Wisdom from the Gutter: Difference between revisions

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See also [[Dumbass Has a Point]] and [[Jerkass Has a Point]]. If the source of wisdom isn't just poor, but also oppressed, uneducated, and/or mentally challenged, it may be a [[Whoopi Epiphany Speech]].
== [[Anime]] and [[Manga]] ==
* In the [[Shojo]] [[Western]] ''[[Miriam]]'', Douglas gets relationship advice from two men holed up in the local jail for starting a barfight, and is embarrased by how valuable their words are and how they have a much easier time seeing things from Miriam's point of view.
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** {{spoiler|[[Straw Man Has a Point|He does have a point though.]] }}
== [[ComicsComic Books]] ==
* In one ''[[Batman Gotham Adventures]]'' comic, Batman, caring for a lost baby, is educated on how to hold it properly by some thugs whose mugging attempt he had foiled.
* ''[[Batman RIP]]'' had an amnesiac Bruce Wayne receive guidance (and a [[Chekhov's Gun|Chekov's Gun]]) from a homeless man, or quite possibly said homeless man's ghost.
** He also receives helpful advice from a drug-induced hallucination Bat-Mite.
* The only person both smart enough and sufficiently uncorrupt to dispense useful advice in [[Dilbert]] is The World's Smartest Garbage Man.
** Not just the world's smartest garbage man, but the world's smartest man. Period. Apparently, those of us who can't figure out why he wants to work as a garbage man just aren't as smart.
* [[Deadpool]] once got a pep talk from [[Psycho for Hire|Bullseye!]]
== [[Film]] ==
* In the movie ''[[Freejack]]'', Emilio Estevez's character gets a valuable pep talk from a homeless bum, who also gives him some valuable calories in the form of sharing his dinner of barbequed river rat.
* In ''[[Team America]]: World Police]]'', the main character has an epiphany at the words of a drunken vagrant, and repeats what he said word-for-word at the end of the film to save Team America's reputation.
* When Brendan Fraiser gets incarcerated in the remake of ''Bedazzled'', his cellmate gives him some advice which ultimately saves his soul. {{spoiler|Ever-so-slighty justified because said inmate is actually [[Divine Race Lift|God]].}}
* There's also Da Mayor from ''[[Do the Right Thing]]'', who is surprisingly lucid for a wino and does a [[Title Drop]] when dispensing advice to the main character.
* ''Gone Fishin{{' }}''{{context}}
* After the heroes figure out that selenium is the weakness of the alien menace in the film ''Evolution'' (through, I might add, [[Solve the Soup Cans|a completely arbitrary deductive method]]) they wonder just where they're going to get enough selenium to save the day. It's the comic relief idiots that reveal the answer (selenium is the active ingredient in [[Product Placement|Head & Shoulders shampoo]]). When asked by their disbelieving biology professor how they knew ''that'' when their final coursework essay was entitled, "Cells Are Bad", they point out how silky and dandruff-free their hair is.
* In ''[[24 Hour Party People]]'', Tony Wilson gets a pep-talk from a bum on the street who claims to be the philoshoperphilosopher Boethius. (Since Boethius is played by [[Christopher Eccleston]], some fans claim that this is actually [[Doctor Who|The Doctor]] in disguise.)
** Parodied when Tony later repeats this quote word for word during a broadcast of ''[[Wheel of Fortune]]'' he's hosting, and the director of the episode (also played by the real Tony Wilson—it's that kind of a film) promptly instructs the editor to cut around that tedious bullshit.
* ''[[Bruce Almighty]]'' features this—although justified, {{spoiler|as the homeless man providing Bruce with pithy yet wise messages morphs into [[Morgan Freeman|God]] at the end.}}
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* In the book ''The Redemption of Althalus'' by David and Leigh Eddings, Althalus is traveling and gets directions from a homeless man that Althalus assumes to be crazy because he's wandering around muttering to himself. You learn much later in the book that this old man was actually {{spoiler|Deiwos, the Creator God}}, who was there on purpose to point Althalus the right way.
