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The 12th ''[[Discworld]]'' novel and the second or third book in the "witches" theme (depending on if you count ''[[Discworld/Equal Rites|Equal Rites]]''). The title is a [[Running Gag|pune, or play on words]], on the Shakespearean phrase 'witches abroad' (i.e., out on the prowl in archaic language) whereas here it's used in the modern sense - they're going to a foreign country.
Quoting the back cover blurb:
{{quote|It seemed like an easy job... after all, [[What Could Possibly Go Wrong?|how difficult can it be]] to make sure that a servant girl ''doesn't'' marry a prince?
But for [[The Hecate Sisters|the witches]] [[Never Mess with Granny|Granny]] [[Cool Old Lady|Weatherwax]], [[Team Mom|Nanny Ogg]] and [[Granola Girl|Magrat Garlick]], travelling to the distant city of Genua, things are never that simple. Servant girls ''have'' [[Because Destiny Says So|to marry the prince]]. That's what life is all about. You don't fight a [[Esoteric Happy Ending|Happy Ending]].
At least, up until now...}}
* [[Absurdly Sharp Blade]]: A mundane example: