Zatch Bell!/Characters: Difference between revisions

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* [[Beware the Nice Ones]]: Particularly invoked in his fights with Bago and Goomu.
* [[Beware the Silly Ones]]
* [[Big Brother Instinct]]: With Rusca, a little girl who he befriended while he got strayed in a rural village in Spain.
* [[Cowardly Lion]]: At least once he begins to get some stronger spells...
* [[Delicious Distraction]]: Candies, which actually led him to nothing but trouble.
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* [[Richard Steven Horvitz]]: His voice actor in the English dub.
* [[Sweet Tooth]]
* [[Took a Level Inin Badass]]
* [[What Kind of Lame Power Is Heart, Anyway?]]: Compared to Zatch's electrical powers, Tia's shielding and healing abilities, and Ponygon's super-speed armor, transforming into something without any boost to strength seems a bit lame.
** [[Heart Is an Awesome Power]]: Of course, once you figure out how to use these powers ''correctly'', they're useful. Kanchome's illusions are vital to a number of victories, and once he develops stronger techniques, is arguably the strongest demon in the series.
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* [[My Name Is Not Durwood|My Name is Not Umagon/Ponygon]]
* [[Playing with Fire]]: While the third spell is activated.
* [[Took a Level Inin Badass]]: His book owner was late to the party, but once he showed up...
* [[The Unintelligible]]: To everyone but Sunbeam and fellow horse Karudio, though Sunbeam still can't understand his name and Karudio never tells anyone because he's sort of a dick like that.
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* [[Badass]]
* [[Big Eater]]: He is seen eating a whole crocodile. Raw.
* [[Dark Is Not Evil]]
** [[Casting a Shadow]]: His powers actually manifest as gravity manipulation.
* [[Gravity Master]]
* [[Jerkass]]
** [[Jerk with a Heart of Gold]] after some [[Character Development]], but by the end of the series the jerk part has mostly faded.
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* [[Lady of War]]
* [[Name's the Same]] (Has the same surname, but no relationship to the vampire-hunting Belmont clan from [[Castlevania]])
** Are we ''sure?'' 'Cause the [[Whip It Good|whip]] would suggest otherwise.
* [[Princess Curls]]
* [[Rich Bitch]]: Sort of; she's not a snob, but she is kind of bitchy. [[Freudian Excuse|And can you blame her?]]
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* {{spoiler|[[Heroic Sacrifice]]}}
* [[Smoking Is Cool]]: Gustav.
* [[Stealth Mentor]]: Gustav pretty much manipulated the entirety of the fight between Bari and Gash to teach Bari that he needs to be motivated.
* [[This Is a Drill]]: Generally, his spells revolve around twisters, but a couple of his spells concentrate them into drills on his arms.
* [[Took a Level Inin Badass]]: Yes, even further.
* [[Training Fromfrom Hell]]: What do you do when you want to get stronger? Well, if you're Bari {{spoiler|''you go challenge a freaking dragon, that's what you do.'' He fought Ashuron's brother one-on-one and won.}}
== Kolulu ==
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== Earth & Elly ==
* [[BFSBlade of Fearsome Size]]:
* [[Iaijutsu Practitioner]]: The ''Jerudo Ma Sorudo'' spell is a powerful Iai attack that can be held back and released instantly when the enemy gets within range.
* [[Knight Templar]]: Eventually mellowing
* [[Littlest Cancer Patient]]: Elly
* {{spoiler|[[Storm of Blades]]}}: In the manga, the {{spoiler|''Varusere Ozu Māru Sorudon''}} spell.
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* [[Ordinary High School Student]]
* [[Plucky Comic Relief]]
* [[Plucky Girl]]: She's as feisty and tenacious as she is ditzy.
* [[Static Character]]: We wouldn't love her any other way.
* [[Unknown Rival]]: To Shion Hibiki and Megumi.
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* [[Expy]]: His look, voice, personality, and even his attacks are very reminiscent of [[Dragon Ball|Freeza.]]
* [[Faux Affably Evil]]
* [[Inferiority Superiority Complex]]: There are hints that he felt inferior back in the mamodo world, but as the [[Big Bad]], he styles himself like the king he intends to be.
