You Know You Read Too Much All the Tropes When: Difference between revisions

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# You NEVER have to ask "[[Do We Have This One?]]?".
# You forget Jesus is the son of God (if you're Christian) or twenty-fourth prophet of God (if you're Muslim), and think he's the god of [[Everyone Is Jesus in Purgatory|Purgatory]]. And you think he habitually manifests as a [[Crystal Dragon Jesus|crystalline dragon]].
# You wonderwaited whypatiently for a revival of ''[[Arrested Development (TV series)|Arrested Development]]'' was canceled, but you just heardso ofyou ''[[Thecan Love Boat]]'', since that page is sotrope recentit.
#* You rejoiced when the series came back in 2013 on [[Netflix]].
# You think first names have "The" as a prefix.
# You really wonder if you have seen a trope [[Seen It a Million Times|a million times]].
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#* You think about what tropes you are using in your works and fantasize about the day when your work will have examples on this site.
#** You're already working on pages for your works.
#* You ''deliberately'' fall back on tropes in your work just so it will be mentioned on All The Tropes one day. (Guilty as charged, by the way.)
#* You dream of the day your quotes will be found on All The Tropes.
#* Or you just cut out the middleman and put them on [[Unpublished Works (Darth Wiki)|Unpublished Works]] yourself.
#* You don't write because you're too scared of the [[Cliché Storm]].
#* You write ''with'' the [[Cliché Storm]] in mind, just for the hell of it.
#* When you need writing ideas, you click the Random Item button above.
# You will use the word "wank" in highly unusual contexts. Trope not applicable in Commonwealth countries.
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#* You use [[Wiki Word]]s constantly even when talking to non-tropers, and you don't even ''notice'' until they ask you what you're on about.
#* School today:
{{quote|#::'''Me:''' So the Big Bad crossed the Moral event horizon twice, but it's okay because he's such a Magnificent bastard that he pulls it off wonderfully. The type 4 anti-villain is better than the hero though, because she's such a Purity Sue.
#::''' Friend:''' ...What?...
#::''' Me:''' ...Sorry, I was speaking Tropese again... [walks away] }}
#* Bonus points if you live in a country where English normally isn't spoken.
#* You break the [[Fourth Wall]] when talking to others as often as possible, and don't notice you're doing so until someone points it out.
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#* Summary of the French Revolution: The [[Knight Templar]]s killed all the [[Blue Blood]]s. Then they went [[Axe Crazy]] and [[Kill'Em All|started killing everyone else too.]]
#* You have cited this site as a source for your junior paper. In all fairness, the paper is an analysis of the fantasy genre, so tropes are being discussed.
# You have ever, at all, referred to the Moral Ofof Thethe Story as an '[[Aesop]]'.
# You refer to Wikipedia as [[The Other Wiki]], and youscoff don't regularly editat [[Uncyclopedia]] or [[Encyclopedia Dramatica]].
# When someone asks you why you're playing a video game, you respond, "It's [[Just for Fun]]." Otherwise, you're probably the [[Stop Having Fun Guy]].
# When you decide to make a trope list for your favorite sports team.
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#* Yet another is titled [[Autobots Rock Out]].
#* And yet another titled Can of [[Ear Worm]]s.
#** Plus a [[Bucket Of Ears|Bucket of Ear Worms]].
#* You went and made one or more of these playlists after reading this so you could check another point off the list.
#** You haven't yet, but you really, REALLY want to.
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#* You know the meaning of ''all'' the tropes from memory.
# You have prayed to or sworn by [[Crystal Dragon Jesus]].
# Whenever you explain a new concept to someone, you try to demonstrate it using examples from ''[[Buffy the Vampire Slayer]]'', ''[[Avatar: theThe Last Airbender]]'' and ''[[Harry Potter]]''. Like how Andrew in ''[[Buffy the Vampire Slayer]]'' season 8, episode 16 "Storyteller" had to use RPG style character description for everybody.
