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== [[Anime]] &and [[Manga]] ==
* In ''[[Code Geass]]'', at the end of the second series, the Black Knights turn on Lelouch because he obviously went completely nuts and successfully took over the world.
** Cornelia says this to Schneizel after he announces his plan to {{spoiler|nuke all of his enemies, not just Lelouch, into submission and calls himself a god.}}
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* Koji says this to Cherubimon in the dub of ''[[Digimon Frontier]]''. Cherubimon replies, "Yes, perhaps I am."
* ''[[Mirai Nikki]]'': Yukki to Yuno in chapter 54.
* Edward calls Kimblee insane in ''[[Fullmetal Alchemist (manga)|Fullmetal Alchemist]]'' when the latter explains his worldview to him.
* Kazuya from ''[[Freezing]]'' gives one to {{spoiler|Louis when Louis claims Satellizer as his property.}}
== [[Comic Books]] ==
== Comics ==
* [[The Joker]] of course, is not immune to this, or averse to employing [[Insult Backfire]]:
{{quote|'''Robin:''' You're out of your mind, Joker!
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* Kristin of ''[[Southern Knights]]'' told some kids a [[Tall Tale]] [[Origin Story]] about getting her [[Super Strength]] from fighting a [[Mad Scientist]] who was trying to take over her university (Clemson). She exclaimed in horror, "You're mad!" when he revealed his intent to seize the school's "true" position of authority: Athletic Director. "But the '''damage''' you could do with such power!"
== [[Fan Works]] ==
* Yami from ''[[Yu-Gi-Oh!: The Abridged Series]]'' uses a variant of this line completely deadpan when faced with Melvin.
{{quote|'''Yami:''' Look, we're not intimidated by your silly behavio--
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* Rainbow Dash's response to a badly derailed Fluttershy in ''[[Pattycakes]]''. She's not wrong.
== [[Film]] ==
== Films -- Animation ==
* In ''[[Antz]]'', when Princess Bala learns that the true purpose of General Mandible's Mega-Tunnel project is {{spoiler|to [[Depopulation Bomb|wipe out the worker ants, along with the current queen]], so that he can rebuild a new warrior-based colony, with Bala as the queen}}:
{{quote|'''Princess Bala:''' You're crazy!
'''General Mandible:''' ''(smiles and replies calmly)'' I believe history will see things differently. }}
* ''[[The Simpsons Movie]]'' [[The Movie|movie]] gives us this:
{{quote|'''EPA Agent:''' Sir, I think you've gone mad with power.
'''Russ Cargill:''' Of course I have. Have you ever gone mad ''without'' power? It's boring, no one listens to you! }}
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* In ''[[Beauty and the Beast]]'', the villains strangely love using this. Basically, they think Maurice is crazy just because he's a genius, and when he rants about a hideous, monstrous beast having "captured" his daughter Belle, they think he's just raving like a lunatic. Later, when Belle proves her father sane by showing everybody what the Beast looks like and telling them that he's changed to a kind and gentle soul, Gaston ponders how Belle could possibly fall in love with such a monster. Belle, of course, responds that the Beast isn't the one who's the monster - [[You Monster!|the real monster, as Belle points out, is none other than Gaston himself]]. Upon hearing that response, of course, Gaston just [[Villainous Breakdown|snaps]]. His response? "She's as crazy as her father!" Cue his resolve for everybody to kill the Beast and [[Villain Song|The Mob Song]] being played after that.
* Jenny says this to Martin in ''[[The Secret of NIMH]] 2''. His response? "Ah, thank you."
== Films -- Live-Action ==
* Captain Jack Sparrow in the ''[[Pirates of the Caribbean]]'' trilogy gets this a lot. The most memorable instance was when he attempts to escape from Lord Beckett's ship in ''At World's End'' by {{spoiler|blasting its mast down with a cannon and riding its rigging}} back to the ''Black Pearl''. When Beckett sees this, he tells Jack ''"You're mad!"'' To which Jack replies "Well, thank goodness for that, because if I wasn't, this would probably never work."<ref>In classic Sparrow fashion, it ''does'' work... and as revealed moments later, it worked without an ounce of rum in his system.</ref>
** But they say Jack "went mad from the heat", so anyone calling him mad may just have a point. Equally likely, he [[The Baroque Cycle|went mad from syphilis]]. Or possibly he went mad from syphilis but then got better from the heat. [[Overly Long Gag|He went mad from the heat and got better from syphilis?]]
