Yu-Gi-Oh!: The Abridged Series/WMG: Difference between revisions

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* Wasn't that confirmed? Aside from [[Word of God]] IIRC, he had that phone call where Croquet is refusing to get back together with his ex?
* It could be that he turned straight and was no longer interested in his ex.
** Sexuality, though at times incredibly fluid, does not work that way. Well, if LK wanted it to, it could in the abridged universe, but it doesn't in [[Real Life]].
== Kemo and [[Final Fantasy X|Wakka]] are related ==
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* Kemo (ATTENTION DUELISTS guy) tells Tristan "My hair is your father". Given that their hair is very similar (one points up, the other points forward), this is at least somewhat plausible. Which leads me to my next WMG...
== Kemo's hair is a parasitic alien creature ==
* It lives in his brain, as a [[Animorphs|Yeerk]] does, and has control over the host, but does so indirectly: It tells Kemo to do something, and he performs the requested action while informing everyone in the vicinity of what his hair is telling him to do (Abduct a small child, defy gravity, cry...).
** And in regard to the previous WMG, the hair reproduced, infecting Tristan. Why he refers to the commanding entity as his voice rather than his hair may be explained by his Ditz status.
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== 4kids' plan will fail ==
Why? Because there is [[No Fourth Wall]] to break. I mean that is their whole evil plan, right?
** Or alternately, near the end of their adventure on defeating the others, they than discovered they caused the third season to happened by trying to defeat the others, [[Logic Bomb|causing their heads]] [[Your Head Asplode|to go boom]] [[Cloudcuckoolander|bleeding out unicorns, rainbows, lollipops, Hulk Hogan, Bearded Idiot, and Crazy Steve!]]
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* And they're owned by [[Doctor Who|the Weeping Angels.]]
* Impossible. Jounnochi told Yugi that their friendship is invisible, yet they have shared on screen portions where they're friends. So their invisible friendship works even when you're looking at it.
** That wasn't in the abridged series, and even if it was, as Tea would (Most likely) say, "The power of friendship is strong enough to overcome the 'Invisible Objects' rule!"
*** "Now that I have said it, it must be canon!"
== Yami Bakura is the real hero of the show and Marik is his [[Love Interest]]. ==
It's Bakura who tried to stop Melvin from breaking the fourth wall while Yugi was partying. Also, since Melvin became the villain, Marik hasn't done anything besides having truckloads of UST with Bakura. They're pretty much an [[Official Couple]] now.
* Don't forget Yugi had a feeling that he was needed for something important, it was Tea that kept him from finding out what it was.
* Nah, Marik is Yami Bakura's Hate Interest.
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** More recent non-episodic videos seem to be turning him into a Depraved Bisexual
* '''Tea''': Straight, and very horny.
* '''Joey''': Straight.
** What, really? After his wet dreams about Kaiba, and his romantic scene with Yugi?
** Oh please,everyone's had a sex dreams with Kaiba.
** True, but he definitely likes Mai's breasts, so he's probably a bisexual furry.
** There's also some definite [[Ho Yay]] between him and Tristan, so I'd be inclined to say bi.
** I guess after episode 50, his bisexuality is canonically confirmed.
* '''Tristan''': Probably straight, at least for Serenity, but there ''is'' that obvious [[Ho Yay]] with Duke Devlin (and earlier, Joey).
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* '''Serenity''': Straight.
* '''Mako''': Hydrosexual.
* '''Mokuba''': He probably hasn't figured it out himself yet, since he's only recently gone through Japanese Puberty.
** He is barely into his teens, I really don't think its even crossed his mind.
* '''Pegasus''': This is where it gets difficult. Um... straight? Gay? [[StraightInvisible to GayGaydar]]? [[Camp Straight]]? Bi? [[Camp Straight]] is probably the best bet.
** Most likely bi as he does show interest on Kaiba. But then again, he might just be faking it for no <s>conceivable reason</s> because he's Pegasus.
*** Word of God said he's straight, and he was coming on to Kaiba just to creep him out. Mainly because its funny. I personally agree with him there. As for dreaming about [[Priscilla Queen of the Desert]], hey, lots of straight men like that movie - its funny.
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*** Marik, is that you?
*** Melvin seems ambiguous, since he has only tried to hug males, but does seem pretty confident calling Marik gay.
* '''Ishizu''': Hard to tell. Bakura's gaydar ''was'' leading him in her direction until its batteries ran out... See the above WMG for an interesting theory.
* '''Duke Devlin''': Anything that moves.
** It doesn't even have to move...
* '''Kemo's Hair''': Straight, and vigorously gelled.
** Yeah, it was able to reproduce to create Tristan, so...
** Since it's an alien parasite (see entry above somewhere) It might reproduce itself asexually, like a starfish
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** I don't know, [http://www.animecubed.com/yugioh/cards1/SYE-024-1.jpg from the side BLS is built rather like Mai, unless those are truly absurd pecs].
*** Black Buster Soldier [[Samus Is a Girl|is female.]]
** I say he's Bi because he goes between Black Luster Soldier and then talking about Tea's Boobs. Or Gazongas. Or titties.
== "Tell my fangirls I love them" at the end of episode 46 is more than just a funny line. ==
Look at Florence's smirk when he says that. He ''clearly'' has some ace up his sleeve. Most likely {{spoiler|the fangirls will be the one reason that Yugioh Abridged can't be canceled outright, for fear of backlash. That's why 4kids needs to finish off all the characters, so that they can have an excuse for canceling the show in that all the actors are dead.}}
* This makes sense, especially considering the recent videos featuring Florence and Marik. Perhaps {{spoiler|their souls are in purgatory}}, and they're spending their time there making videos that show them acting very gay and Bishie, as part of a [[Batman Gambit]] to {{spoiler|attract enough fangirls to start [[Sending Stuff to Save the Show]] to get Y:TAS [[Uncanceled]]}}.
