Wild ARMs 2: Difference between revisions

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** Both games' worlds have extremely violent histories that at least once or twice involved the a planet-wide near-genocide. But the theme of Filgaia being a scorched world is common to the ''Wild Arms'' series in general.
** The Sword Magess was a fairly ordinary girl who became a Hero of extraordinary means and elevated to legendary icon [[Sacrificial Lion]], reminiscent of Sophia's tragic canonization in ''Xenogears''.
** Though a trend already started in the first ''[[Wild Arms]]'' game, Filgaia is a scorched world, having seen the trauma of cataclysms in the past. Similarly, the world of ''Xenogears'' has been battered just as badly, with one continent shattered and another continent all but desertifieddecertified -- the latter being similar to Slayheim's utter desertification in ''Wild Arms 2''. There seems to be at least mild cross-pollination of concepts.
*** Ashley holds two conflicting personalities within him, one of which is a veritable [[Eldritch Abomination]], which is very reminiscent of Fei's cataclysmic Id in ''Xenogears''. In both cases, the protagonist gains effective partial control over their dark size and summon it to battle when necessary. But neither have total control over it.
*** Brad and Rico are both tall half-[[Walking Shirtless Scene]] [[Mighty Glacier]] [[Badass]]es wearing an [[Explosive Leash]] while sitting in prison for years, slated to become mighty heroes with a potent [[Fan Yay]] factor. And considering that Rico's chronic roommate is a smaller [[Ambiguously Gay]] guy {{spoiler|whom Rico later mourns and frequently reminisces about}}, it begins to seem like Brad is all but a [[Race Lift]] [[Captain Ersatz]] of Rico.
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* [[Guide Dang It]]: Some of the puzzle solutions, especially on the second disc, are quite obscure and would have required references on [[The Other Wiki]] if [[The Other Wiki]] had ''existed'' back then. Also, if you don't receive recommendations on which Personal Skills to pour your points into ([[Point of No Return|which you can't take back, by the way, unlike the games that followed]]), it's very easy to have an underpowered party and struggle through the game.
* [[Hello, Insert Name Here]]: To a rather ridiculous extent; you can name not only the party members and Lilka's spells, but almost every single plot-important NPC ally in the game.
* [[Heroic Sacrifice]]: [[Deconstruction|This is a major theme throughout the game. Apparently, it's the job of heroes to sacrifice their happiness and their lives so the common people don't have to fight.]] The ganmegame makes a heavy point of pointing out all the myriad flaws of this idea. {{spoiler|In the end a planet-wide [[Combined Energy Attack]] is much more effective.}}
** The Sword Magess, when the Blaze of Disaster previously attacked Filgaia.
** {{spoiler|Brad left in what appeared to have [[Dropped a Bridge on Him]], but it was really [[Faking the Dead]] as the sacrifice was actually one of his [[Doppelganger]]s.}}