*** Equally likely, he [[The Baroque Cycle|went mad from syphilis]].
**** Or possibly he went mad from syphilis but then got better from the heat.
***** [[Overly Long Gag|He went mad from the heat and got better from syphilis?]]
** His madness is not always considered a bad thing, as seen in this exchange between Anamaria and Gibbs after Gibbs and Elizabeth have agreed on an unconventional battle plan:
{{quote|'''Anamaria:''' "You're daft, lady! You both are!"
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** ''[[Dr. No]]'':
{{quote|'''Bond:''' World domination. Same old dream. Our asylums are full of people who think they're [[Napoleon Bonaparte]]. Or [[God]].}}
*:* ''[[From Russia with Love]]'':
{{quote| '''Bond:''' (to Red Grant) Tell me, which lunatic asylum did they get you out of?}}
*:* ''[[Goldfinger]]'':
{{quote| '''Bond:''' Beautiful place Goldfinger has here.
'''[[Getting Crap Past the Radar|Pussy]]:''' Yes, I'm glad you're enjoying it.
'''Bond:''' Too bad it all has to end tomorrow morning (turns and looks at her). He's quite mad, you know. }}
*:* When [[James Bond (film)|James Bond]] accuses media mogul Elliot Carver of insanity in ''[[Tomorrow Never Dies]]'' he replies: "The distance between insanity, and genius, is measured only by success."
*:* In the book ''[[Moonraker (novel)|Moonraker]]'', Hugo Drax has Bond tied up at the base of his rocket to be incinerated during its launch. Bond takes the opportunity to recount Drax's life as he's gathered the info, in all its ugly, humiliating detail, to conclude how it's made him such a mental case. Bond's intent is to enrage Drax enough to overlook what Bond needs to escape.
*:* [[Woody Allen]] disavowed himself heavily from the 1967 ''[[Casino Royale (1967 film)|Casino Royale]]'', but this exchange with captive 007 (The Detainer played by Daliah Lavi) sure has his stamp:
{{quote| '''007:''' You're crazy -- you're actually crazy!
'''Jimmy Bond:''' They called Einstein crazy!
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{{quote| '''Vicki:''' You're insane!
'''[[The Joker]]:''' ''(smoothly)'' I thought I was a Pisces... }}
*:* Earlier in the same film, one of the Mob Bosses, Vinnie Ricorsco, denounced Jack Napier as such after the latter electrocuted Antoine Rotellei and fried him to death as his gang entered, and joking about his demise.
{{quote| '''Jack Napier / [[The Joker]]:''' ([[Laughing Mad]]) Antoine got a little hot under the collar. ([[Laughing Mad|laughs]])
'''Vinnie Ricorsco:''' You're crazy.
'''Jack Napier/The Joker:''' Haven't you heard of the healing power of laughter? ([[Laughing Mad|laughs]] while wiping his "skin"flesh-toned makeup off to reveal a pale, clownlike skin underneath the forehead.) NOW GET OUTTA HERE!! }}
*:* Then there's the Joker, before [[The Reveal]], screaming at his boss Carl Grissom: "You set me up over a woman. '''''A WOMAN!''''' ''(darkly)'' You must be insane." However, Grissom actually seemed crazier than pre-Joker Jack.
:* Batman himself gets a watered down version of this from Vicki:
{{quote|'''Vicki:''' I might have some trouble with that. A lot of people think you're as dangerous as the Joker.
'''Batman:''' He's psychotic.
'''Vicki:''' A lot of people say the same thing about you.
'''Batman:''' What people?
'''Vicki:''' I mean, let's face it. You're not exactly normal, are you?
''[death glare from Batman]''
'''Batman:''' It's not exactly a normal world, is it?}}
:* Note that Batman ''does not'' deny it.