** Seems pretty much true, as we know that both of them come back eventually in the series proper. Hell, to this troper, that was the whole point of both the duet and the deleted scene (of them professing their "hate" for each other); a last-minute attempt at more [[Ho Yay]] fanservice to save them.
== The recent music videos and random stuff LK's been doing lately is stealth cannon, as filler! ==
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He certainly seems to have no problem with making jokes about EVERY SHIPPING EVER, although some ships are mentioned more than others... such as the running "creepy sex dreams gag" from Season One (apparently Joey is very territorial about the subject of his creepy sex dreams), with the theme repeated in Season Two where Joey apparently gets rather pissed off about even the ''suggestion'' of Mai sleeping with Kaiba.
* that wasn't Mai he got angry at, he was angry at Yugi during Yugi's existential crisis.
Also, for some other pairings: "Bye, darling!" from Joey to Tristan in the Virtual World episode in Season One, the incredible UST from Marik and Yami Bakura in Season 2, anything even remotely involving Duke Devlin (Duke can't be shipped, he is dependent on contact with women, but apparently has experimented and there is no clear indication of his sexuality, and Joey's obsession with Mai's boobs.
== Guesses about the Doma Arc ==
* Doma company will be the metaphor about the [[Screwed by the Network|network]] or conspirators to bring back 4Kids, or happen to be a neo-4Kids group.
* They use the Seal of Orichalcos to replace the main characters and employees that fail are "fired" immediately. Commentary on why they wager souls in a children's card game. Again.
* Valon probably says something like "Screw the rules I have fists!" in his battles. Joey will enjoy his battle with Valon because they decide to just punch each other.
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** How would that be any different to the actual fight in the main show?
* Valon and Joey's fight will be decided by who has the silliest and most inappropriate accent.
* Great Leviathan is the reincarnation of 4Kids chairman Alfred R. Kahn.
* Dartz is a fanatic, or [[Moral Guardians|someone who supports the 4Kids censoring]] so his child could watch the show, [[The Dark Side Will Make You Forget|but...]].
* Yami plays Seal of Orichalcos to prove he can be a better villain and more successful because he is main character (and prove that Yu-Gi-Oh villains can be straight?). His lesson is that [[Pride Before a Fall|main characters can actually lose]]. Everybody's reactions should be interesting.
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** The characters are really gonna try and use that? Looking like they do?
* Legend of Heart will not transform the Legendary Dragons into knights. Instead, it will summon a far more powerful forrce than they - Ma-Ti.
** Or more likely, [[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic|Fluttershy]].
** {{spoiler|And Dartz will summon [[Oh Crap|Mal]][[Complete Monster|a]][[Suburban Knights|chite.]] }}
* Rebecca will have aged 8 years while none of the main characters have aged at all (due to the evil influence of her Teddy), which explains why her voice has changed (so [[Little Kuriboh]] can now do the voice) and why she keeps trying to shuffle Yugi's deck.
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== Bakura will break up with Marik after his [[Heel Face Turn]]. ==
And that's why he's together with Zorc in season 5.
* Alternatively, his evil plot for season 5 will be to get 'Zorc and Pals' a second season.
== Yami Bakura and Melvin are brothers. ==
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== The Season 3 finale battle between Melvin and Yami ==
It will involve Melvin trying to destroy the abridged series with a Shadow Game. While in the canon it causes the victim's bodies to dissolve, in this battle it causes the victim's abridged personalities to dissolve-when Yami loses lifepoints, he becomes less of a Jerkass, and more like he is [[The Power of Friendship|in the 4Kids dub.]] This is Melvin's ultimate back-up plan: once winning the children's card game, he will take Yami and the God Card's powers and "take the abridged out of Yu-Gi-Oh Abridged Series!" This means that the abridged series will be reduced to the dub, effectively destroying it. And everyone, [[Even Evil Has Standards|even Kaiba]] will believe such destruction of their personalities would be crossing the [[Moral Event Horizon]]. Melvin will show that he remains a [[Complete Monster]] in any continuity by laughing and mocking that they're reduced to their censored dub counterparts.
* This needs to happen.
== Future gags, themes and plot twists ==
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== Marik is the true [[Big Bad]] ==
His childishness and naivete are just an elaborate ruse to gain him more fangirls. He'll bide his time, and then, when Season 5 begins, he'll rally his fangirl army, taking Bakura's place as the Big Bad. Melvin was intentionally created by him in order to make him appear more innocent and shift the blame to someone else while he waits in the shadows.
And all of that UST with Yami Bakura? He was just playing to the audience, in a (very successful) attempt to get the [[Yaoi Fangirl|yaoi fangirls]] on his side.
* [[Draco in Leather Pants|That puts his "Leather Pants" song in a new perspective.]] He needs the power of the pants, because [[Complete Monster|his true nature]] won't be glossed over. Even if he [[Evil Is Sexy|is the hottest monster there is.]] The [[Ho Yay]], however, is not a lie.
** Or, Marik actually is completely straight, but does a poor job convincing everyone because he knows that if people think he is straight, he won't get any [[Yaoi Fangirl|fangirls]]. This also explains why Pegasus couldn't have any people thinking he's straight: he also wants to use the fangirl army for his own ends. Yami Bakura does too, though he doesn't have to worry since he's already gay.
== The Abridged Series is a [[Show Within a Show]]. ==
Namely it takes place in the 4Kids dub of the [[Yu-Gi-Oh!]] show. Its an [[Affectionate Parody]] style biography by Yugi, who wrote it for lulz.
* If that's true, he has a pretty low opinion of all his friends and once intimidating enemies. And the girl he's in love with.
== Tea will take control of Tristan's body ==