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* ''[[Final Fantasy Tactics]]'' is full of this trope. {{spoiler|Saint Ajora and the Lucavi in the past and then the official history of Ramza and the Kingdom as a whole.}} Possibly subverted by the Durai Reports though.
* In ''[[Guild Wars]]'', White Mantle history records Saul D'Alessio's final battle against the Charr as a defeat. In fact, D'Alessio won the battle, but his gods murdered most of his followers and abducted him, never to be seen again. Ironically, this would lead to D'Alessio being villified by the people who overthrew the White Mantle when he would have likely sympathized with their cause.
* ''[[Guild Wars 2]]'' shows that [[Evil Overlord|Palawa Joko]] has been busy rewriting Elona's history after reconquering and expanding his land, replacing his embarrassing defeats with easy victories and [[Fake Ultimate Hero|taking credit for everything the player characters did to save Tyria from destruction]]. Par for the course for a [[Narcissist]] of his caliber.
* Mentioned by developers of ''[[League of Legends]]'' as the reason why Demacia is perceived as "good", while Noxus is "evil".
** The Journal of Justice is written by the League(neutral organization) and averts this trope(see also Morgana vs Kayle).