Who Would Be Stupid Enough...?: Difference between revisions

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May be followed by a [[Gilligan Cut]], [[Answer Cut]], or [[Inadvertent Entrance Cue]].
You may ask yourself "[[Title Drop|Who would be stupid enough]] to ask questions like that?" [[Viewers Areare Morons|There's your answer]].
Closely related is someone showing up unexpectedly and others refusing to be surprised. "Yeah! I know you did this! Who ''else'' would be crazy/stupid enough to do this!"
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For the case when a character innocently mocks some action in the presence of someone who ''did'' said action, see [[Oblivious Mockery]].
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* In one episode of ''[[Eyeshield 21 (Manga)|Eyeshield 21]]'', Sena watches a TV program on his team's new secret player, and there's a bit where Hiruma, posing as Eyeshield 21, gives an "obnoxious tough guy" speech. Kurita tries to assure him "No one would take that seriously", but then we cut to Monta watching the same program, talking about what a jerk Eyeshield 21 is.
* In the first season finale of ''[[Sailor Moon (Manga)|Sailor Moon]]'', the youma create an illusion of a captured Tuxedo Mask, which Sailor Moon rushes toward. After the trap is exposed, they create the same illusion again. Sailor Mars says, "Do you really think she's stupid enough to fall for it ''again''?", only for Sailor Moon to prove that she is.
* In the anime episode of ''[[Ranma One Half½ (Manga)|Ranma One Half]]'' that introduces Gosunkugi, he digs a pit in an attempt to trap Ranma. Two unnamed students ask each other who would make such an obvious trap, and who would fall into it. Enter Kunō...
** In the manga, Ranma says this when Akane wins a bathing suit that supposedly makes anyone capable of swimming like a pro Olympian just by wearing it. Shortly afterwards, it turns out that it really does work.
{{quote| '''Ranma:''' There's no such thing as a bathing suit which makes a person able to swim. There is no one in the world dumb enough that would believe such a thing!<br />
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== Fan Works ==
* Occurs in ''[[Yu-Gi-Oh!: theThe Abridged Series (Web Video)|Yu-Gi-Oh the Abridged Series]]'', although not with the exact same words:
{{quote| '''Yami:''' Does anyone here really believe that guy is a ghost?<br />
'''Tristan:''' I do!<br />
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== Live-Action TV ==
* In the ''[[Doctor Who (TV)|Doctor Who]]'' episode "World War Three", after Joseph Green delivers a speech about an alien threat with "[[Does This Remind You of Anything?|massive weapons of destruction]]", the following exchange occurs:
{{quote| '''The Doctor:''' He's making it up. There's no weapons up there, there's no threat. He just invented it.<br />
'''Harriet Jones:''' Do you think they'll believe him?<br />
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'''All:''' [[Oh Crap|Uh-oh]]... }}
* Invoked by Don Karnage in ''[[Tale Spin (Animation)|Tale Spin]]''.
* In the "Joker's Millions" episode of ''[[Batman: theThe Animated Series (Animation)|Batman the Animated Series]]'', Harley Quinn finds out that Joker has replaced her, and decides to escape from Arkham to get her revenge. When they realize she's missing, the following exchange occurs:
{{quote| '''Harvey Bullock:''' Maybe she went down the laundry chute.<br />
'''Dr. Leeland:''' None of these yahoos are crazy enough to pull that old stunt.<br />
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''([[Gilligan Cut|cut to Harley Quinn in a washing machine]])''<br />
'''Harley Quinn:''' Help help! Ivy! Anybody! Get me out of here! }}
* In ''[[The Venture Bros]]'' Season 3 premiere, we learn in a flashback that The Monarch used to work as Phantom Limb's henchman while moonlighting as The Monarch and seduced Dr. Girlfriend during this period. When Phantom Limb catches them in the act, he doesn't recognize him (as he's off uniform) and demands he identify himself. The Monarch then makes up the name "Manotaur" on the spot after [[Line -of -Sight Name|looking at the big "M" on the hood of the Monarchmobile]]. Phantom Limb is then summoned by the Council and before leaving tells "Manotaur" he is now on Phantom Limb's "shit list". The present Dr. Girlfriend, who is learning of this via video footage, claims it's impossible that Phantom Limb (probably the most competent and intelligent villain on the show) would be stupid enough to fail to recognize his own henchman. [[Brick Joke|In the episode's epilogue]], we see {{spoiler|a still living but injured}} Phantom Limb descending on a retired, completely innocent, and looking-nothing-like-the-Monarch Manotaur...
{{quote| '''Phantom Limb:''' ''No one'' "retires" from Phantom Limb's ''shit list!''}}
* In ''[[Next Avengers Heroes of Tomorrow]]'', when the gang infiltrates Ultron's base: