X-COM (Video Game): Difference between revisions

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* [[Zeerust]]: Deliberately invoked. While the game starts off with conventional Cold War-era firearms, eventually you and your squadmates gain access to bulky reverse-engineered variants of the aliens' weapons that wouldn't be too out of place in a period Sci Fi movie.
[[Damage Control]]== XCOM 2 (2016) ==
* [[A.I. Is a Crapshoot]]: Averted with the ''Shen's Last Gift'' DLC, which allows XCOM to deploy a new class of loyal, sentient robots into action. {{spoiler|Julian, the A.I. originally created by Dr. Shen for XCOM, meanwhile is shown as a bit unhinged after being captured by ADVENT...and then turning ''against'' ADVENT.}}
* [[Action Survivor]]: The Reapers in ''War of the Chosen'' are a Resistance faction that's comprised of these, with a hefty dose of [[Crazy Survivalist]] for good measure.
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* [[Cerebus Retcon]]: Played with. While the game follows the bad ending of EU/EW, effectively rendering your efforts there moot, it also strongly implies that any successful missions and victorious campaigns players had there {{spoiler|are little more than mental simulations in the Commander's head, [[Deconstruction|which ADVENT's been using for decades to better hone its own forces]] until XCOM finally saves the Commander.}}
* [[Character Customization]]: Even more so than in ''Enemy Unknown''. Characters can get customized appearances, such as their faces, uniforms and tattoos. In addition, they can change backstories, genders and nationalities mid-game.
* [[Cleanup Crew]]: The flamethrower-armed ADVENT Purifiers introduced in ''War of the Chosen'' are ostensibly this, their main task being to contain the Lost and clear out ruins. In practice however, this also extends to killing anyone standing in their way.
* [[Complacent Gaming Syndrome]]: Averted. The introduction of turn-limited missions, more varied foes and smarter enemy tactics are intended to prevent you from playing the same way and encourage different approaches.
* [[Crap Saccharine World]]: The united ADVENT-run world is on the surface rather pleasant and utopian...so long as you keep in line, stay in the refurnished cities and are otherwise not a target for the aliens' myriad abductions.
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* [[Propaganda Machine]]:
** ADVENT has been pushing a sophisticated, well-oiled one over the past few decades, extolling how the Elders have uplifted humanity from the old world and how even the human condition can be "cured."
** While XCOM and the Resistance at large have been pushing their own propaganda in the background, ''War of the Chosen'' allows the Commander to actively commissiontake part in creating propaganda posters and the like, often featuring XCOM's soldiers.
* [[Punch Clock Villain]]: Dr. Tygan used to be this, previously being a scientist working for ADVENT. He initially believed in the PR and was astounded by the scientific and career opportunities being provided, having been assigned to one of the first gene clinics after "Unification"...until he saw for himself what was really going on.
** Averted however with the ADVENT forces. {{spoiler|As it's revealed that most if not all of them are tube grown insta-soldiers rather than "volunteers."}}
** ''War of the Chosen'' subverts this even further with the Skirmishers, which are comprised of rogue ADVENT troopers who've [[Turned Against Their Masters]]. And their presence ''alone'' can increase the chances of enemy ADVENT forces on the field to "defect," however small it may be.
* [[Race Against the Clock]]: Taking too long, doing too poorly or otherwise failing to stop vital enemy operations like blacksites would allow ADVENT and its alien masters to complete a mysterious programme called the "Avatar Project," although it's possible to "turn back" progress by completing certain missions or blowing up ADVENT facilities. Many in-game missions as well, such as retrieving VIPs or extracting intel are "timed" to a limited number of turns, forcing you to act more decisively.
* [[Random Event]]: In addition to the various missions, side-objectives and world events, there are "Dark Events." These are random ADVENT penalties like additional enemies, faster progress on the Avatar Project or lower income. Which in turn can be countered by completing certain missions.
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** The decaying, overgrown remains of modern-day buildings, facilities and whole settlements still litter areas that ADVENT had largely abandoned to the elements and its blacksite operations. In-game lore suggests that there are still some people struggling to hide in such ruins away from ADVENT and the aliens.
** Played with in the ADVENT facility in the ''Shen's Last Gift'' DLC, as it was built around 20 years earlier and had been seemingly abandoned for about as long. While it looks dilapidated, the lights are still more-or-less on and the place's automated defense system is still active if rusty.
** Further highlighted in ''War of the Chosen,'' which includes maps set in derelict, ruined cities that had been left to rot by ADVENT since the end of the [[Alien Invasion]], presumably because they weren't worth rebuilding.
* [[Self-Imposed Challenge]]: It's possible to complete at least certain missions or battles with one soldier, and in some cases, without being detected.
* [[Sequel Difficulty Spike]]: Playing this game in the same way as in ''XCOM: EU/EW'' isn't recommended, due to the general toughness of enemies as well as more constrained turn limits.