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* ''[[Leave It to Beaver]]'' had a rabbit which the boys assumed was male, but June was able to tell at first glance that it was a pregnant female.
* I know this happened in ''[[Takin Over the Asylum]]'', a [[The BBC|BBC Scotland]] six-episode drama. I can't remember the details exactly, but one of the characters, a mental patient named Francine, vehemently believed the hospital cat was just a fat male until "he" had kittens. (This realization leads to Francine's breakdown, but that's another story).
* Data's pet cat, Spot, on ''[[Star Trek: The Next Generation]]'' initially was a male cat (and one of a different breed) but was [[Retcon|retconnedretcon]]ned to be female when the plot demanded a pregnancy. One [[Fan Wank|theory]] is that the original Spot died and Data got a female cat that he gave the same name, which wouldn't be out of character.
* On ''[[Sesame Street]]'', after Telly's pet hamster, Chuckie, had babies, Telly renamed the hamster Chuckie Sue.
* One ''[[Full House]]'' episode had the guys get Michelle a new fish, Freddy, after Martin, the first fish, dies after when Michelle gives him a bubble bath. The episode ended with Michelle freaking out after finding a dozen or so black specks in the tank that she didn't put there. When the adults have a look, they realize that they were baby fish. As Jesse remarks afterward, "'Freddy' was a 'Frieda.'"
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** There are now at least two coffee houses and a women's rock band called Uncle Elizabeth.
* This trope is referenced in "Mister" Mistoffeles' song in the musical ''[[Cats]]''.
* In H.H. Munro ("[[Saki (author)|Saki]]")'s play, ''The Watched Pot'', Hortensia, Lady Bavvel, continually rebukes her servant for referring to her parrot, Adolphus, as "she" -- until—until Adolphus lays an egg.
== Video Games ==
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* The Diary of Anne Frank. Anne was convinced that Peter's cat was female, until Peter flipped the cat over onto his back and proceeded to show Anne the "male organs". Anne's commentary afterward was quite amusing.
* Zookeepers do their best to avoid this trope with captive-bred bird hatchlings or other animals in which gender is not externally apparent. Names aren't assigned to such juveniles until blood tests or the emergence of sex-based traits in adulthood eliminates any doubt.
* The genus name for the beaver is Castor, as it is not possible to tell males from females without... um... ''very'' close inspection; thus, the main reason beavers do not normally fall foul of this trope is that few people keep them as pets -- howeverpets—however, the capacity for tragicomedy exists.
* A pet actually named George was discovered to be female more than 20 years after receiving the name. In this case, the pet was a turtle, so it really did take a vet to deliver the news. George remained "George."
* It takes a bit of practice, but it is possible to sex (tell the gender of) a cat by face alone. Mature toms typically have prominent jowls while queens have more pointed faces or at least less prominent jowls.