A Hell of a Time: Difference between revisions

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{{quote|Welcome to Hell, enjoy the buffet!|[[Voltaire (musician)|Voltaire]] Death, Death, Devil, Devil, Devil, Devil, Evil, Evil, Evil, Evil Song}}
The [[Anti-Hero]] (Or the Villain) has finally perished and gone to the afterlife. Of course, his [[Kick the Dog|track record]] denies him entry to [[Fluffy Cloud Heaven|Heaven]], so he finds himself tumbling to that [[Hell|Other Place]]. But the strange thing is, it doesn't seem to be that horrible. Sure, there's fire everywhere, the paintwork's flaking, and the occasional moans of the damned ruin the ambienceambiance a tad, but overall, it's a place you could get used to.
Often combined with the [[Ironic Hell]] (if a particularly [[Jerkass]] character dies, then Hell for them may well involve being showered with love and [[Tastes Like Diabetes|pretty pink ponies]]), or Lord [[Satan]] [[Pity the Kidnapper|just not wanting the badass hero]] to screw things up for them. Sometimes, it can be that Hell is only a nice place to the evil - the merely "not quite good" still suffer for all eternity. Of course, if [[Satan Is Good]], all bets are off - [[Hell]] may even be a ''nicer'' place than Heaven.
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* ''[[Magical Pokaan]]'' has Yuuma going to Hell after being involved in a romance with a ghost. However, after finding out she'll be doing stuff like stacking stones for eternity, she thinks she might as well get used to it and enjoy herself. As a result, she gets [[Pity the Kidnapper|kicked from Hell]] into Heaven. She finds Heaven boring, though, so she's sent back to Japan.
* ''[[Rurouni Kenshin]]'': No madman in his right mind is going to mistake {{spoiler|where Shishio ended up}} for a holiday resort but he doesn't seem to mind terribly. In fact, if his words are anything to go by, he plans to have the trope name by overthrowing ''the Devil''...
** Hell in Kenshin also seems to lack any sort of torments, demons, or much of anything; it's just a big mountain of skulls and bones, with Satan/Enma's castle off in the distance. {{spoiler|Shishio and his lackies}} seem to be free to do as they please. Also, it seems to be a located inside a pocketwatch.pocket watch...
* Hell in [[Dragonball Z]] is... Different. Namely, it's guarded by ogres instead of demons, and everyone's soul (that isn't special - i.e. plot -relevant) is just a little fluff cloud, but it's mostly a pretty decent place and you see things like a couple of souls having a romantic boat ride (in Blood Lake), a group of souls organizing a field trip (up Spikey Mountain) and just generally a kind of do-as-you-please attitude. Souls who truly repent can be reincarnated, possibly suggesting that the nicer parts are there to encourage rehabilitation. Well except that one time Janenba broke reality...
== Comedy ==
* A Russian (Soviet Union era) joke goes something along the lines of: A Russian and an American are sentenced to Hell. The Devil summons them and says: "Guys, you have 2 options: an American or Russian hell. In the American one, you can do what you want, but you'll have to eat a bucket of shit every morning. The Russian one is the same, but it's 2 buckets." The Yankee quickly makes up his mind and goes to American Hell, while the Russian eventually chooses the Russian one. In a week or so they meet. The Russian asks: "So, what's it like out there?"/ "Exactly what the devil said, the Hell itself is OK, but eating a bucket of shit is killing me. And you?" / "Ah, it feels like home - either the shit was not delivered or there aren't enough buckets for everyone!"
** There's a similar Brazilian joke, except change any Russian with Brazilian and it's a shallow plate in the American and a bucket for the Brazilian, also, the Brazilian chooses his hell right away. When they meet a week after and the American asks, the Brazilian answers: "It's a great place. The demons are always lazing off the torture, the bureaucrats make it impossible for the buckets to be delivered, other sections of hell just ignore it exists so the administration just dondoesn't care and the damned party all the time."
*** The exact same joke is heard in Italy, too - and with reason.
* There is a ''Daily Breeze'' review of the [[Sex Pistols]]' 1997 "Filthy Lucre" tour stop in Los Angeles, written in the voice of Sid Vicious. Vicious mentions how he's glad to be in Hell, where they get all the good music.
** Comedian Bill Hicks made a similar joke in which he said that if rock music came from the Devil, at least we'd have great music to listen to for all eternity, as opposed to lame Christian rock music.
* A man goes to Hell and finds it to be an immense night-club where everybody havehas a great time for all eternity. While exploring around he stumbles upon an inconspicuous door with the more "conventional" hellscape behind it: fire, brimstone, and horrible tortures. He asks a passing-by demon about it. The demon says: "Oh, it's for the religious folk - they prefer it that way for some reason."
* A man goes to Heaven and finds it nice but not exactly amusing. So he enquires for a trip to Hell and sees a place of neverending free-and-easy pleasures. So he volunteers to move to Hell for good and is thrown into a pit of boiling tar. "What the fuck! Last time it was all different!!" - screams the man. "Last time you were a tourist, and now you're an immigrant," - responds the demon.
** There are countless variations of the punchline: "Last time we were recruiting you, now you are staff."; "What you first saw was the demo, this is the actual product", etc.
* A man goes to heaven where his every wish is fulfilled. He gets everything he ever wanted, wins at all games, and everyone likes him. After a few months, he starts to get completely bored and in his despair he finally asks an angel if he couldn't take a look at hell, just for one day. To which the angels replies "Where do you think you are?"
