World War II: Difference between revisions

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* [[Cluster F-Bomb]]: A sonuvabitch named [[Four-Star Badass|General George Patton]].
* [[The Coconut Effect]]: For want of a better term, this is in effect all over the place. The Polish cavalry did not really [[Too Dumb to Live|charge the German tanks with lances]]; they operated as mounted infantry and did not fight on horseback in most cases, and were never actually recorded as having fought a panzer unit. Similarly, the Italian army is relentlessly mocked as being [[The Load|ineffective and filled with cowards]]. While they truthfully did suffer a series of disastrous defeats, in most cases it wasn't because of cowardice, but rather [[General Failure|strategic]] and logistical mistakes and/or a lack of sound training. The British actually noted that the Italians they fought in Ethiopia put up a harder fight than just about any other force they fought in the war. Also, most of the army Rommel commanded was actually made of Italians, though he wasn't exactly enthusiastic about their performance. This is mainly because he recognized they were severely under-supported and overtaxed, his main problem was with their superiors.
* [[Cold Sniper]]: [[wikipedia:Simo Häyhä|Simo Häyhä]].
* [[Colonel Kilgore]]: Jack Churchill.
* [[Cool Car]]: The Willys Jeep and the Volkswagen Kübelwagen.
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* [[Friendly Enemy]]: The British Eighth Army and the Afrika Korps in North Africa which [[Worthy Opponent|respected each other]] and [[The Medic|treated each others wounded]] impartially. This did not stop them from enthusiastically killing one another.
* [[Friend or Foe]]: Type D, and usually attributed to the Americans. There was a joke that if German/Italian planes went over, the British ducked; if British planes went over, the Germans/Italians ducked; and if American planes went over, everyone ducked.
* [[Gallows Humor]]: It's a war so of course there was gallows humor
** How do you tell an Optimist German from a Pessimist German? The Optimist studies English, while the Pessimist studies Russian.
** If you see a white or silver plane, it's American. If you see a black or green plane it's British. If you see no planes at all it's the mighty Luftwaffe!
* [[Gambit Pileup]]: While it is remembered in a straightforward way by many people, the dozens of factions trying to survive qualify it for this.
* [[Glamorous Wartime Singer]]: Marlene Dietrich stands out. Her "Lili Marlene" has been called the theme song of the entire war.