Words Worth/Characters: Difference between revisions

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== Tribe of Shadow ==
=== Prince Astral ===
{{quote| [[The Protagonist]] son of King Wortoshika, thus, Prince of the Tribe of Shadow and [[Lady of War|Sharon's]] fiancee. For the most part, he's the typical sword slinging fantasy hero... except perverted. {{spoiler|In the end, he's revealed to be Pollux's biological son.}}}}
* [[Adaptation Dye Job]]: Astral's hair is brown in the game. The anime changes it to [[You Gotta Have Blue Hair|blue.]]
* [[All Men Are Perverts]]: Astral's a good guy, and he means well, but he'll never miss an opportunity to sneak a peek or score with the ladies! Incidentally, this is how he incurs [[Lady of Black Magic|Maria's]] [[Kamehame Hadoken|wrath.]]
* {{spoiler|[[Arranged Marriage]]: To [[Hot Chick Withwith a Sword|Sharon.]]}}
* [[Badass Normal]]: Astral has no superpowers or magic to speak of, but if you hurt his friends or try to rape his fiancee, [[Berserk Button|YOU. WILL. PAY.]]
* [[Brother-Sister Incest]]: Given that he's the biological son of {{spoiler|Pollux}}, along with the possibility of Maria also being {{spoiler|Pollux's}} biological daughter, and both having [[You Gotta Have Blue Hair|blue hair]], it'd mean the guy raped his own sister without realizing it.
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* [[Heroes Prefer Swords]]: Like every good fantasy hero.
* [[Idiot Hero]]: He um... initially believes Maria's vag is a "cut" from his sword. So he decides to poke around in it, and well....
* [["It's Not Rape If You Enjoyed It"]]: That's his story, and he's sticking to it. The thing is, he honestly thought [[Immodest Orgasm|Maria had enjoyed it]], despite being shackled to the wall and protesting the entire time; he even released her restraints once [[Looks Like She Is Enjoying It|it appeared she was getting into it.]] She begged to differ.
* [[Nice Guy]]: A pervy one, but nice all the same.
* [[Oh Crap]]: Invoked twicethrice.
** The first time's right before Maria unleashes her Mystral Window ability in retaliation for raping her, AND severing her father's arm.
** The second time is right after he regains consciousness from a fall... in time to see Sharon and Mew have [[Your Cheating Heart|found out about each other.]] Astral wisely chooses to remain "unconscious".
** The third time was when Nina reveals her daughter is also his, right in front of Sharon and Mew.
* [[Dude, Where's My Respect?|Sharon, Where's My Respect?]]: The reason he wants a Swordsman Seal so badly.
* [[The Hero]]: More or less, though he doesn't always act like it.
* [[Unstoppable Rage]]: Astral has a brief moment of this after King Fabris kills {{spoiler|Hyde}}, during which, he severs his arm. This, however, causes Maria's temper to flare, in addition to having raped her earlier. It does not end well for him....
* [[Unwanted Harem]]: [[Lady of War|Sharon]], [[Catgirl|Nina]], and [[Black Mage|Mew]] are all vying for Astral's affections, by the time it's over. Nina already has a daughter with him {{spoiler|Ariadne}}, and Mew might actually BE his daughter with Maria! There’s also Delta.
* [[You Gotta Have Blue Hair]]: [[Adaptation Dye Job|Though it's brown in the game.]]
=== King Wortoshika ===
{{quote| King of the Tribe of Shadow and Astral's {{spoiler|adoptive}} father. Wortoshika's fearsome appearance and large stature makes him an imposing figure, to say the least. {{spoiler|In the end, Tessio and Menza kill Wortoshika, after [[Forced to Watch|forcing him to watch]] as they savagely rape Rita in order to scrape his seed from her womb to prevent her from becoming pregnant with his child.}}}}
* [[Curb Stomp Battle]]: [[Plucky Comic Relief|Rita]] was never a threat to him and it's made clear that he was well aware of it. [[It Amused Me|Wortoshika seemed to find it amusing]] that she even tried.