* [[The Joker]] gets this again in ''[[The Dark Knight]]''. This time his reply is a very firm "No. I'm ''not''.", as this version of the Joker has a very clear and focused objective. Towards the end he more or less concedes that he might be crazy, but only as crazy as [[Not So Different|Batman himself]]. And Dent. And the army of lunatics [[Foreshadowing|he predicts will be joining them in the mad house]].
* In ''[[Quest for Camelot]]'', this happens after Ruber reveals his plan to coerce Juliana into sneaking his band of marauders into Camelot.
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{{quote| "Tell me, ''[[Ironic Echo|friend]]''.... when did Saruman the Wise abandon reason for ''madness''?"}}
== [[Literature]] ==
* A wonderful example in ''[[Mistborn]]'', as Clubs finally realizes that Kelsier didn't in fact bribe Lord Renaux, but instead simply had him killed and replaced with a [[The Face Stealer|kandra]].
{{quote| '''Clubs''': You genius! You bloody insane genius! You had him killed, didn't you?
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* [[Alex Rider]] says this to Herod Sayle, Dr. Grief, Sarov, Damian Cray, Julia Rothman, Nikolei Drevin and Winston Yu.
* In the ''[[Artemis Fowl]]'' short story "LEPrecon" Julius Root is tricked into a human settlement (which is magically forbidden by Fairy law) by his [[Cain and Abel|evil brother Turnball]], he calls him insane. Turnball's reply is "No. What I am is tired. Tired of being chased across the globe by my own brother. [[Lampshade Hanging|The whole thing is too melodramatic]]."
* In ''[[Harry Potter/Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (novel)|Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire]]'', Harry comes out of the maze and Mad-Eye Moody {{spoiler|who was actually Barty Crouch Jr, who up until then Harry had respected and sought advice from, drags Harry off to his office so he can gleefully tell him how he had orchestrated the entire scheme and would now have the honor of killing Harry for Voldemort.}} Harry sums this up by telling him that he's crazy.
* In ''[[The Fountainhead]]'', Ellsworth Toohey beats his victim to the punch during a [[Hannibal Lecture]]:
{{quote| '''Keating:''' Ellsworth... you're...
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* In ''[[The Picture of Dorian Gray]]'', Alan Campbell calls Dorian Gray mad after {{spoiler|having been asked by Dorian to help dispose of Basil Hallward's body}}.
== Films -- [[Live-Action TV]] ==
== Live-Action TV ==
* From the [[Battlestar Galactica (2004 TV series)|2004 ''Battlestar Galactica'' reboot]], Kara "Starbuck" Thrace says this to the Cylon Leoben "Number Two" Conoy when he keeps her locked up in his New Caprica apartment for months, [[Stalker with a Crush|insisting that she'll eventually fall in love with him]] because he has "[[Seers|foreseen]]" it.
* ''[[Doctor Who]]'': In the episode, "The Sound of Drums", the Prime Minister—really [[The Master (trope)|The Master]] -- [[Board to Death|kills the entire Cabinet by flooding the room with gas]]; as they fall down and die, one gasps "You're insane!" and he responds with a grin and a dual thumbs-up. It can be seen in [ this] gif.
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{{quote|'''Rebecca:''' You’re crazy.
'''Angelus:''' Oh, no. I’m a vampire.}}
* From ''[[Firefly (TV series)|Firefly]]'':
{{quote|'''Simon:''' You're out of your mind.
'''[[Bounty Hunter|Early]]:''' That's between me and my mind.}}
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'''Moriarty''': You're just getting that ''now''?}}
== [[Music]] ==
== Music ==
* [[Nicki Minaj]]'s "Roman's Revenge ends with her Martha alter ego saying "You've gone mad! Mad I tell you mad! They'll lock you away"
== [[Theatre]] ==
== Theater ==
* Calderon's play ''Life is a Dream'':
{{quote| '''Clotaldo:''' Why, this is madness!
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'''Giovanni:''' Not mad. Maybe a little angry. }}
== [[Toys]] ==
== Toys ==
There's this little gem from ''[[Bionicle]]'':
{{quote| '''Hahli:''' You’re insane!
