Games]] ==
* In ''[[Champions Online]]'', the character Witchcraft was raised in a family of dark-magic users, but rebelled as a teenager and became the premier 'light' sorceress on the planet. Her twin sister 'Talisman' [[Evil Twin|stayed evil]], and is her primary nemesis.
== Web Comics ==
* In ''[[The Order of the Stick]]'', the party is helped at one point by goblins. Since goblins are [[Exclusively Evil]], it puzzles them until Haley, thinking about her past as a gloomy [[Goth]] teenager, deduces that being [[Neutral Good]] is their way of rebelling against their parents.
== Webcomics ==
* In ''[[Order of the Stick]]'', the party is helped at one point by goblins. Since goblins are [[Exclusively Evil]], it puzzles them until Haley, thinking about her past as a gloomy [[Goth]] teenager, deduces that being [[Neutral Good]] is their way of rebelling against their parents.
* Essentially the premise of ''[[Evil Diva (webcomic)|Evil Diva]]'' is a young demoness rebelling against her devil family by becoming a [[Magical Girl]] for the forces of good!
* ''[[The Adventures of Dr. McNinja]]'': Dr. McNinja is an interesting case. He comes from a family of ninjas who are not too happy about his decision to be a doctor instead of an assassin. When Doc convinces his family that being a doctor doesn't make him any less of a competent ninja, they come around to respecting him.
* In ''[[Girl Genius]]'', the Heterodyne Boys are the "white sheep" of a long line of megalomaniacal, vicious, and extremely competent [[Mad Scientist|Sparky]] rulers.
== Western Animation ==
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** {{spoiler|Aqualad}} ''was'' an unknowing version of this, since while he didn't know it, his father is {{spoiler|Black Manta.}}
*** {{spoiler|Bad news as of the third episode of Season 2- he's passed the [[Despair Event Horizon]] and done a [[Face Heel Turn]] after he found out, so he no longer counts.}}
== Real Life ==
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* Former British Prime Minister John Major's father had been a trapeze artist. The joke was that Major was 'the only boy who ran away from the circus to become an accountant.'
* Svetlana, daughter of Joseph Stalin, renounced her father's crimes and defected.
* Many of the "Refusnik" movement who demanded the rights of Soviet Jews to emigrate; some of these were actually born to the Soviet ruling class.
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