* [[Dark Is Not Evil]]: The guy's no saint, but he's a paragon of virtue compared to Fabris.
* {{spoiler|[[Forced to Watch]]: As Tessio and Menza ravage Rita's insides to scrape his seed from her womb. Thus preventing her from becoming pregnant with his child so [[The Prophecy]] couldn't be fulfilled.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Impaled Withwith Extreme Prejudice]]: Several times before he could no longer stand.}}
** {{spoiler|[[Blood From the Mouth]]: It's to be expected after being run through by barbed tendrils.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Killed Off for Real]]: He lives long enough to tell Astral the reason why he never allowed him to obtain a Swordsman Seal, and his true place of origion before he slips away.}}
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=== Sharon ===
{{quote| One of the Tribe of Shadow's [[Colonel Badass|generals]] and easily one of their [[Lady of War|fiercest combatants.]] She also happens to be Astral's fiance, which she initially has mixed feelings about. Sharon falls for him after {{spoiler|he saves her from being raped by King Fabris.}}}}
* [[Abhorrent Admirer]]: Fabris becomes obsessed with Sharon, upon first seeing her in battle. [[Fate Worse Than Death|She isn't flattered]] [[Attempted Rape|by the attention.]]
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* [[Badass Normal]]: Sharon's prowess is truly astounding to say she neither has supernatural ability or superhuman ability of any kind. Instead, it is the result of years of training and experience that have fostered such skill; enabling her to battle the likes of [[Four-Star Badass|Fabris]], and ancient evils such as {{spoiler|[[Big Bad|Tessio and Menza!]]}}
* [[Cross-Popping Veins]]: Gets one when she and Mew witness Astral getting a little too cozy with [[Catgirl|Nina.]]
{{quote| '''Mew: (in alarm)''' "She's hugging him!"<br />
'''Sharon: (with cross-popping vein)''' "He's [[Hold Me|holding her]] tight!" }}
* [[Defrosting Ice Queen]]: Toward Astral.
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* [[Hair Decorations]]: Her crescent moon shaped hair clips.
* [[Hair of Gold]]: Has long golden locks.
* [[Hot Chick Withwith a Sword]]: Gorgeous, a smoking hot bod, and can take on a small army. It's no wonder Astral, Ceasar, and Fabris all want her.
* [[Kuudere]]: For much of the series. At least, until Astral proves himself to her. From then on, she begins to warm up to him.
* [[Lady of War]]: [[Kuudere|Calm, reserved]], graceful with a sword, and rides into battle atop her steed.
** [[One-Man Army|One Woman Army]]: Sharon must be seen to be believed. Fabris outright stated her prowess surpassed Ceasar's and, during the Outter Stories, Astral actually takes a moment to admire her in action.
* [[Panty Shot]]: She inadvertantly gives Astral one when she leaps over his head to mount up for battle.
* [[Rapunzel Hair]]: Almost as long as [[Azumanga Daioh (Manga)|Sakaki's.]] Meaning, it's past her waist.
* [[Rescue Romance]]: This is what causes Sharon's opinion of Astral to change. She formerly regarded him as indecisive and unreliable. After he saves her from nearly being raped by Fabris, and holds him off, she realizes she can depend on him after all.
* [[The Rival]]: She apparently sees Mew as a romantic rival for Astral's affections. Justified since {{spoiler|Mew slept with him too.}}
* [[When She Smiles]]: Seen during her reunion with Astral. Say it with me: [[I'm Taking Her Home Withwith Me|"Aaaawwwwww."]]
=== Nina ===
{{quote| A [[Catgirl]] who administers the exam for the Swordsmen Seal and grants one to those who successfully complete it. She also harbors feelings for Astral, which is why she helps him obtain a Swordsman Seal against Wortoshika's wishes. {{spoiler|After the time skip, she has a daughter, Ariadne, which resulted from consummating her relationship with Astral.}}}}
* {{spoiler|[[Luke, I Am Your Father|Ariadne, This Man is Your Father]]: [http://cgshrines.rydia.net/ninaww/001/034026.html This is how Nina introduces their daughter to Astral.]}}
* [[Catgirl]]: Obviously, and quite possibly the cutest one you'll ever see.
