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* The ending to Rheastrasza's quest line in the Badlands totally flipped that on its head, which involved trapping a black dragon and stealing one of her eggs in order to breed a purified black dragon. Through the whole thing, Rhea talked to the player, trying to convince them the [[I Did What I Had to Do|the ends justified the means]], but her voice comes off like she was trying to convince herself that it was the right thing to do. At the end of the story, she is caught by Deathwing who destroys her and the black dragon egg she stole, but it was a ruse. To get the egg out of the Badlands, she needed to convince the black dragons that it was destroyed, by [[Kansas City Shuffle|letting them catch and kill her with a substitute egg]], ''one of her own''. All of her previous fidgeting wasn't guilt over what she did to the black dragons, it was anticipation over her impending [[Heroic Sacrifice]]. - Dino Vercotti
* The ending to Rheastrasza's quest line in the Badlands totally flipped that on its head, which involved trapping a black dragon and stealing one of her eggs in order to breed a purified black dragon. Through the whole thing, Rhea talked to the player, trying to convince them the [[I Did What I Had to Do|the ends justified the means]], but her voice comes off like she was trying to convince herself that it was the right thing to do. At the end of the story, she is caught by Deathwing who destroys her and the black dragon egg she stole, but it was a ruse. To get the egg out of the Badlands, she needed to convince the black dragons that it was destroyed, by [[Kansas City Shuffle|letting them catch and kill her with a substitute egg]], ''one of her own''. All of her previous fidgeting wasn't guilt over what she did to the black dragons, it was anticipation over her impending [[Heroic Sacrifice]]. - Dino Vercotti
* I never really thought about the significance of the Halls of Reflection dungeon in ''Wrath''; I figured that it was just a cool sounding name and it was just the place where Arthas leaves Frostmourne. It wasn't until I read the [[The Sword That Talks]] Frostmourne entry that something clicked; the entry said that Frostmourne still had the souls of everyone it killed in it, and that the souls can come out and harass Arthas (as we see in the battle with him), so that's probably why he keeps it in the Halls of Reflection. And then it hit me; the ghosts that you fight are the ghosts of every soldier Arthas killed with the sword, and the reason that he has a room for it is because he's filled with remorse. It's the Halls of ''Reflection''. He leaves the sword in the center and reflects on all the deaths and pain he's caused. So Jaina was right; there IS a bit of Arthas left in the Lich King, and he's truly horrified by what he's done. He's still overpowered by the Lich King, but he's still in there. So what used to seem like a fairly random dungeon turned into something really interesting.-Gneissisnice
* I never really thought about the significance of the Halls of Reflection dungeon in ''Wrath''; I figured that it was just a cool sounding name and it was just the place where Arthas leaves Frostmourne. It wasn't until I read the [[The Sword That Talks]] Frostmourne entry that something clicked; the entry said that Frostmourne still had the souls of everyone it killed in it, and that the souls can come out and harass Arthas (as we see in the battle with him), so that's probably why he keeps it in the Halls of Reflection. And then it hit me; the ghosts that you fight are the ghosts of every soldier Arthas killed with the sword, and the reason that he has a room for it is because he's filled with remorse. It's the Halls of ''Reflection''. He leaves the sword in the center and reflects on all the deaths and pain he's caused. So Jaina was right; there IS a bit of Arthas left in the Lich King, and he's truly horrified by what he's done. He's still overpowered by the Lich King, but he's still in there. So what used to seem like a fairly random dungeon turned into something really interesting.-Gneissisnice
* I was playing Alliance and doing the exploration achievements. Not having a flying mount at the time, he looked at Mulgore and tried to figure out how to get in. The only path in Pre-Cata was blocked by a massive wooden wall Post-Cata, preventing the only way in by land that he knew of. He asked around to find if there was some way in, but got a negative, causing him to realize the sad truth that [[Lord of the Rings|One does not simply walk into]] [[Stealth Pun|Mulgore.]] -- Chessrook44
* I was playing Alliance and doing the exploration achievements. Not having a flying mount at the time, he looked at Mulgore and tried to figure out how to get in. The only path in Pre-Cata was blocked by a massive wooden wall Post-Cata, preventing the only way in by land that he knew of. He asked around to find if there was some way in, but got a negative, causing him to realize the sad truth that [[Lord of the Rings|One does not simply walk into]] [[Stealth Pun|Mulgore.]]—Chessrook44
* Either the guys at Blizzard have been probing the dictionary, or this is a strange coincidence. Following a link from TV Tropes, I found "[[wikipedia:Fungibility|Fungibility]]" on [[The Other Wiki]], and it means that an individual unit of something can be substituted with another unit of that same something; for example, the $10 bill in your wallet has the same value as the $10 in the wallet of the guy next to you. Despite having nothing to do with fungus, ''Fung''almancer Glop (and his sons) are ''fung''ible. -- Dino Vercotti
* Either the guys at Blizzard have been probing the dictionary, or this is a strange coincidence. Following a link from TV Tropes, I found "[[wikipedia:Fungibility|Fungibility]]" on [[The Other Wiki]], and it means that an individual unit of something can be substituted with another unit of that same something; for example, the $10 bill in your wallet has the same value as the $10 in the wallet of the guy next to you. Despite having nothing to do with fungus, ''Fung''almancer Glop (and his sons) are ''fung''ible. -- Dino Vercotti
** Umm, Fungalmancer could loosely be translated to "mushroom-caster". And that's all that Glop does in his encounter: throw exploding mushrooms.
