A Certain Scientific Railgun: Difference between revisions

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* [[Retcon]]: The events of the Level Upper arc in the anime took place two weeks before the 1st Index novel which the latest manga chapters confirms it.
** In the 12th novel of Index Mikoto greets Uiharu with "You are Uiharu Kazari, right?" as if they had only met once or twice before. Odd considering that they spent the whole summer solving cases together. This was of course before the Railgun manga (and their adventures together) was published. In an omake in the 4th Volume of Railgun this is explained as Mikoto just having forgotten Uiharu's first name. The omake is even called "Matching consistency"
* [[The Reveal]]:
** [[TheWe Reveal]]:finally learn {{spoiler|We finally learn what Uiharu's power is in episode 22 and it's...."''temperature regulation of objects she touches''". [[Flat What|Wait...What?]] [[What Kind of Lame Power Is Heart, Anyway?|What kind of power is that?]]}}
*** {{spoiler|Consider Uiharu is only Level 1. Now, consider the deeper physical implications of keeping an object's temperature "at will". Put in other words, this is "negation of entropy". This might be what allows her to keep the flowerbed on her head always fresh, and if she had as much creative spirit as Mikoto with electricity, [[Playing with Fire|think of]] [[An Ice Person|the possibilities]].}}
** * {{spoiler|Of course, that's only looking at the most obvious uses. Picture sending her to the sun(which she can do, because temperature control, remember?) and then she takes a plastic ball out, and fills it up with sun(which she can do because she controls temperature, remember?) and then return her to earth. Suddenly she has a 10 million degree bomb sitting in her pocket. Kill her, the power stops, the bomb goes off. Hmm.}}
** There's also the Queen of Tokiwadai's name and face, finally revealed after being in hiding for 20+ volumes in the novels.
** The United States is fully aware of Academy City's true technological prowess, including the fact that it has a military.
* [[Revision]]: More details are given about certain people in the novels without changing the plot much like {{spoiler|how did Last Order gain human emotions, what lead to Amai bankruptcy in the first place, the rivalry between Mugino and Mikoto, where Amata's behavior came from and the original creator of Capacity Down}}.
* [[Running Gag]]: Several including:
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* [[School Festival]]: Episode 19.
* [[Schoolgirl Lesbians]]: Kuroko, who gets concerned at how much [[Foe Yay|fun]] [[Tsundere|Mikoto]] seems to be having in her [[Unknown Rival|rivalry]] with Touma. [[Clingy Jealous Girl]], too.
* [[Schrödinger's Cat|Schrodingers Cat]]: Used to explain why Espers are able to use their abilities.
** [[Your Mind Makes It Real]]: Or a variation of it.
** [[Reality Warper]]
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* [[Tele Frag]]: Kuroko's teleportation ability displaces anything in the target area, so she can use it to stick metal needles directly into a person's body...or use plate glass windows to topple a building by slicing all the support beams.
* [[Teleporters and Transporters]]: Kuroko can teleport herself or anything she comes in contact with as long as it weighs 137kg. The higher concentration required relative to other types of powers prevents her from using it if she can't stay focused.
* [[The Reveal]]: {{spoiler|We finally learn what Uiharu's power is in episode 22 and it's...."''temperature regulation of objects she touches''". [[Flat What|Wait...What?]] [[What Kind of Lame Power Is Heart, Anyway?|What kind of power is that?]]}}
** {{spoiler|Consider Uiharu is only Level 1. Now, consider the deeper physical implications of keeping an object's temperature "at will". Put in other words, this is "negation of entropy". This might be what allows her to keep the flowerbed on her head always fresh, and if she had as much creative spirit as Mikoto with electricity, [[Playing with Fire|think of]] [[An Ice Person|the possibilities]].}}
** {{spoiler|Of course, that's only looking at the most obvious uses. Picture sending her to the sun(which she can do, because temperature control, remember?) and then she takes a plastic ball out, and fills it up with sun(which she can do because she controls temperature, remember?) and then return her to earth. Suddenly she has a 10 million degree bomb sitting in her pocket. Kill her, the power stops, the bomb goes off. Hmm.}}
** There's also the Queen of Tokiwadai's name and face, finally revealed after being in hiding for 20+ volumes in the novels.
** The United States is fully aware of Academy City's true technological prowess, including the fact that it has a military.
* [[Theme Music Power-Up]]: During the final part of the fight with the {{spoiler|AIM Burst}}.
** Happens twice in Episode 24, when {{spoiler|Mikoto takes down Telestina's [[Humongous Mecha]] with a ''huge'' Railgun attack and then when she defeats Telestina herself after Saten destroys [[Power Nullifier|Capacity Down]]}}.
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'''Harumi:''' You know, when a girl behaves all cold towards the guy she likes. It was popular a while back... Tsun... Tsun... Tsundara? No... Tsunjire?
'''Mikoto:''' '''''[[Shock and Awe|Not a chance!]]''''' }}
== U-Z ==
* [[Unknown Rival]]: Misaka to Touma, as she thinks his [[Anti-Magic|Imagine Breaker]] is the sign of immense power. It isn't helped by the fact that his nonchalant attitude towards her and her power hurts her pride.