** [[Cute Little Fangs]]: Comes with the territory.
* [[Fan Girl|Cheerful Supporter]]: To Astral. She even grants him a Swordsman Seal (after administering the test for it), even though it was [http://cgshrines.rydia.net/ninaww/001/034029.html against King Wortoshika's wishes.]{{Dead link}}
* [[Cute Monster Girl]]: [http://cgshrines.rydia.net/ninaww/001/034006.html That's putting it mildly.]{{Dead link}}
* [[Damsel in Distress]]: {{spoiler|Tessio and Menza kidnap her and her daughter, Ariadne, upon discovering that Ariadne is the [[The Chosen One|child of "Light and Shadow"]] mentioned in the prophecy. So they hold them prisoner to keep the prophecy from being fulfilled.}}
* [[Expy]]: Nina bears a strong resemblance to Felicia from ''[[Darkstalkers]]'' down to her fur patterns and hairstyle, except different colored. They’re also both kind-hearted catwomen.
* [[Facial Markings]]: Has a pair of triangular shaped fur patches on her cheeks.
* [[Good People Have Good Sex]]: Nina consummates her feelings for Astral after he saves her from being raped --and likely devoured afterward-- by a giant spider. They have a fairly intense lovemaking session, which leads to...
* [[Immodest Orgasm]]: Right as she's about to climax, her back arches and her tail shoots straight into the air... then she literally mewls like a cat!
* [[Luminescent Blush]]: She's prone to this whenever she's around Astral.
* [[Nice Girl]]: Is the kindest of Astral’s harem and genuinely loves him despite how others view him.
* [[Rose-Haired Girl]]: In normal lighting, it's closer to hot pink; whereas, in dark light, it takes on a lavender color.
* [[Spanner in the Works]]: Because Nina has sex with Astral {{Spoiler|who was actually a member of the Light Tribe, their daughter, Adriadne, is of a mixed hybrid of the Light and Shadow Tribes, allowing her to read the Words Worth Tablet}}.
=== Ceasar ===
{{quote| The Shadow Tribe's other general, and childhood friend of Sharon. While he is reknowned for his skill with a blade, he'd much rather be known as Sharon's husband and [[Hopeless Suitor|seeks her hand in marriage.]] Sadly, while Sharon is touched by his affections and admires him for his strength, [[Just Friends|the feeling isn't mutual.]]}}
* [[Bishonen]]: So bishie, he could almost pass for [[Bleach|Byakuya Kuchiki]] with white hair.
** [[White-Haired Pretty Boy]]: As previously noted.
* [[Dude, She's Like, in Aa Coma]]: In the game, Sharon becomes effected by an aphrodisiac from Fabris' dagger; forcing her to withdraw from the battle when it begins to hinder her performance. Ceasar, fully aware of this, and frustrated over Sharon choosing Astral over him, nearly takes advantage of the situation. Thankfully, his conscience gets the better of him preventing him from actually going through with it.
* [[Hopeless Suitor]]: He had hoped he and Sharon could be together sometime after the war, and makes his intentions clear to her in the fourth episode. She was flattered, but politely declines.
* [[Just Friends]]: As seen in the preceding entry, directly above. We feel your pain, Ceasar.
* [[Overshadowed Byby Awesome]]: For all his fame and skill with a blade, he cannot match [[Lady of War|Sharon's]] ability. This becomes evident when he attempts to face [[Four-Star Badass|King Fabris,]] who defeats him in short order. Not only does Sharon outlast Ceasar, Fabris himself notes the difference in their ability.
