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A Emmy Award-winning [[Warner Bros]] cartoon, '''''Xiaolin Showdown''''' (2003-2006) follows the adventures of four teens (well, three teens and one child) selected to become the next [[Supernatural Martial Arts|Xiaolin]] [[Warrior Monk|Dragons]]:
* '''[[The Hero|Omi]]''', the [[Small Name, Big Ego|precocious]] [[Adorably Precocious Child|young Chinese monk]] and Dragon of [[Making a Splash|Water]];
* '''[[The Big Guy|Clay]]''', the [[Gentle Giant|strong, steady]] [[Everything Is Big in Texas|Texan]] [[Americans Are Cowboys|cowboy]] and Dragon of [[Dishing Out Dirt|Earth]];
* '''[[The Big GuyLancer|ClayRaimundo]]''', the [[GentleJerk Giant|strong,with steady]]a [[EverythingHeart Isof Big in TexasGold|Texan]]sharp-tongued [[AmericansBrazilian Aresurfer Cowboys|cowboydude]] and Dragon of [[DishingBlow OutYou DirtAway|EarthWind]]; and
and* '''[[The Chick|Kimiko]]''', the [[The Smart Guy|tech-savvy]] [[Tsundere|Japanese hothead]] and Dragon of [[Playing with Fire|Fire]].
'''[[The Lancer|Raimundo]]''', the [[Jerk with a Heart of Gold|sharp-tongued Brazilian surfer dude]] and Dragon of [[Blow You Away|Wind]];
and '''[[The Chick|Kimiko]]''', the [[The Smart Guy|tech-savvy]] [[Tsundere|Japanese hothead]] and Dragon of [[Playing with Fire|Fire]].
Along with their standard monk training, they are tasked by [[The Mentor|Master Fung]] to collect mystical Xiaolin artifacts known as the Shen Gong Wu, which were scattered around the world by the [[Posthumous Character|original Xiaolin Dragon, Dashi]], and Dojo Kanojo Cho, a [[Lovable Coward|cowardly]] [[Sizeshifter|size-shifting]] dragon. Whenever two (or more) people [[Once Per Episode|enter a standoff]] over a Wu, a [[Title Drop|Xiaolin Showdown]] occurs, with the winner taking all the gambled Shen Gong Wu.
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Perhaps best known for its surprisingly well-developed [[Xiaolin Showdown/Characters|central cast]], its [[All-Star Cast|collection of voice acting talents]], and its general [[Averted Trope|aversion]] to [[Anvilicious]] [[An Aesop|Aesops]], Xiaolin Showdown was the ratings darling of the Kids WB Saturday morning block. However, it only lasted [[Too Good to Last|three seasons]], or 52 episodes, all of which [[Keep Circulating the Tapes|are readily available on Youtube]].
A revival titled ''Xiaolin Chronicles'' is planned to startstarted in Spring 2013. YouIt canwasn't see work-in-progress clip [http://www.lagardere-entertainment.com/en/module/99999664/27/xiaolin_chroniclesvery here]good.
=== This series contains examples of: ===
* [[The Abridged Series]]: [http://www.youtube.com/user/Iartlife Here].
* [[Acrofatic]]: [[Ninja|Tubbimura]].
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* [[Cooking Duel]]: The actual challenge of a Xiaolin Showdown can be just about anything, although the surroundings usually play a part.
* [[Cool and Unusual Punishment]]: In "The Return of Master Monk Guan".
{{quote|'''Guan:''' Since Raimundo insists on behaving like a clown, he should have a clown's name. He will be called [[Bilingual Bonus|Bobo]]!<ref>"Bobo" is both Spanish and Portuguese slang for an idiot or fool.</ref><br />
'''Rai:''' Bobo?!<br />
'''Guan:''' [[Crowning Moment of Funny|YOU LOOKIN' AT ME, BOBO?!]] }}
** Turned out to be a [[Subversion]]: {{spoiler|Raimundo was the [[Reverse Mole]] and the whole thing, including the punishment, was a set up to make Hannibal Bean believe that Raimundo could be turned to his side.}}
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** [[Mentor Archetype|The Mentor]]: Master Fung
