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The [[Little Sister Heroine]] is a trope common in multiple Japanese media that combines the idea that little sisters are cute and that cute things are to be fetishized. It goes like this:
The '''Little Sister Heroine''' is a trope common in multiple Japanese media that combines the idea that little sisters are cute and that cute things are to be fetishized. It goes like this:

Little sisters are cute, right? And cute girls draw in viewers. And cute can be sexy. Take a few more 'logical' steps down the lines, and suddenly little sisters are love interests in anime, video games and visual novels. It is in fact one of ''the'' most popular heroines or love interests in [[Visual Novels]], branching out from there into anime, perhaps surpassed only by the ever-present ''[[Tsundere]]'' and childhood friend. Like [[Childhood Friend Romance]], it is extremely prone to [[Lampshade Hanging|lampshade hangings]].
Little sisters are cute, right? And cute girls draw in viewers. And cute can be sexy. Take a few more 'logical' steps down the lines, and suddenly little sisters are love interests in anime, video games and visual novels. It is in fact one of ''the'' most popular heroines or love interests in [[Visual Novels]], branching out from there into anime, perhaps surpassed only by the ever-present ''[[Tsundere]]'' and childhood friend. Like [[Childhood Friend Romance]], it is extremely prone to [[Lampshade Hanging|lampshade hangings]].

As a [[Love Interest]] trope based on the little sister/older brother dynamic, the story will usually dwell on the romantic tension a fair amount, though as always the brother may be completely oblivious. Despite the name, [[Little Sister Heroine]] attempts to mitigate the obvious incestuous fallout; [[Not Blood Siblings|They’re usually either a step sister, adopted]] or, somewhat more rarely, [[Incest Is Relative|a cousin or other more distant relation]]. In almost all cases, the younger sister is going to be either some degree of tsundere, childish and clingy or simply highly devoted to their older brother. Finally, the relationship between the two will likely be noticed or exaggerated by the rest of the cast. If you don't notice at least several of these general characteristics, it's probably not this trope.
As a [[Love Interest]] trope based on the little sister/older brother dynamic, the story will usually dwell on the romantic tension a fair amount, though as always the brother may be completely oblivious. Despite the name, '''Little Sister Heroine''' attempts to mitigate the obvious incestuous fallout; [[Not Blood Siblings|They’re usually either a step sister, adopted]] or, somewhat more rarely, [[Incest Is Relative|a cousin or other more distant relation]]. In almost all cases, the younger sister is going to be either some degree of tsundere, childish and clingy or simply highly devoted to their older brother. Finally, the relationship between the two will likely be noticed or exaggerated by the rest of the cast. If you don't notice at least several of these general characteristics, it's probably not this trope.

It rarely works like this in real life. Those who have younger sisters themselves and hear about this trope often claim that they're more frequently annoying than cute, making this trope more wish fulfillment than anything like an accurate portrayal of sibling dynamics. Thanks to the [[wikipedia:Westermarck effect|Westermarck effect]] it is far more likely that the idea of any kind of romance with your sister will be either laughable or even outright disgusting.
It rarely works like this in real life. Those who have younger sisters themselves and hear about this trope often claim that they're more frequently annoying than cute, making this trope more wish fulfillment than anything like an accurate portrayal of sibling dynamics. Thanks to the [[wikipedia:Westermarck effect|Westermarck effect]] it is far more likely that the idea of any kind of romance with your sister will be either laughable or even outright disgusting.