{{quote| '''Fabris: (admirably)''' "I'm impressed. You're much better at this than Ceasar. [[Pre-Ass-Kicking One-Liner|However, even you can't hope to match MY ability!"]]}}
* [[Unlucky Childhood Friend]]: To Sharon, whose heart belongs to Astral. In the anime, he acquiesces. In the game, however, he's not as accepting. [[Dude, She's Like, in Aa Coma|Or gracious....]]
** However, should the player chose [[Catgirl|Nina]], Delta, or Mew, the epilogue mentions that he and Sharon begin living together; hinting at the possibility of a [[Relationship Upgrade]].
=== Stallion ===
{{quote| A lecherous [[Half-Human Hybrid|horseman]], who serves as both a foot soldier and the jailor for the Tribe of Shadow. Known for taking female Light Tribe prisoners to his special "torture chamber", where he rapes them with varying degrees of success.}}
* [[All Men Are Perverts]]: Words Worth's capital offender. Stallion's thoughts are always about sex, or his next sexual conquest (read: rape victim).
* [[Berserk Button]]: Whatever you do, DO NOT call him "horsie", "Mr. Horse", or the like as he'll sternly point out [[Insistent Terminology|his name is, "Stallion"]]; quite painfully, I might add.
* [[Black Comedy Rape]]: Stallion's character is based entirely on this trope; especially where women of the Light Tribe are concerned.
* [[Butt Monkey]]: [[Played for Laughs]] in both versions. In the game, his attempts tend to fail more than they succeed. Whereas, in the anime, he usually never gets much further than foreplay before [[So Long, Suckers!|the victim escapes]], or [[Can't Get Away Withwith Nuthin'|something/someone interferes.]]
* [[Half-Human Hybrid]]: Half horse, half man. But don't call him that, [[Berserk Button|he's touchy about that subject.]]
* [[Lecherous Licking]]: Does this and more, {{spoiler|including oral}}, to Maria, before she gets him to stop by [[Cry Cute|tearfully asking]] that he return her [[Ring of Power|ring]] to her.
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=== Delta ===
{{quote| A demon, more likely a [[Succubus]], who's a childhood friend of Astral and Sharon. She appears briefly in the beginning, but plays a much larger role during the latter half of the series. {{spoiler|She's gets raped by Tessio and Menza's true form, during which, [[Brainwashed and Crazy|she becomes enslaved]] to them. Afterwhich, they send her to seduce and assassinate "Pollux".}}}}
* {{spoiler|[[Brainwashed and Crazy]]: By the time Tessio and Menza [[Rape Asas Drama|get through with her]], she's their slave. They send her to seduce and assassinate "Pollux", who's true identity is Astral, albeit suffering from amnesia. She succeeds in the seduction, but Rita prevents her from carrying out the assassination.}}
* [[Curiosity Is a Crapshoot]]: On the one hand, if she hadn't been snooping, {{spoiler|she wouldn't have been captured and raped by Tessio and Menza.}} On the other hand, if she hadn't done that, she wouldn't have been able to tell Astral and the others about them either. Or lead them to where Nina and Ariadne were being held prisoner.
* [[Cute Little Fangs]]: As part of the monster-girl image.
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* [[Oh Crap]]: Delta's reaction once she realizes she's been caught snooping by {{spoiler|the [[Big Bad|big bads]]}} and is about to pay for it.
** [[Cry Cute]]: As she's dragged away to her "doom", complete with a comedic cry of, [[Big No|"WAAAAHHH!!"]]
* {{spoiler|[[Rape Asas Drama]]: The means by which Delta is enslaved, then ordered to seduce and kill her childhood friend: Astral. Thankfully, she recovers.}}
* [[Rapunzel Hair]]: Her hair is even longer than Sharon's!
* [[Succubus]]: While never explicitly stated, this seems to be her monster type, given {{spoiler|how easily she seduced "Pollux".}} Along with the fact that even Stallion --who has no interest in Shadow Tribe women-- still finds her attractive.
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== Tribe of Light ==
=== King Fabris ===
{{quote| King of the Tribe of Light and, presumably, Wortoshika's equal both in prowess and stature. He serves as the primary antagonist for much of the series until {{spoiler|Tessio and Menza reveal themselves to be the true [[Big Bad]].}}}}
* [[All Men Are Perverts]]: At least, where Sharon's concerned.