** This is exactly what happens in the ''[[Twilight Zone]]'' example below.
* A virtuous man dies of old age after a life of avoiding the temptations of the flesh. The angel of death takes him and says "For your life of virtue, you will now get to spend eternity in Heaven. Before we go there, though, here's a peek at the other option:". Both go to Hell, and find out that it's a huge, never ending party with music, drugs, sex, whatever. After spending a few minutes there they leave for Heaven, only to find out that it's a bleak, white plane devoid of life. The man, angry, asks the angel why. "Well, what did you expect? We're not going to invite a DJ to play for three guys."
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* In ''[[Overlord]]: Raising Hell'', the Heaven's Peak Abyss is this for the women, as part of its being an [[Ironic Hell]] for Sir William and the men. As well, although the Mellow Hills Abyss is ''intended'' to be torture for the human peasants, since it's only an [[Ironic Hell]] for Melvin and his Halfings some of them see being chained to a wall forever in a [[Fire and Brimstone Hell]] as an improvement over toiling as your slaves for the rest of their lives—as one puts it, "In the warm, a bit of a stretch, giant exploding halfling to watch. What more could a man want?"
* [[Parappa the Rapper|UmJammer Lammy]]'s penultimate level takes place in a hell where there are frequent rock concerts. In the North American release, this was changed to an island, but that doesn't really explain the frequent electrocution of the audience.
* ''[[Guitar Hero]] 3'''s final stage has you {{spoiler|learning that your manager Lou is actually the devil in disguise, after you try to get out of your contract.}} He drags you to hell... Where you rock out a ridiculous concert with [[Sexy Devil|demon dancing girls]] on stage and in cages. You're doing so well he thinks you'll be able to get out of his arrangement, so he challenges you. [[Crowning Music of Awesome|To a heavy-metal version of Devil Went Down To Georgia]]. And it, is, ''awesome''.
* The interior decor of the ''Afterlife'' in ''[[Mass Effect 2]]'' invokes this, being based entirely on flames and steel while being simultaneously the [[Coolest Club Ever]].
* In the True Cheater Ending of ''[[Catherine]]'', {{spoiler|Hell turns out to be a pretty nice place for Vincent. He gets a replica of his old apartment in Hell and has a beautiful wife. Several weeks there, and he becomes a powerful incubus with an entire harem of succubi enamored with his power, including his wife Catherine. He also uses his demonic father-in-law as a throne.}}
* At the end of ''Daria's Inferno'', Daria declares {{spolier| there's no place Lawndale, except for hell as it comes close.}}
== Web Comics ==
* In ''Happy But Dead'', Colin, Gear, and Tito all die, and Colin and Gear go to Hell (Tito goes to Heaven because "[[Dumb Is Good]]"). However, Gear and Colin soon discover that Hell isn't so bad. It's actually just like their home on Earth, except they now have healthcare and there are free hotubshot tubs (technically lava pits) everywhere.
* In ''[[Achewood]]'', everyone drives a 1982 Subaru Brat, there's a KFC, a Best Western where Robert Johnson performs (and the wallpaper mocks you), and a Friendly's that contains [[Inn Between the Worlds|the secret to escaping]]. If you try calling your still-living loved ones on a payphone, your side of the conversation is secretly replaced with a random telemarketer's pitch. The [[Alt Text]] sums it up nicely: "Hell is kind of a weird place".
* The MMORPG ''[[Kingdom of Loathing]]'' has what is, given the humor, probably a [[Shout-Out]] in the form of Hey Deze (There is a typical "arcane" gate which is its own area, and a "Waffle Haus" which leads [[Self-Imposed Challenge|Bad Moon]] adventurers there.)
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** This was lampshaded in the show itself. When Saddam Hussein proves to be too much of a hassle for Satan himself, what does he do? [[Cool and Unusual Punishment|Gets God to send him to Heaven]].
* On ''[[Jimmy Two-Shoes]]'', Miseryville is heavily implied to be Hell. It was even more blatant in the original pitch. Despite this, even though it's run by a man determined to make everyone miserable, it looks pretty tolerable. Probably because said man is [[Harmless Villain|incredibly incompetent]].
** It's also helped by the fact that the one character who is both genuinely interested in making people miserable ''and'' actually competent is '''at least''' as interested in making said incompetent man miserable as anyone else—and the best way to do that is to make things enjoyable for everyone else. Such as the time she convinced him that he actually lived in Smilesville, where everyone was constantly happy... or tricked him into running a carnival by [[Accentuate the Negative|Accentuating The Negative]] to make it sound like something people would hate instead of enjoyenjoying.
* ''The Baskervilles'' takes place in 'Underworld: The Theme Park' and is run by a man who ''thinks'' he's the Devil. Both shows also are named after and star a character(s) who [[Too Spicy for Yog-Sothoth|are too upbeat to let Hell bring them down]].
* ''[[Family Guy]]'' had a lot of fun with this in "Death Has a Shadow", where Stewie is injured and winds up in Hell, which doesn't seem so bad right away, as he's in a hotel room. Then the Trope is subverted (comically), as Steve Allen comes in the room, and seems like he intends to rape Stewie; Stewie wakes up back in the real world, horrified, and resolves to turn over a new leaf. However, back in Hell, Allen doesn't know why Stewie left, as he just wanted him to fix his collar. ''However'' when Allen turns on the TV, he finds that the only thing on is ''[[Who's the Boss?]]'', ultimately ending the gag in a hilarious subversion.
* ''[[Rocko's Modern Life]]'' episode, "Heff in a Handbasket", Heffer finds himself in [[Hell|Heck]], thanks to Peaches. However, Peaches is bossed around by Heffer's late grandma, Grandma Wolfe. Heffer asks why she refused to go to heaven. Wolfe explains that she can't stand the angels' choirs and Santa Claus, so she opted for heck... not to mention, it's warm.
[[Category:Religion Tropes]]