# You've written a book report on ''[[Sailor Nothing]]''.
# You've written a complete character analysis contrasting and exploring the actions of the eponymous characters of ''[[Haruhi Suzumiya|The Melancholy Of Haruhi Suzumiya]]'' and ''[[Madame Bovary]]''.
# In other online communities not running wiki software, you find yourself using single-quotation marks in varying quantities instead of [[HTML]] or [[BB Code]] tags when you want to italicize or bold something.
# Most Science Fiction makes you want to cry "'''[[Space Does Not Work That Way]]!''' Good night!"
#* You tell people "[[You Fail Indexes Forever|You Fail [insert field of study here] Forever]]" whenever [[Did Not Do the Research|they say something inaccurate]].
# If someone complains about the frumpy way Queen [[Elizabeth II]] dresses, you just note that she's averting the [[Ermine Cape Effect]].
#* You get pissed off that the person who added this item passed up the opportunity for a perfectly good reference to ''[[The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy]]''.
#-* You get pissed off that the person who added that item passed up the opportunity to identify said perfectly good reference to ''[[The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy]]''.
# You don't make plans for Christmas. You make [[Xanatos Gambit]]s. For family gatherings, you find these quickly become [[Gambit Roulette]]s. Or, for some, a [[Gambit Pileup]].
# You think [[User:Meta Four]] actually looks like [[Gunnerkrigg Court|Antimony]].
# You start thinking of common real life occurrences as tropes, and sort of mentally propose and categorise them: "[[You Know That Thing Where]] you think you've turned on the oven, but actually you've just turned on the light...?"
# You say "It's [[Truth in Television]]" instead of "It happens in [[Real Life]]."
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# You have ever used the [[MST3K Mantra]] or [[Bellisario's Maxim]] in [[Real Life]]. Bonus points if you just used the title and not the actual mantra/maxim.
# You keep misspelling actual words as [[Wiki Words]], like "[[Fan Dumb]]" instead of "[[Fandom]]".
# You confuse YKTTW with [[YTMND]]. Bonus points if you attempt to pronounce YKTTW like it's an actual word ("Eektoo!" "Yickt-wuh!").
# You start conversations with non-tropers with words to the effect of "I read something interesting on All The Tropes the other day..."
# You have a mental list of tropes that have occurred to you for the current day, week, month, year, and lifetime since originally coming to All The Tropes (and memorable events before then) sorted alphabetically, by importance, by occurrences, by relation to the person you believe the trope applied to, and all sub-combinations of those lists applicable.
#* When that list isn't just a mental one.
#* It's on your resumé.
# When you say "[[Take That]]!". And think of TVAll The Tropes.
#* When you hear a song by [[Take That (band)|Take That]] and think of TVAll The Tropes.
#* Or when you [[Ace Attorney|present conflicting evidence to a witness]] and think of All The Tropes.
# You say "You are not alone" instead of "Me too". You're aware of how often the above actually happens on this Wiki but aren't quite sure why.
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#* And [[Sesquipedalian Loquaciousness]]. This one can go under [[Tropes Will Enhance Your Life (Sugar Wiki)|Tropes Will Enhance Your Life]] if you want to [[Geeky Turn On|impress]] or intimidate people.
#* Also [[Egregious]]
# The best thing that's happened to you all week is getting your first [[TVAll the Tropes Made of Win Archive]] point.
# You will [[Calling Your Attacks|yell out trope names]] as you watch them on your favorite show...and have people stare at you oddly for it.
#* Except for your best friends or household members, who find this perfectly normal behavior for you.
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# You see the words ''imminently about to attack'' in a piece of fanfic and actually go to pothole it to the [[Department of Redundancy Department]] before remembering that you can't.
# You think [[Shipping]] tropers would be fun.
#* You think ''[[Troper Dating Service|dating]]'' a troper would be fun.
#* You do date a fellow troper, and discuss tropes with them more often than your personal life.
#* Your discussions of your personal life are packed with Lampshading of therelationship [[Relationship Tropes]]tropes.