{{quote| '''Fabris: (watches Sharon)''' "That woman..."<br />
'''Club: (inquisitive)''' "You know her, Sire?"<br />
'''Fabris: (lecherous grin)''' "No. I just want to {{spoiler|fuck her."}} }}
* [[Attempted Rape]]: Tries to make good on his designs for Sharon immediately upon defeating her in battle. Interference from {{spoiler|Hyde}} and, moments later, Astral, keeps it from happening.
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=== Maria ===
{{quote| King Fabris' adoptive daughter and a [[Lady of Black Magic|powerful mage]] for the Tribe of Light. Maria's magic makes her one of their most valuable assests on the field. {{spoiler|She's also implied to be Pollux's biological daughter, which would make her Astral's sister.}}}}
* [[Action Girl]]: As much as Sharon, at least, for as long as she's onscreen. In her opening scene, she wipes out a significant portion of the Shadow Tribe army on her own. Later, she frees herself, after being captured (and raped), then goes on to rescue [[Tomboy|Silverna.]]
* [[Brother-Sister Incest]]: May have been raped by her brother without realizing they were related. See Astral's entry above for the detailed version.
* [[Child Byby Rape]]: Her daughter, Mew, is implied to be the result of having been raped by Astral.
* [[Cry Cute]]: She uses this on Stallion to make him stop molesting her. It works. So she plays up the water works to get him to return her ring to her. [[Kamehame Hadoken|Big mistake.]]
* [[Foot Focus]]: The anime and some of her official art feature multiple close ups of her feet; which is likely the reason they're so exceptionally well drawn. The fact that she wears sandals ensures you can't help but see them.
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* [[Ms. Fanservice]]: If you appreciate [[She's Got Legs|a great pair of legs]] and [[Foot Focus|dainty feet.]] In fact, she seems designed with [[Fetish Fuel|those particular fetishes]] in mind; not that there's anything wrong with the rest of her!
* [[My Significance Sense Is Tingling]]: In the fourth episode, Maria is seen gazing at the horizon, having sensed an ill omen: {{spoiler|at the moment Tessio and Menza [[One-Winged Angel|assumed their true form]] to begin their assault on Wortoshika and destroy the near completed Words Worth tablet.}} By the time her daughter arrives on the veranda, Maria's well aware that all is not well.
{{quote| '''Mew:''' "Mother...."<br />
'''Maria: (sagely)''' "I know."<br />
'''both watch as clouds gather and the sky darkens ominously''' }}
* [[Older and Wiser]]: During the timeskip, where she becomes almost [[The Stoic|sage-like.]] When Maria removes her mother's ring, she effectively passes the torch and her role onto her daughter, Mew.
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* [[Power Echoes]]: Invoked when she unleashes her Mystral Window, at it's full power, against Astral! Then again, Maria was pissed.
* [[Ring of Power]]: Her mother's ring, which {{spoiler|once belonged to Pollux's wife, Maria, after whom she was named.}} So it has sentimental value as well as magic enhancing ability. She eventually passes it onto her daughter, Mew.
* [[She's Got Legs]]: A luscious pair to compliment all the [[Foot Focus|foot focus]] she receives, and she's got the split seams to show 'em off.
* [[Woman Scorned]]: Her dialouge before annihilating Astral says it all.
{{quote| '''Maria: (snide grin)''' "You actually think I enjoyed having some nasty Shadow man [[Buffy-Speak|thingy]] inside me? Heh, You must be crazy! Now you bastard, turned beast, I'll remove you from this world forever, [[This Is for Emphasis, Bitch|and EVER!!"]]<br />
'''Maria: (with [[Power Echoes|ominous echo]])''' [[Kamehame Hadoken|"Mystral Window!!]] }}
* [[Woman in White]]: Wears an elegant white robe with split seams, sandals, and a sea green cloak (seen at the lower right, [http://direct.safebooru.org/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=527206 here]{{Dead link}}).