'''Karzahni:''' I prefer the term 'creative.' Though I suppose there is not much difference between the two in the end, is there? }}
== [[Video Games]] ==
== Video Games ==
* In the story campaign of ''[[Warcraft]] III: The Frozen Throne'', Illidan Stormrage is confronted by his jailer of ten thousand years with a self-righteous "You're insane!" His calm reply? "Isolation can do that to the mind."
* From ''[[Final Fantasy X]]'':
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'''Riddler:''' No, that would imply either mental illness or derangement. [[Blatant Lies|I suffer from neither.]] }}
== [[Web Comics]] ==
== Web Comics ==
* ''[[Girl Genius]]'' has a rather [ chilling variation] (the guy is fully conscious of his actions and their implications, but [[Puppeteer Parasite|doesn't have even a bad choice]]):
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* [[Smug Super|Faith]] in ''[[Magick Chicks]]'' deserved flat "You're insane." and then "Th-this is ''crazy!''" from Tiffany [[Cloudcuckoolander|of all people]], when she {{spoiler|stunned a vampire, then [[Bullying a Dragon|drove her feral with mind control in order to fight her hand-to-hand]], without powers}}, just for fun.
== [[Web ComicsOriginal]] ==
== Web Original ==
* [[The Nostalgia Critic]] and [[Bum Reviews]] did this in one of [[Atop the Fourth Wall|Linkara's]] videos:
{{quote| '''[[The Nostalgia Critic]]:''' My God. You're mad.
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{{quote| "What! No card games?!? YOU'RE INSANE! . . . I mean, more insane than the rest of us . . ."}}
== Films --[[Western Animation]] ==
== Western Animation ==
* In ''[[Danny Phantom]]'', the episode that introduces Vlad Plasmius has this dialogue:
{{quote| '''Danny:''' Let me outta here!
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* Done frequently in ''[[Invader Zim]]'', particularly because of Zim's megalomaniacal personality.
* In the ''[[Superman: The Animated Series]]'' episode "Stolen Memories", Superman meets Brainiac, the surviving major computer consciousness from Krypton. Although Superman is pleased to meet someone from his native planet, he later learns of Brainiac's true reason for coming to Earth. The intelligence has been ravaging the cosmos, gathering all the knowledge of worlds and then destroying them so he is the sole possessor of that information, and now wants to do the same with Earth. At this smug justification of serial omnicide, Superman yells, "You're insane!" and leaps into battle.
* A cousin to [[Insult Backfire]] happens in an episode of ''[[Justice League (animation)|Justice League]]'' where Superman is sent far into the future, [[After the End]]:
{{quote| '''Vandal Savage:''' The earth belongs to the cockroaches now... Oh, and me.
'''Superman:''' You're ''insane''.
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'''Superman:''' ...
'''Vandal Savage:''' Like you have anything ''better'' to do. }}
:* Another one, in an episode of ''[[Justice League (animation)|Justice League]]''
{{quote| '''Solomon Grundy:''' ''(to Luthor)'' You're crazy!
'''The Joker:''' ''(bursts into the room)'' And what's wrong with that? It's done ''wonders'' for me! }}
* ''[[The Simpsons (animation)|The Simpsons]]'' spoofed this with their famous line (in thick scottish accent): "Scorpio, you're mad!"
** And the equally memorable reply: "Hah, I wouldn't point fingers, you jerk!"
* In ''[[Batman: The Animated Series]]'' it happens a lot, seeing as most of Batman's foes ''are'' insane:
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{{quote| '''Tony:''' "You're completely mad Rhona!
'''Rhona:''' "Mad? ''All the best people are mad.'' Lewis Carroll." }}
* [[X-Men: The Animated Series]]'':
** A curious example occurs in the episode "Courage" between [[Big Good| Professor Xavier]] and [[A.I. Is a Crapshoot| Master Mold]]:
{{quote|'''Xavier:''' You're mad, Master Mold!
'''Master Mold:''' A machine cannot be mad, Professor. That is a human failing.}}
** [[Evilutionary Biologist]] Nathanial Essex gets the worst kick in the teeth here, when his [[Social Darwinist]] themed [[Motive Rant]] results in [[Charles Darwin]] himself calling him insane.