#You refer to someone's overriding interest/specialty as their "[[Planet of Hats|Hat]]". Bonus points if you do it by referencing ''[[Star Trek]]''.
# Your roommate can tell you're on [[All The Tropes]] from across the room, and you try to hide it as if it were porn.
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# You have a long list of things you must read or see when you have time, all of which you would not know about had they not come up as examples of some trope or other.
# The list never gets shorter because you're always here.
# You can't see a [http Goff] petrol tanker without thinking of ''[[My Immortal]]''.
# Whenever someone brings up [[Those Wacky Nazis]], you yell out "[[Godwin's Law]]!" Especially embarrassing in a history class. Terminally embarrassing at the Holocaust Museum.
# You pothole [[Godwin's Law]] examples ''on the All The Tropes Page for Godwin's Law.'' (noteNote: Jokejoke's over, don't actually do this.)
# You've not only said this history class when discussing Hilter, but by now everyone in the class, including the ''teacher'' knows what a Godwin's Law is. Bonus points if other students start using it.
# The only definition of "subvert" that you're aware of is that employed in the phrase "subverted expectations".
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#* You are fully convinced that you've found one who is.
#* You've convinced yourself that you ''are'' the Time Lord.
# You regularly post [[All The Tropes]] URLs on sites like [[Image Boards|4chanReddit]] simply to watch people scream and protest about how they were planning to do something productive for the next four hours.
#* You post All The Tropes links on [[4chan]] and don't mind users telling you to fuck off.
# When someone talks about "the pot holes getting really bad", it takes you several minutes to realize they mean the local roads.
# Non-tropers are gradually losing the ability to comprehend what in the nine hells you're talking about.
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# You can distinguish between a [[Crapsack World]] and a [[World Half Empty]] in the dark at fifty paces.
# When filling in what languages you speak, you always include [[Canis Latinicus]] and [[Angrish]].
# You keepkept an Internet-connected laptop activated while watching ''[[The Colbert Report]]'' just so you cancould edit in trope examples as they happenhappened. You then getgot frustrated when another happenshappened before you've finished writing in the first one.
#* You cried when the show aired its final episode.
# Your [[Porn Stash]] is 50% [[Continuity Porn|continuity notes]] and 50% [[Scenery Porn|landscapes]].
# You've been here for three days.
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#** Ladies and Gentletropers: [ A PhD in Horribleness]
# You laugh at real-life uses of the word "[[Egregious]]".
#* You use "egregious" so [[Hypocritical Humor|egregiously]] that you [[Discredited Trope]] ''yourself!''!
# You have ever said [[My Immortal|"stop it now you horny simpletons"]] as a substitute for "get a room".
# You are wary about taking any job that requires you to wear a [[Red Shirt]].
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#* [[I Call It Vera]].
#* [[I Call Him "Mister Happy"]]. [[Unfortunate Implications|No wait...]]
# You intend to re-watch old movies or movies you never liked just to see your favouritefavorite Tropes in action.
#* You watch them so you can expand or create their work pages on ATT.
# When playing 20 questions with your friends, when they ask you a question you say it is 'averted' or 'subverted' to what you are thinking about.
# You consider opening a business and naming it after a trope (example: opening a bicycle messenger service named "[[MacGuffin Delivery Service]].")
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#** Your computer is less than two years old but it (meaning your OS or browser) starts to SLOW DOWN when you open new trope pages.
#*** Your computer is ''completely new'', yet the OS/browser STILL manages to be tremendously slowed down every time you're on this site.
#**** I've done that without a single tvtropesATT page open
#** You have so many tabs open that not only does your computer need to use the virtual memory file, ''the hard disk runs out of space'' because of said virtual file.
#*** You must be either running chrome or a 64-bit OS and browser (or just not have much space...)
#*** I've had a (32-bit) firefoxFirefox crash because it ran out of address space (ie even if there was free memory/swap firefox can't actually use any more... 32-bit means up to 2-3GB depending on OS and how memory is allocated by the browser)
#* Your computer crashes because you have too many trope pages open. FUCKING COMPUTER!!