* [[You Gotta Have Blue Hair]]: The same as {{spoiler|her brother's?}}
=== Silverna ===
{{quote| A tomboyish fencer of the Light Tribe's army. There are also hints suggesting she may be {{spoiler|a cousin of Maria's.}} She's a support character for much of the first half of the game. [[Out of Focus|In the anime, however....]]}}
* [[Boyish Short Hair]]: She has a short dark [[Unkempt Beauty|mussy head off hair.]]
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=== Mew ===
{{quote| An apprentice mage and daughter of Maria, {{spoiler|with implications of being [[Child Byby Rape|Astral's daughter as well.]]}} She assumes her mother's role in the story, following the timeskip.}}
* [[Action Girl]]: Like mother, like daughter.
* [[Badass Adorable]]: Not only does Mew take part in the final battle, she plays a pivotal role in {{spoiler|Tessio and Menza's}} defeat by using her magic to supercharge Astral for the final blow!
* [[Black Mage]]: She's not nearly as proficient as her mother (yet), but her magic is nothing to scoff at.
* [[Child Byby Rape]]: While it's never confirmed, the implications are there nonetheless. Particularly since Maria is unwed and still single following the timeskip. Nor is she said to have been with anyone, besides Astral, during that time; leaving him as the only plausible candidate for being Mew's father.
* [[Foot Focus]]: Absent in the anime, but occasionally featured in her official art, though not to the same extent as her mother.
* [[Getting Crap Past the Radar]]: The disclaimer on the back of the disc cover asserts that all characters depicted in sexual acts, or in the nude, are 18 and older. Yet, Mew plainly states she's just going 18, when asked about her upcoming birthday. Meaning, she's 17 at the time she sleeps with Astral.
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=== Rita ===
{{quote| An aspiring swordswoman (so she says) from the Tribe of Light. In truth, however, she doesn't seem to know what she's doing; which becomes obvious when they're [[Brainwashed and Crazy|ambushed by Delta]] and comically so when {{spoiler|[[Played for Laughs|she tries to cross swords with Wortoshika!]]}}}}
* [[Darkskinned Blonde]]: See directly below.
* [[Expy]]: Of [[Tenchi Muyo!|Mihoshi.]]
** Rita not only [[Darkskinned Blonde|looks like her]] (even has the exact same hairstyle), she has the same cheerful upbeat personality and optimism, offset by the same bumbling antics; particularly when she's frightened or in over her head. Likewise, she's the [[Plucky Comic Relief]].
* [[Faux Action Girl]]: For all her hopes of becoming a swordswoman, Rita's off to a very rough start.
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* [[Get It Over With]]: She tries invoke this, after she forfeits against Wortoshika, by casting her sword aside and sprawling on the ground, awaiting to be killed. It doesn't go the way she planned.
* [[Panty Shot]]: She gives "Pollux" [[Male Gaze|an eyeful]] {{spoiler|they're pink!}} while they're crawling through an airshaft. Then gives him a faceful when she stops, unexpectedly, and backs into him!
* [[Plucky Comic Relief]]: [[Tenchi Muyo!|Tenchi]] fans will take one look at her and know what to expect. The only times Rita isn't used for comedy or to cut tension, is when [[Woobie|she's being victimised.]]
* {{spoiler|[[Rape Asas Drama]]: For a significant portion of the final two episodes. Tessio and Menza begin their sexual assault on Rita near the end of the fourth chapter and continue well into the fifth; wherein, they [[Forced to Watch|force Wortoshika to watch]], as he lies dying, while they ravage Rita's womb to prevent her from becoming pregnant with his child. All to prevent the prophecy from being fulfilled.}}
* [[Rape Is Love]]: As previously stated under Wortoshika's examples. This becomes especially evident when {{spoiler|he dies from the injuries he sustained, while trying to save her from Tessio and Menza. Rita breaks down in tears.}}