Written Roar: Difference between revisions

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The Written Roar has some fairly standard versions, though the exact number of letters involved vary widely. There are several usual forms of the classic throaty roar, from the literal "Roar!" to the more guttural "Graar!" to the very common "Argh!" The related horrible screech has mostly been standardized around variations of "Scree!"
Compare with [[Verbal Tic]]. A subtrope of [[Written Sound Effect]]. One of the many faithful servants of the [[Rule of Cool]].
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* [[Classical Mythology|Berserker]]'s roars in ''[[Fate/stay night]]'' were rendered as something quite unreadable and with no actual letters. Like this: "▂▂▃▃▄▄▅▅!"
* [[Recurring Boss]] Balrog in ''[[Cave Story]]'' yells "Doryaa!!" when [[There Was a Door|breaking through a door or ceiling]]. (The English versions changed it to "Huzzah!" or "Oh yeah!")
== [[Web Animation]] ==
* Mikuru-chan in ''[[Haruhi-chan]]'' is fond of saying "Honya~!" (written in Hiragana when she says it).
== [[Web Original]] ==