# You spend four weeks just trying to think of something to write on this page.
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# When you dream about tropes.
#* When you have nightmares about your examples being removed.
# When your schedule looks something like this: wake up, check All The Tropes, eat breakfast, check tvAll tropesThe Tropes, eat lunch, check All The Tropes, eat dinner, check All The Tropes, sleep.
#* When you forget to eat lunch because you are too busy checking All The Tropes.
#** When you forget to sleep, for the above reason.
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# You're ''disappointed'' that you haven't "scored" as highly on fulfilling all the points of this list.
# [[Unsound Effect|* Trope* * Trope* * Trope* * Trope* * Trope* * Trope* ? * Trooooooooooooooooooooope* !!! * Trope* * ...trope*]] (This is what your world sounds like).
# You ''actually read'' this ''entire'' list.
#* You read it several times.
#* You've read it backwards too.
# Whenever your family [[I Thought It Meant|replaces a]] [[Lampshade Hanging]], you snicker a little.
# In trying to think of [[Inglourious Basterds|the title of a work]], you instead think of [[Magnificent Bastard|a trope name]].
# You've come up with a [[Double Entendre]] for most of the tropes and enjoy using them in real life, among fellow tropers and non-tropers alike. Also, [[BFS]] no longer means what it should when you say it.
# You can name every single faction in ''[[Warhammer 40,000]]'', including all four Chaos Gods and at least three different chapters of [[Space Marines]], despite never having seen the game played in your entire life.
# When writing in a notebook or in Word, you constantly write [[Wiki Words|WordsTogether]] or with <nowiki>{{brackets}}</nowiki> around them, and it takes you a few seconds to realise why it won't link you (or your Professor) to the relevant trope.
# If you're in a [[Girls Love]] relationship, you start to [[Paranoia Fuel|look for signs]] that it's just a [[Romantic Two-Girl Friendship]].
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#* Someone has, and you now consider it a great day.
# When someone orders a [[Ham and Cheese|ham and cheese toastie]], you snigger a little.
# You take a class related to media and more than 50% of your notes [[Tropes Will Enhance Your Life|are filled with Tropes.]]
#* You take ANY class and more than 50% of your notes are filled with tropes.
#* You take a media class and use All The Tropes as your only source (actually, that's probably a good idea).
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# On Halloween, you went as a [[Ninja Pirate Zombie Robot]].
# You actually think that there would be less [[troll]]ing if people would just indicate [[Sincerity Mode]] or [[Sarcasm Mode]].
# [[User:Midnight Man|You trope yourself]].
# You add new trope examples to a work of media just to subvert, invert, avert, play with, or justify them.
# You [[Complaining About Shows You Don't Watch|can't bring yourself to]] [[Hatedom|blindly hate]] things no matter what the premise.
# You read [[Anti-Poopsocking]] and try to create a new trope about urinating in your shoes.
# You try fitting your schedule ''around'' TvtropesAll The Tropes
# You never write for more than twenty minutes without saving.
#* You never do ''anything'' for twenty minutes without saving.
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# You have the irresistible urge to add examples to this page.
#* And if you do, you click "Show Preview" to check if you got the coding right.
# You ''actually read'' this ''entire'' list.
#* You read it several times.
#* You've read it backwards too.
{{color|white| }}
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* Instead of hearing something and thinking that's [[A Good Name for a Rock Band]], you think 'Good title for a trope.'
* Whenever something tropable comes up in conversation, you mentally [[Pothole]] it.
* You annoy everyone in the room by sitting on the couch with your laptop on your lap and reading all the trope examples for a Trope to them.
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** Be either [[Token Good Teammate|the good guy of the team]] or [[Token Evil Teammate|the team psycho]]
** [[Wake Up, Go to School, Save the World]]
* You annoy everyone in the room by sitting on the couch with your laptop on your lap and reading all the trope examples for a Trope to them.