== [[Live -Action TV]] ==
* In the late 50s/early 60s there was a [[So Bad It's Good]] British police show called ''Dial 999'', which was about a Canadian detective learning British policing techniques. In one episode he's educated in Cockney rhyming slang by a surprisingly polite criminal he's just arrested.
* A [[Running Gag]] on ''The Armstrong and Miller Show'' features a Northern window cleaner expounding at some length on, eg. the crisis in the Middle East and presenting a plausible solution - "but what do I know?"
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* In an episode of ''[[Doctors]]'', the [[Patient of the Week]]'s problem was pretty much solved by a boiler repair man. The guy mentioned that people tend not to notice uniformed blue-collar workers, so he gets to experience a lot of human nature.
* Subverted in the ''[[Law and Order]]'' episode "The Wages of Sin", where a bum who the cops are currently questioning offers a cryptic-yet-wise statement that foreshadows the hubris the cops and district attorneys, in their quest to bring down a high-ranking mob boss that takes up the next two episodes, will face and which they would do well to pay attention to. However, because he's a bum and because what he's saying has absolutely no connection to what the cops are currently talking to him about (and indeed have not even ''begun'' chasing the mobster, thus having no lesson to learn at this point), they just ignore him and wearily ask him to focus on the point at hand.
== [[Newspaper Comics]] ==
* The only person both smart enough and sufficiently uncorrupt to dispense useful advice in [[Dilbert]] is The World's Smartest Garbage Man.
** Not just the world's smartest garbage man, but the world's smartest man. Period. Apparently, those of us who can't figure out why he wants to work as a garbage man just aren't as smart.
== [[Video Games]] ==
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** Also, there's Rotgut the ghoul in Freeside, a beggar will give you semi-useful information and gossip every time you give him a cap. He'll even give you info that will lead you to a solution to a sidequest.
== [[Web Comic|WebcomicsComics]] ==
* [[The Stoner|Rumisiel]] in ''[[Misfile]]'' is usually surprisingly accurate when he's commenting on human nature, so much so you might be excused wondering if he [[Obfuscating Stupidity|really is that daft]]. [http://www.misfile.com/index.php?page=273 Exhibit A] and [http://www.misfile.com/index.php?page=1003 Exhibit B].
** Then again, not necessarily so suprising, considering he has [[World of Cardboard Speech|"seen the fall of empires and the murder of millions"]], [http://www.misfile.com/index.php?page=986 as suggested here]. Problem is, he's still a lazy bum.
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* [[The Powerpuff Girls]]: In the episode ''Him Diddle Riddle'' the girls must solve [[Satan|Him's]] riddles to save the [[James Bondage|kidnapped Professor]]. Him's final riddle is [[Nintendo Hard|ridiculously difficult]], but [[Deus Ex Machina|luckily]], The Mayor ([[Cloudcuckoolander|yes]], ''[[The Ditz|THAT]]'' [[The Ditz|Mayor]]) appears and explains the answer with ease. [[Crowning Moment of Funny|Cue the girls exchanging blank glances]].
== Other Media ==
* A truck driver comes to a bridge that's slightly too low to let the truck get under. A man standing nearby behind a fence advises him to let some of the air out of his tires, squeeze under the bridge, and fill the tires up again at a gas station on the other side. The man thanks the man for his advice, but notices a sign on the fence indicating that the facility is an insane asylum. The driver asks the man if he's an inmate, and the man admits it. The driver then asks him how he managed to come up with the idea he suggested. The man replies "I'm crazy, not stupid." "[http://www.snopes.com/medical/asylum/tirenut.asp Tire Nut]"
* Comedian Eddie Griffin had a joke about an old wino who would dispense valuable advice as long as you bought him some alcohol.
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[[Category:More Than Meets the Eye]]
[[Category:Characters As Device]]
[[Category:Wisdom from the Gutter]]
[[Category:Poverty Tropes]]
[[Category:Magical Minority Person‎]]
[[Category:WisdomCloser fromto the GutterEarth]]