*** [[Five-Token Band]]: Omi (Chinese), Kimiko (Japanese), Raimundo (Hispanic) and Clay ([[Token White]]).
* [[Flanderization]]: In the first season, Omi's sizable ego was clearly shown to be the result of his youth and lack of social skills.<ref>Basically, Omi is shown with underdeveloped [https://web.archive.org/web/20120626234002/http://www.drkutner.com/parenting/articles/develop_empathy.html empathy]. Like a young child, he cannot view the world from [[No Social Skills|any perspective other than his own]]. Think about how a toddler might blurt out, "Mommy, why is that man so fat?" without any regard for the man's feelings, or how a four-year-old might be bewildered by someone who holds a different opinion than his own. The child has no awareness of others as individuals and instead views them as extensions or reflections of himself.</ref> From the second season onward, Omi's ego became his defining characteristic rather than a side-effect of his other traits.
** A specific example: Omi's "sexism" towards Kimiko was originally a one-off gag in episode 3 playing on his naivete. He had no idea that his words were offensive or even incorrect. In season 2, Omi developed an actual sexist attitude towards Kimiko and insulted her with full awareness that she would be offended, but only when he was jealous or mad at her for some reason.
** Omi has repeatedly abused Raimundo with this as well, bringing up the fact that Raimundo has betrayed the team, and took him the longest to be promoted anytime it is convenient to kick Raimundo down. [[I'm Standing Right Here|And it usually happens when Rai is right next to him.]]
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* [[Me's a Crowd]]: Speciality of the Ring of Nine Dragons. The catch is that your intelligence gets spread between the copies along with everything else
* [[Mighty Glacier]]: Clay's fighting style.
* [[The Mind Is thea Plaything of Thethe Body]]: In his monstrous form, Chase Young is much more aggressive, energetic and expressive, a marked change for a character who is usually [[The Stoic]].
* [[Mirrored Confrontation Shot]]: The opening theme.
* [[Mobile Suit Human]]: Hannibal Bean's [[Spikes of Villainy|giant, spiky armor]] which he first appears in. He's quickly revealed to be only an inch tall. Then {{spoiler|he gets the [[Voluntary Shapeshifting|Moby Morpher]] and you only see it once again, as he's actually more effective as a giant version of his true self and doesn't need it.}}
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* [[Offscreen Villain Dark Matter]]
* [[Old Master]]: [[Badass Grandpa|Master]] [[Cool Old Guy|Fung]] IS this trope. Master Guang to a lesser extent, and he [[Really 700 Years Old|really doesn't look it]].
* [[The One True Sequence]]{{context}}
* [[One-Winged Angel]]: A good number of villains the monks take on.
* [[Only One Name]]: Being an orphan, Omi is only known by his first name. However, in "Omi Town" he is fooled into believing that his last name is [[Fail O'Suckyname|"Crud"]].
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* [[Warrior Monk]]
* [[We Can Rule Together]]
* [[We Win Because You Didn'tDid Not]]: Master Fung challenges the monks to take a jade elephant from him, then takes out a mallet and breaks it when it looks like they're winning. This leads Omi to send the Golden Tiger Claws to the Earth's core at the end of the episode.
* [[Welcome Back, Traitor]]: {{spoiler|Raimundo}}, although he saved the day at the last minute. The other monks don't make too much fuss, although it's occasionally rubbed in his face, {{spoiler|and part of Master Monk Guan's secret plan in a later episode involves him pretending to do it again}}.
* [[Wham! Line]]: For the lead-up to the first season finale, Master Fung after {{spoiler|Raimundo steals the Serpent's Tail.}}
* [[What Do You Mean It's Not Heinous?]]:
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{{quote|'''Clay:''' MY SANDWICH! NO! [[Big No|NOOOO]]!}}
* [[When You Snatch the Pebble]]: Subverted when obtaining the second magic puzzle box.
* [[Why Did It Have to Be Snakes?]]: The monks' fears from "Dreamscape" fit this trope. Omi, Raimundo, Clay, and Kimiko are afraid of [[Continuity Nod|squirrels]], [[Combat Tentacles|tentacled sea monsters]], [[Elderly Blue -Haired Lady|Clay's grandmother]], and [[Creepy Doll|a half-melted doll]], respectively.
* [[Wouldn't Hit a Girl]]: Clay. It's usually his downfall whenever up against Wuya or Katnappe (though he could bear-hug the latter long enough for Omi to grab the Tiger Claws).
{{quote|'''Raimundo''': Clay, man, haven't you heard? Chivalry is dead.}}
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