** Umm, Fungalmancer could loosely be translated to "mushroom-caster". And that's all that Glop does in his encounter: throw exploding mushrooms.
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** So according to lore, dragons are the oldest and wisest of all the mortal races and were charged by the Keepers themselves to protect the aspects of Azeroth. They are also the only sentient species in the game which you can skin, use as a mount, keep as pets, and ''slaughter by the thousands for no reason whatsoever.'' (And lest you think all those baby dragon whelplings you killed weren't self-aware yet, a certain [ tiny blue hatchling] would like a word with you.) No wonder Malygos wants to murder us all!
** So according to lore, dragons are the oldest and wisest of all the mortal races and were charged by the Keepers themselves to protect the aspects of Azeroth. They are also the only sentient species in the game which you can skin, use as a mount, keep as pets, and ''slaughter by the thousands for no reason whatsoever.'' (And lest you think all those baby dragon whelplings you killed weren't self-aware yet, a certain [ tiny blue hatchling] would like a word with you.) No wonder Malygos wants to murder us all!
*** And in Cataclysm, the dragons in the 81-85 zones drop meat that can be ''cooked into stat-boosting food''. It's a wonder most of the Aspects are still on the mortals' side.
*** And in Cataclysm, the dragons in the 81-85 zones drop meat that can be ''cooked into stat-boosting food''. It's a wonder most of the Aspects are still on the mortals' side.
*** To be fair, most (if not all) of the enemy dragons in ''Cataclysm'' are Blacks and Twilights, which are [[Always Chaotic Evil]] and at war with the others.
*** To be fair, most (if not all) of the enemy dragons in ''Cataclysm'' are Blacks and Twilights, which are [[Exclusively Evil]] and at war with the others.
** Slightly more fridge [[Squick]], but as Alliance when you quest in the Grizzly Hills you accidentally end up eating an important seed out of a bucket. After going through a short chain that involves you using a super-laxative to "retrieve" the seeds you then give them back to the owner. If you stick around a second after handing in the quest, the guy you turned the quest into gives the seeds to his friend to put back, who then responds with "yeah yeah, I know the drill, back in the bucket", now remember the quest text when you first ate the seed, pointing out the "earthy taste"?...
** Slightly more fridge [[Squick]], but as Alliance when you quest in the Grizzly Hills you accidentally end up eating an important seed out of a bucket. After going through a short chain that involves you using a super-laxative to "retrieve" the seeds you then give them back to the owner. If you stick around a second after handing in the quest, the guy you turned the quest into gives the seeds to his friend to put back, who then responds with "yeah yeah, I know the drill, back in the bucket", now remember the quest text when you first ate the seed, pointing out the "earthy taste"?...
** In the raid dungeon Naxxramas there is ambient noise of all types, but a few in particular stand out; a woman wailing "Pleeease!", "Stop, please stop...", "Help me! Save me!", "Please, nooo!". Then you fight [ this guy]. Then the crying/screaming stops. You might be thinking, ''"So what? He just stopped torturing people."'' Except there were no visible people. ''He'' was those people. The fridge horror comes in because typically one doesn't notice the connection at the time. In fact, this troper had to be told one day and then it sunk in. According to an in-game lore character, "'''Thaddius, built from the flesh of women and children, it is said that their souls are fused together - eternally bound within that foul prison of flesh.'''" Yeah. A [ video with the sound clips].
** In the raid dungeon Naxxramas there is ambient noise of all types, but a few in particular stand out; a woman wailing "Pleeease!", "Stop, please stop...", "Help me! Save me!", "Please, nooo!". Then you fight [ this guy]. Then the crying/screaming stops. You might be thinking, ''"So what? He just stopped torturing people."'' Except there were no visible people. ''He'' was those people. The fridge horror comes in because typically one doesn't notice the connection at the time. In fact, this troper had to be told one day and then it sunk in. According to an in-game lore character, "'''Thaddius, built from the flesh of women and children, it is said that their souls are fused together - eternally bound within that foul prison of flesh.'''" Yeah. A [ video with the sound clips].