* [[Knight of Cerebus]]
* [[Manipulative Bastard]]
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* [[Stuff Blowing Up]]: His attack power.
* [[Teens Are Monsters]]: Preteens in his case.
* [[Villainous Breakdown]]: After Brago threatens him. Actually, he started to break down in episode 86 and it just kept on going. Brago's threats are the final straw, and he's reduced to a sobbing wreck.
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* [[Evil Twin]]: Of Zatch, natch. {{spoiler|Literally.}}
* [[Flanderization]]: His anime counterpart. In the manga, Zeon does start out rather dickish but as the battle goes on we start to see he does have a noble side and that his actions were purely driven by jealously {{spoiler|which he eventually overcomes once he sees Zatch's past}}. In the anime, no such development exists, he's evil through and through and has nothing but contempt for Zatch to the bitter end, even when he's beaten. This was because the author had broken his hand as he was in the midst of the story arc and the anime rapidly caught up before he could do the battle between Zatch and Zeno. So the animation staff just had to go with anything and just ran with what they had.
* [[Freudian Excuse]]: His grudge against Zatch? {{spoiler|He believed that, since Zatch got the incredible power of Bao, and he himself had to go through [[Training Fromfrom Hell]], that his parents favored Zatch. Once he sees Zatch's memories for himself, he has a moment of [[Heel Realization]] and repents.}}
* [[The Heavy]]
* {{spoiler|[[Heel Face Turn]]}}
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* [[Anti-Magic]]: The ''Supurifo'' spell family.
* [[BFG]]: The ''Zarefedōra'' spell creates a gigantic artillery cannon which ''doubles as a projectile''.
* [[Big Bad]]: Of the last arc.
* [[BFGBig Freaking Gun]]: The ''Zarefedōra'' spell creates a gigantic artillery cannon which ''doubles as a projectile''.
* [[Bishonen Line]]: Played straight with first, then averted with his [[One-Winged Angel]] form.
* [[Complete Monster]]: Almost up there with ''Zofis'' in terms of wickedness and brutality.
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* [[Making a Splash]]
* [[Our Dragons Are Different]]: So Giaku, the dragon of water and {{spoiler|Shin So Giaku}}.
* [[Pet the Dog]]: Though she was ''totally'' selfish and committed illegal acts in order to do this, her helping provide for Uri's family ''was'' pretty nice of her.
* [[Tsundere]]: Towards Byonko.
* [[Yandere]] - Towards Gash. ''Hoo boy.'' Finally stops being one with her [[Heel Face Turn]], though.
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Rodeaux is a powerful winged demon that allies with Riou to wake up Faudo.
* [[Emotionless Girl]]: Chita. {{spoiler|until Rodeaux tells her to stand up for her true feelings before he vanishes.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Pet the Dog]]:}} {{spoiler|The speech that Rodeaux gives to Chita before Zeon burns his book, telling her to find her own willpower.}}
* [[Winged Humanoid]]: Rodeaux.
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== Keith ==
One of the demon kids who team up with Riou to wake up Faudo, Keith's reason for doing so is mainly to take Faudo's power for himself. He holds a personal rivalrly with Bari.
* [[Cloudcuckoolander]]
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* [[Brick Joke]]: Remember that stone Kiyo found and did all those weird things to...? ''He remembers it all.''
* [[Star Power]]
* [[Redemption Equals Death|Redemption Equals Book Burning]]: After he loses and decides to fight with Zatch, Zophis appears and burns his book.
== Demolt ==
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Zatch's number one nemesis who bullies him throughout the story and is the only one that he can't defeat.
* [[The Bully]]
* [[Gonk]]: Could easily be mistaken for a demon herself.
* [[Jerkass]]: Though [[Jerk with a Heart of Gold|she has been shown to have a]] [[Hidden Heart of Gold]].
* [[Kuudere]] / [[Tsundere]]
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The math teaher's wife.
* [[Gag Boobs]]
* [[Gonk]]: Her face and limbs makes her look nothing like any normal human in the show.
== Ms.Wriggle/Monmon-sensei ==
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